In a vampire lair

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In the end, James carried me back to the room he had given me. By that time, the lower floor was already empty, which is not surprising. However, I continued to be haunted by thoughts that the inhabitants of the house had decided to leave "for dinner", and soon my new friend would follow them.
The vampire gently laid me on the bed, and then put a basin of warm water and a small piece of cloth on the bedside table. And without saying anything, he just walked out the door, closing it behind him.
Washing away the remnants of dirt and blood from my face and body, I replayed recent events in my head. "I want to believe you...".- What is this nonsense and the damn "Twilight"? They couldn't be trusted, I knew that for sure. However, I also knew that they were worth being friends with. I had no other choice. And it began to seem to me that I really would not be eaten here. Still, if they wanted to, they wouldn't bother with me like that and would really eat me. But it was impossible to lose vigilance.
I barely changed into a clean shirt, and collapsed on the bed without strength. All night I listened to the sounds of the house, I couldn't sleep at all. Surprisingly, everything was quiet. That's what I didn't like.
When it slowly began to dawn outside, I finally heard some movement in the house. Someone was at my door, which made me hold my breath and freeze.
"Are you really afraid I'll hurt your guest, Jamie?"- I distinctly heard Edward's sarcastic tone.
"I just want to warn you.'- I heard James' voice, too.
"Oh, Jamie." The second vampire laughed. Surprisingly, that he knows how to do it.
Then the conversations outside my door died down. As far as I understood, Edward Sorley's room was located directly opposite the one where they put me. I didn't like it at all, but it was better than if I was living across from William right now. But James... I don't understand him. Guards me like a watchdog. No, maybe he's really worried about my safety, but for what? What for? I don't believe in all this chivalrous nonsense without fear and reproach.
In any case, as soon as the first rays of the dawn sun penetrated into the room, it was as if I blacked out. No, I was still terrified and completely stressed, but it seems that my body just stopped coping with all this and decided to turn off for a while.
I barely opened my eyes when a ray of bright scorching sun touched my face. I grimaced and barely got out of bed, feeling a terrible headache and loss of strength. What a pity that there is no coffee in this century, it would come in so handy.
That night I thought for a long time about what to do. Edward's words kept running through my head that I could stay in the house as long as I didn't cause inconvenience, and I didn't want to be kicked out of here just like I didn't want to be killed. So, after rinsing my mouth and washing with water that had already cooled down, barely putting on an orange sundress that tied at the chest, and putting my curls in a braid, I still decided to talk to the main boss of the house - Edward Sorley. I looked at myself in the mirror again and thought about how wrong my small gold hoop earrings and carnations on my ears in two rows look in this image. And also a medallion in the form of a heart. It's amazing that no one tried to steal them.
I was walking down the stairs, and my heart was pounding in my ears. I clung to the railing and tried to somehow delay the moment when I would enter a room full of vampires. But there was no way back, because I was sure that all the inhabitants of the house had already heard me on the stairs and it was too late to give a back door.
- If you're looking for James, he left for your breakfast.- It was the first thing I heard when I plucked up the courage to enter the room.
Edward's cold and stern tone, as always, sent shivers down my spine. Although the vampire didn't pay much attention to me. He was sitting at the dining table, and, drinking a red liquid, the origin of which was unknown to me, from a cup, he was reading a letter.
"Actually," my stuttering voice made him look at me with his gray eyes, "I just wanted to talk to you.
The vampire didn't say anything, just stared at me with interest, and I seemed lost. She stood, trying to calm her panic, and clutched the hem of her long dress in her hand.
- If you said something, then the beating of your heart clearly drowned it out. Maybe you'll calm down and then we'll talk to you?- The man quipped.
His teasing, unexpectedly, forced me to pull myself together and say at least something.
- I haven't started yet, but I hope you can hear me that way.- I tried to look bolder and straighten my back. But as soon as our eyes met, I automatically looked away. Damn it...
- In general, I hope you understand my reaction to the... ahem... news, so to speak. But I can assure you that I won't cause any more problems. I am well aware of the conditions of being here and I will try to be useful,- I hesitated, - but I hope not useful in terms of food.
Having uttered the last sentence, I mentally slapped my forehead with my palm because of what nonsense I had said out of excitement. But Edward seemed amused.
- We wouldn't keep food for so long, don't worry. - The vampire smiled slightly.- Especially since you have blood in one of us for half a day. Too much investment.- He shrugged his shoulders.
- I hope so, thank you.- I shook my head.
-And yes, if it was an apology, then it is accepted, and, Miss Woodshires, for the future,- he looked into my eyes for a second, - I will like you much more if you don't distract me from work.
At these words of his, to which I didn't even have time to react, James literally flew into the room. He paused in the aisle, assessing the situation. I glanced at him and then turned back to Edward.
- Good then, Mr. Sorley.- With these words, I made a very awkward curtsy. I've only seen them in movies before, so I almost fell down.
- I appreciate your efforts, Miss Woodshires.- Said the vampire, giving me a fleeting cold look.
