The decision

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I entered the living room, from where I heard familiar voices.
- Oh no, Emma, what's wrong? - Lucille asked, setting her glass aside. Thereby drawing everyone's attention to me.
- What is it? - James flew up to me and took my hand, while looking into my eyes.
- Oh, It seems, - I began, holding back my emotions, - It seems that I just talked to Collen and he said he would never let me become a vampire.
- What, why? - William was indignant.
- Because she's a time-controlling witch. - Edward explained, and then looked at me. - Isn't that right?
- But... but witches can transfer their powers to others. Why don't you place them to Debbie? - Rose asked.
- It won't work. - Debbie answered her. - Witches can't transfer powers to other witches, only to humans. I suspect that there is no one in the world to whom Mr. Hart would allow Emma's powers to be transferred.
- It turns out that so. - I shook my head, fighting back tears.
- Let's go upstairs, okay? - James put his hand on my shoulders. - You don't have to think about it now.
- Okay. - I agreed. - Sorry, have a good evening.
- It's nothing. - Rosa waved her hand, and everyone agreed with her.
Meanwhile, Jamie took me to the room reserved for us. Once inside, I immediately took off my shoes and his jacket, and settled down on the sofa near the beautiful lattice window overlooking the driveway to the castle. I watched as the guests gradually got into expensive black cars and drove home to meet again in 10 years. I found myself thinking that I was terribly jealous of them all.
- I thought that, because of everything that happened in our lives, what we went through. - I began when I felt James sit down next to me and gently put his hand on my waist. - I thought it was, well, at least forever. - A tear rolled down my cheek. - And it's not even for 100 years, you know? What is 100 years for a vampire? - I turned to him with my eyes full of tears.
In the moonlight, his blue eyes were the color of the sea before a storm. I noticed that they were shining too, he was holding back tears.
- You knew it wouldn't work, didn't you? - I asked, looking at him carefully.
- I guessed. - He reluctantly agreed. - But I didn't want to think about it. And now that it's known for sure, it hurts. - A stingy man's tear rolled down his beautiful face.
- You know what? - The vampire continued after thinking. - I don't care, okay? I'll turn you, and then we'll go far away where Collen won't find us! I don't care! - He took my hand and kissed it.
- No, you won't do that! - I continued to cry. - I'm not going to let you, you fucking Prince Harry, go against your family! I will not allow you to hide until the end of our days! And I certainly know that Collen cannot be disobeyed!
- If... if you do this, - I thought about it and bit my lip, - I'll come up to him and tell him that I did it myself. And then I'll accept what he decides to do to me. He'll definitely believe me.
James, looking away, nodded, trying, apparently, not to give vent to feelings. Then he looked at me again, ran his finger along my cheek, brushing away the rare tears that rolled down it.
- Come here. - He said, hugging me to him.
A flood of tears gushed out of my eyes again when I felt so protected and accepted in his arms. And I sat next to him, crying on his shoulder, while he, soothing me, gently stroked my curly wheat hair...
The next day it was time to leave. I changed into my usual jeans, sweater and ugg boots, tried to hide the traces of yesterday's tears with concealer, and adequately collect my disheveled hair with a crab.
Now we were sitting in a small semblance of a living room near the stairs. I was wearily sipping coffee with milk from a beautiful porcelain cup, not taking part in the small talk that the vampires around me were having.
Then I watched Marisol, who was casually coming down the stairs, straightening her disheveled black curls. She threw a travel bag to one of the employees of the castle on the move, ordering them to take the luggage to the car.
- Well, goodbye to everyone. - She smiled as she looked around at everyone present. - Oh, and she's off today. - The vampire pointed her finger at the maid with red hair, who was hurrying down the stairs, and a large wound from fangs was visible on her neck. - She deserved it.
- I'm too tired to care. - I said indifferently, taking another sip.
In response to this, Rosa sympathetically put her hand on mine, smiling sweetly at me. And Marisol just grunted, hurrying out into the street.
Literally 10 minutes later, when James and I were about to leave back to London, William literally flew into the room. Looking at him, I was speechless. In his hands was a bundle with a real fucking human child.
- William, what is this... what is this? - Rose got up from her seat, flying up to him.
- Can't you see it?- He grinned. - It's a baby... human.
-Wh... what? - What for? - I stammered in shock.
- I need to explain everything to you. - He rolled his eyes. - If Emma cannot transfer her power to an adult, then let it be a child whom we will raise as a family member and then in the future, in 10 years, he will use his powers for the benefit of the family just.
- But it's so wrong! - I exclaimed. - You're using the baby as a weapon. Where are his parents? Did you murder them, Lord Voldemort?
- No, - William shushed me. - You woke her up. It's a girl, by the way.
- Give her to me. - Lucille stretched out her arms and, taking the baby, began to rock her.
- No, Emma, - he specifically highlighted my name, folding his arms on his chest, - I took her from the orphanage, she had no parents. So this is, consider it charity. You always think so badly of me...
- But, William, this is-I began angrily.
- Good idea. - I was interrupted by the familiar voice of Collen, so that everyone present turned around, looking at the eldest of the vampires.
- I must give William his due, - he walked into the room, folding his hands behind his back, - his methods, of course, are often, to put it mildly, strange, but his ideas turn out to be very good.
- So you will allow us to transfer my powers to her? - I pointed to the baby, who had already calmed down in Lucille's arms.
- That's right, - Collen shook his head, - the decision is on you.
- I, - I looked at everyone present and, seeing hope in James's eyes, decided, - okay, let's do this. But... but where will it live?
- Considering you call her 'it,'- William chuckled, - definitely not with you.
- She can live with us. - Lucille exclaimed. - Rose and Debbie are nearby. Debbie can teach her witchcraft.
- Edward, think about it. - She turned to her husband. - Well, who better than you can cope with the upbringing of the future witch of the Hart family?
- That's right. - The vampire agreed. - Yes, she will live with us.
- Genevieve. - Lucille smiled as she looked at the girl she was holding in her arms. - Good name, isn't it?
- French..., - Sorley shook his head, - it's good, yes.
Then Debbie, putting the baby on the table, began to recite a strange spell. She put her right hand on my chest, and her left hand on Genevieve's chest, and I could literally see how a huge white ball of light went all over her body from her right hand to her left. When it was over, I felt a little tired and dizzy, but it was nothing compared to the freedom that this spell gave me.
Going outside, I smiled as I watched Lucille running around with the baby, discussing with Edward which store to go to and what color to paint the walls in one of their empty rooms.
- I'm sorry for snapping at you. - I went up to William and distracted him from packing his things in a black Range Rover. - I think I owe you more than coffee now.
- A simple thank you will be enough. - He winked at me.
- Thank you. - I smiled and gently embraced him, in response to which he hugged me tightly to him.
- Plus, - he continued, having already released me, - I'm saving my future, too. I can't lose the only family member who will answer my jokes.
- I'll see you again. - I winked. - Try not to dig further into your alcoholism until the next time.
- If possible. - He winked back and walked around the SUV and got behind the wheel.
As I got into our car, I looked at James, seeing genuine joy on his face.
- Well, no more duties for the near future? I asked, smiling.
- Not yet, - he smiled in response, - we will spend money from family accounts.
- I like this kind of work. I laughed.
And we drove back to London. I had a clear sense of a new life, which we were now approaching. Especially considering how much has happened in these few days spent in the castle. And how much more will have time to happen...

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