Cobblestone Tower of Power

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(A/N: I refer to Phantommy as Tommy for most of this chapter because I couldn't be bothered to type Phantommy every time when I first wrote this.)

The citizens of L'Manberg were starting to rebuild, with Tubbo, Quackity, and Fundy working together to make new blueprints and layouts. While everyone was working Phantommy was following Tubbo around, chatting his ear off. Phantommy had warmed up to almost everyone, but this kind of behavior was reserved just for Tubbo. It seemed that his personality reverted back to alive Tommy's personality when he was near the other teen.

   And that's how they got into their current situation, Tommy whining about Tubbo refusing to let him make a cobblestone tower.

   "It won't fit with the aesthetic I'm trying to create." Tubbo said.

   "I don't know what that word means, so your argument is invalid." Tommy stated, crossing his arms.

   "Tommy, a cobblestone tower is just an eye sore." Tubbo reasoned. He really wanted to get back to his work, but Tommy had been pestering him about building a cobblestone tower for half an hour at this point. "Besides, what purpose does a cobblestone tower serve, anyway?"

   Tommy grinned, "It will intimidate people!"

   Tubbo raised an eyebrow, "And why do we need to intimidate people?"

   " dunno." Tommy stuttered out. Tommy felt a sense of deja vu when talking about this new cobblestone tower he wanted to build. He halted to a stop, trying to dig through his memories to see if there was anything about an intimidation tower. The name 'intimidation power' sounded so familiar.

   Tubbo rolled his eyes. He was about to give a rebuttal, but he noticed that Phantommy had stopped walking. Tommy had a far away look on his face, and his dull eyes were unseeing. Tubbo had seen this look before, he saw it a lot during the L'Manberg wars. Tommy was not seeing what everyone else was seeing, he was stuck in his own head. In most of the situations like this Tubbo had seen the person was in pain, trapped in their own bad memories. But Tommy seemed just fine. Tommy must be remembering something, Tubbo concluded. And since he couldn't remember anything bad, it must be a good memory. But why was Tommy suddenly having this memory? Was it something Tubbo had said? Tubbo didn't have to ponder these questions for long, because Tommy suddenly came back to reality, shaking his head a few times.

   "You okay?" Tubbo asked, reaching out to put his hand on Tommy's shoulder.

   "Do you remember the Intimidation Tower?" Tommy asked, voice soft. "I don't remember where I built it, but I assume it was in L'Manberg."

   Tubbo had to hold back a wince. The tower was built near Pogtopia, but that place brought up bad memories and he didn't want to upset Tommy.

   "Yea, it got blown up with L'Manberg." Tubbo lied.

   Tommy smiled softly, "I had a lot of fun building that."

   Tubbo nodded, showing that he was listening to Tommy.

   "Can I please please please make one here?" Tommy pleaded. "I had so much fun building the Intimidation Tower and New L'Manberg deserves one too."

   Tommy put on the puppy dog eyes that he hardly used when he was alive (he didn't want to seem cute and weak). Tommy had those puppy dog eyes a lot since he became a ghost. And no one knows if he's doing it intentionally or not. But there is one thing about those eyes, no one can resist them. (Tubbo overheard Fundy and Big Q say that it must be some ghost magic.) The pleading look on Tommy's face coupled with his puppy dog eyes caused Tubbo to finally cave.

   "Fine, you can make your cobblestone tower."

   "Yes! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Tommy cheered.

   "But, it has to have a new name." Tubbo added. He didn't really think something called the Intimidation Tower would be good for L'Manberg's public image.

   Tommy thought about it for about thirty seconds. Then, his eyes lit up and he had the biggest smile on his face.

   "Lets call it the Cobblestone Tower of Power!"

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