Realizing that I had obviously begun to annoy Edward for some reason, I hurriedly turned around and, taking James by the arm, led him and me out of the room.
I asked the red-haired vampire to take me somewhere where I could take a walk, look at people, spend a little time in the company of at least one, not three vampires.
As a result, James and I walked through the city garden. The sun was shining, it was surprisingly not so cold. There were harvest trees and green grass all around.
- I know what you're thinking, Emma.- The man interrupted the silence that had been hanging for a long time.
- Like, can you read minds?- I raised one eyebrow and tensed.
- No,- he missed a chuckle, - I mean, I can guess what you might be thinking right now. Vampires have always been evil to humans...
- Actually,- I interrupted him, - in my world, vampires are more like romantic objects, heroes of novels. I can give a whole lecture about how they, I mean, you, have grown from village horror stories to hero lovers, I have a degree in literature, remember?! But I won't do that.- I finished my tirade.
- However, vampires seemed cool and sexy to me, while I thought that they, I mean, you,-I corrected myself again, - are fictional creatures from popular culture. But, you know, when I saw William there... and how he was killing that girl.
- I understand, yes, it must be scary. - James noticed my diminished enthusiasm. - But, you know, the older a vampire gets, the more human he becomes. I really just want to help. And Edward, for example, is interested in how you are connected with that book. So we're not going to do anything wrong with you.
- Yes, I've already figured that out.- I agreed.- But I need time.
- I understand that too. James shook his head.
- Since you mentioned it yourself... let's move on to the standard questions.- I tried to defuse the situation.- So how old are you?
- Oh. - The man laughed.- I'm afraid to surprise you a lot.
- Nothing, I like surprises. - I shook my head, staring at him.
- Well,- the vampire began, - I was born in 1140. It turns out that I am now 395 years old.
- And how old were you when you, well, turned?- I had a hard time digesting these numbers.
- 35, I think. Yes, somewhere like that. - He shrugged his shoulders.- How old are you?
- Now I, hmmmm, - I thought for a second, - take away 1535 from 1997, it turns out that I am now minus 462 years old, - then I fell silent for a second, trying to make sense of it, - hell no...
- And how old were you when you came here?- James asked.
- The day before yesterday I was 26. - I shook my head.
- Hmm, the difference is 9 years, not bad.- The vampire reasoned aloud.
- Yes, only in 857. - I laughed, still in shock from these numbers.
Then I learned the story of the Hart brothers. Surprisingly, Edward, for example, asked him to convert himself after learning the secret of Collen Hart, their creator. Edward was a merchant in the 10th century, and agreed to become Collen's "right hand" forever in exchange for eternal life. A strange exchange, but he didn't seem to complain.
James was a brave Irish warrior of the 12th century, and when Collen and Edward arrived in Ireland for negotiations as representatives of the English elite, they noticed him as one of the leaders of the detachment. Something about him hooked their creator and he offered O'Miles a deal. He refused at first, but when he was lying on the battlefield with a fatal wound and bleeding, Collen reappeared. This time, James accepted the terms of the deal. It seems that he still thinks that by doing so he betrayed his country and his people.
William was converted by accident. In the middle of the 13th century, a plague epidemic raged in Manchester. The Harts were back in town on business and came across one of the English aristocrats by the name of Taylor, who was dying in agony at the gates of his own castle. Edward offered to kill him to put him out of his misery, but Collen insisted on converting him. So this trinity was formed.
At first it seemed to me that Collen Hart was some kind of devil incarnate, who turns people into vampires in despair, and then forces them to accept the terms of a slave deal, but James dissuaded me. He said Collen was the lord of all English vampires. And he has ruled for a long time, but at the same time fairly, and is not famous for excessive cruelty. And his children, that is, vampires created by him, consider themselves relatives to each other, and act as ambassadors, observers, or killers, as in some cases. What can I say, an interesting scheme.
When we got home, we noticed Edward and William, who seemed to have been waiting for us all this time in the main hall. I froze when my eyes met Taylor's. This scene with his "dinner" did not leave my mind.
- We decided that you would help us with a case. - William immediately said, folding his arms on his chest.
- Well, not right away, Will.- Edward shook his head.- Miss Woodshires, you know you're a witch, right?
- I'm... definitely not a witch. I laughed.- I understand that you are in this century of all women...
- We're vampires, honey,- Edward interrupted, - we feel it. - He rolled his eyes like it was so obvious.
- But I don't understand... - it didn't fit in my head. Am I a witch?
- Only a witch can use a spell from the book. - James agreed, looking at me.- I could smell the witch in you right away, too.
- It's impossible... - I still denied it.
- We will find someone who will help you figure it out.- Edward continued.- But in return you must promise to help us with our London mission. We will not go into details yet.
- Well... well, okay.- I agreed haphazardly, still trying to comprehend what was happening.
- Great, - the chief of the vampires smiled slightly, - so we found a reason not to kill you.
- A joke.- He explained when he noticed my frightened look on him.
And I really laughed. But rather not from the genius of his comedy, but from the complete surreality of everything that is happening. Am I a witch? How is that even possible?

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