Way back home

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I woke up alone. This day was supposed to be very difficult and responsible. In the morning I was dressed in peasant clothes: a dark blue skirt and a brown corset, and my hair was tied back with a ribbon.
- The time has come. - Edward nodded as he entered the room. - Everyone is ready.
- I see. - I nodded back.- Do me a favor, Edward. I can trust you.
- Anything. - The vampire replied.
- don't lose it. - I handed him a small piece of paper on which I had previously written my London address in pencil. - Promise to find me, please.
- I'll do what I can. - The man took the paper from my hands, but still did not give a clear answer.
Together we went downstairs, where our entire "avengers team" was already sitting: James, William and Marisol. They seemed to gain strength by drinking blood from iron cups.
- Oh, finally put on the appropriate clothes. - William laughed.
- Will you miss the opportunity to humiliate me, Taylor, tell me honestly? - I smiled, narrowing my eyes.
- You get the book first. - The vampire muttered in response, finishing the liquid from the glass.
Then we finally went to Bishop's house, while trying to remain unnoticed. While all the vampires separated, bypassing the large stone house, which looks more like a castle, around the perimeter to take up their "post" at each of the exits, James led me to the door through which the servants came. It was locked, but the vampire effortlessly pulled it out of its hinges, while creating a minimum of noise.
- You will succeed, I know. - He smiled, looking at me carefully. - I can't go any further without the hostess's invitation.
- I know. - I nodded, exhaling noisily.
- Come on, then get to any of the doors and we'll help. - James nodded his head in response and, leaning over, lightly kissed me.
And I still went inside, into a dark long corridor lined with stone. I really wanted to look back at James, but decided that it would be easier for both of us. Let me still seem more confident than I am.
Soon I came out into what I thought was the kitchen. It was a large stone room with a fireplace in the center and a bunch of wooden tables around the perimeter.
- Hey, what are you doing here? - A plump woman noticed me, who seemed to be cooking something. - Get to work!
- Understood. - I mumbled and walked briskly to the part of the corridor that led further from the kitchen.
Finally, and this corridor was already beginning to seem surreal and endless to me, I reached one of the doors, opening which I saw, it seems, the master part of the house: a large corridor with stone walls decorated with tapestries and a floor covered with carpets. Candles were burning all around, there was not a soul.
I stepped on the floor as carefully as possible, because every step I took was heard as if I was stepping on a speaker. Stupid acoustics of locks...
Suddenly, hearing rapid heavy footsteps, I hid behind one of the columns. Several men passed by. I just heard snatches of phrases about a new job if Camille is executed. Probably the guards.
- Hey, who are you? - A gruff voice from the right made me flinch.
- I'm Emma, the maid, the new girl. - I was thinking fast from stress. - They sent me from the kitchen to clean up the library.
- And they told me not to catch anyone's eye, right? - The guard folded his arms across his chest.
- Yeah, I'm hiding here. - I let out a nervous laugh.
- That's right. - The man smiled smugly. - Okay, the library is on the second floor, the first door from the stairs. I won't tell Dolores I saw you the first time.
- thanks. - I quickly nodded my head in fear and was already heading for the stairs.
- And, Emma, - he called out to me, forcing me to turn around at him, - don't get caught in the eyes of no one else.
- It will be done. - I smiled tightly, made a quick curtsy and literally rushed upstairs.
Opening a heavy door near the stairs, I found myself in a huge room with a large lattice window in the center, a wooden floor, a fireplace and a very large number of bookshelves. Yeah, with so many books, I'd be looking for the eternity I need. I remembered that last time I seemed to feel her presence, but this time it wasn't like that. In any case, I had no other choice, and I began to search every shelf in search of that very book.
- Isn't that what you're looking for? - A woman's voice made me turn around sharply.
Jane was standing right by the window, as if out of thin air. She was holding that very book in her hands, and I felt it again, some kind of attraction to her.
- Exactly her. - I folded my arms across my chest.
- Over my dead body. - The witch frowned.
- You won't believe it, - I went a little ahead, - but I want to go home so much that these conditions suit me.
With these words, I stretched out my hand forward, directing all my inner energy to a heavy wooden chair standing by the fireplace. With a single wave of my hand, I lifted it into the air, and in a second I aimed it at Jane. He knocked her off her feet, dropping her to the wooden floor with a crash. The witch dropped the book from her hands and she was attracted to me with incredible force, and it was as if she flew into my hand.
- You bitch! - The girl shouted, struggling to her feet. - You'll regret it.
And in a second I screamed from the terrible pain that swept through my whole body, putting me on my knees. However, I knew that I would never let the book out of my hands, so I pressed it to my chest with force. All the pain ended up in my head, it turned into a terrible migraine that throbbed and with each pulsation my head hurt more and more. When I thought that a little more and my head would burst to hell, I felt such pressure inside my skull, then I heard a very loud sound of broken glass, and all the pain abruptly stopped.
When I opened my eyes, I saw Jane lying on the floor, a pool of blood that had formed under her head and a bloody stone nearby. I looked at the shattered window frame, and in the window of the house opposite I saw William. He first threw me, and then shouted: "Run!". And then I realized that literally in a second the guards could fall in here, because we created so much noise that it would simply be impossible not to hear it.
And I ran as fast as I could. Literally as fast as I could. I knew I wouldn't be able to escape through the central staircase, but every castle has small corridors for servants, right?
I ran out of the library and ran straight down the corridor of the second floor. I began to frantically pull and open all the doors that met me on the way, until I saw in the opening of one of the doors a passage to a small dark stone staircase. I ran down one flight of stairs and found myself in front of another door. I think I almost knocked it out of its hinges, trying to open it, and that's what I managed to do.
Finally being on the street, I felt relieved, but it was too early to relax. I looked around and finally noticed Marisol, who, it seems, all the time that I was fighting for life in the castle, was calmly smoking by the door.
- You...- I looked at her.
- Me, - she smiled and, stubbing out her cigarette butt, came up to me, - lucky you.
- Yes, yes, - I exhaled, - let's get out of here.
- As you say. - The vampire shook her head and, taking me by the waist, probably indecently tight, carried us back to the vampire lair.
- I'll be quick, wait for me here. - I said and rushed up the stairs to the third floor.
I ran into James' room, hurriedly taking off everything and changing back into jeans and a white top. No one would understand me if I turned out to be dressed like for Halloween in my century. I quickly changed my outfit, let down my white curls and changed my earrings for mine. I also took off James' mother's wedding ring, I just felt that I had no right to take it with me.
However, before going downstairs, I quickly wrote on a small piece of paper with a pencil
"Remember, I love you" and left a note on the dresser. It's the right thing to do.
When I came back down, still holding the book in my hands, everyone was waiting for me again.
- You've proved that you can be trusted, Emma. - Edward smiled.
- You too, - I smiled back, - it's even sad to leave you.
- Knowing you, you will definitely still get on our nerves. So we have another 500 years of quiet life. - Taylor folded his arms across his chest.
- Oh, William, - I smiled, - it's going to happen, and I know you're secretly happy about it.
Then I went up to James, who courageously kept to himself, restraining sadness. I carefully got up on my toes, gently kissing him.
- Take care of yourself, okay? - I looked into his blue eyes. - I want to see you again.
- Of course. - He nodded, pursing his lips and smiling sadly.
- And you all take care of yourself. - I looked at everyone present, and received several nods in response.
So, really with a heavy heart, I put the book on the table, pointing my hand at it. The wind blew, it is not clear where it came from. And, like last time, the book opened itself to me on the right page.

Muri mundi pars ante me tempus iam non sit
Ostende mihi futurum, ostende mihi praeteritum
Ostende mihi viam ad ubi fatum vocat
Me mitte ubi dico
Ostende mihi viam meam

While I was reading these lines, tears started rolling down my cheeks again. However, there was no turning back, because the spell had already started working. The room was filled with purple rays and spun again, like last time, so the last thing I saw were the smeared faces of four vampires, three of whom had already sunk into my soul.

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