Remembrance ball

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The next day, by 7 p.m., I was ready. I was wearing a beautiful red chiffon slip dress, those  pumps made of black guipure, and I gathered my blonde curls into a neat high hairstyle in the form of a tourniquet on the back of my head. I was wearing the earrings Jamie had given me, as well as a string of white pearls and some cute rings. Golden shadows flickered on her green eyes, and the lipstick on her lips perfectly matched the color of the dress.
James, on the other hand, was wearing a neat three-piece suit of wine color, and a tie of the same color. On his feet were polished brogues of black leather, matching the color of his belt.
We went downstairs, but he led me through the corridors for a very long time, until finally we reached a high massive door.
- Don't you need to be hypnotized? - The vampire asked me, smiling slightly.
- There's going to be alcohol, so I can handle it this time. - I replied, holding his hand. - Let's go!
And we entered a huge hall with high stone walls and wooden parquet. Large chandeliers under the ceiling were burning brightly, and live music, consisting of a quintet of performers, was playing some kind of minor waltz. There were tables around with beautiful trays and beautiful crystal champagne glasses in the form of bowls, in each of which a small strawberry floated. It seems that the ball was just gaining momentum and there were not so many guests yet.
However, after just an hour, which James and I spent chatting, the people in the ballroom greatly increased. I was looking at the outfits of the guests, while trying not to stare.
- Shall we dance? - Jamie asked me.
- Well, no, not with all these vampires. - I shook my head.
- Oh, there's an old acquaintance of mine. - The man exclaimed, looking in the direction of several gentlemen who were enthusiastically discussing something. - I should greet him.
- Yes, great. - I looked around. - Oh, and I'll go there, to the Rose. She's definitely always in favor of chatting.
- Hello. - I smiled and took the third glass of champagne from the table where my friends were standing today.
- Oh, hi. - Rose turned to me and smiled sincerely.
Today she was wearing a crimson dress with short sleeves-lanterns in the style of snow white and a sun skirt with an asymmetrical edge.
- Good evening, ladies.- Lucille came up to us, dressed immaculately as always.
She was wearing a beautiful long dress of scarlet silk. The wide straps of the dress had bows on the shoulders, the ends of which reached almost to the floor and dragged behind her with a beautiful train. Her hair was neatly arranged in a high hairstyle, and on her ears were long silver earrings with diamonds. The fleur of her Chanel perfume was felt around her.
- You're bored too, aren't you? - Rose asked, taking a sip of sparkling wine from her glass.
- I'm used to it. You know, I was born just in the era of constant balls, I have certain rules on this. - The Frenchwoman replied.
- Oh, and they extend to our century? - I looked at her with interest.
- Of course! - The vampire said enthusiastically. - Nothing, by and large, has changed, I'll tell you a secret.
- For example, - she touched my hand lightly, very elegantly, as if to attract my attention, - I decided back in my 19th century that I would not lie to anyone's eyes. If, for example, I am glad to see a person, then I will certainly say so, or make a sincere compliment if I like something.
- And if the party sucks, like the guests at it? - Rose asked, smiling.
- Well, then I would say that I am touched by the invitation. - Lucille shrugged and smiled. - Or she would have found the only guest at the party whom she would be glad to see and told them about it.
- Here, for example, look. - She straightened up, drawing attention to herself again. - I am very glad to see you ladies here, so beautiful, at this lovely ball. - The girl smiled sincerely, looking first at me, and then at Rose.
- Wow, - I put my hand on my collarbone, - this is such a polite compliment.
- Oh, did you compliment my compliment?! - Lucille smiled again, clapping her hands enthusiastically.
- I'm learning fast, aren't I? - I said, taking another sip of champagne.
However, our conversation was interrupted by Collen, who came to the middle of the dance floor. The vampire was wearing a suit of glossy red fabric with intricate wine-colored patterns on the jacket.
- Dear guests, good evening! - Collen raised his champagne glass in the air, greeting everyone.
- I think it's worth reminding why we are gathered here, dressed in shades of red. - He examined everyone present. - We gather at the memorial ball every decade to honor the memory of our good friends, acquaintances and ancestors who lost their lives during the vampire and witch wars. Let's drink to the fact that, thanks to their heroic deeds, the wars are finally over and we will no longer repeat the mistakes we made in the past, hooray! - He raised his glass again. At the same time, everyone in the hall raised their glasses up in response.
After about another half hour, during which I had already managed to get pretty drunk and finally lose sight of James, I decided to go outside and get some air. But at the same time I brought champagne with me, of course.
So, through one of the doors, straight from the ballroom, I went out onto a small terrace, fenced off from the garden by a small hedge. I walked to its edge, looking at the beautiful but neglected autumn garden, covered with a thin haze of night fog. Exhaling, I sipped the champagne and took a bite of the strawberries floating in the glass.
- You're not supposed to eat it. - I heard a soft languid voice behind me.
Marisol, dressed in a very beautiful red satin dress with a corset and a low-cut leg, came up to me. Her charcoal curls were gathered at the nape of her neck, and sharp arrows adorned her black eyes, thereby making the look even more predatory. She lit a cigarette very elegantly, leaving a trace of scarlet lipstick on the cigarette.
- You want? - She handed me a pack and a beautiful metal lighter.
- Thanks. - I smiled and also took a drag, handing her the pack back.
- Such ostentatious bullshit is your remembrance ball. - She said, looking into the distance. - And yet, it's funny that I should definitely be present.
- What do you mean? - I shifted my gaze to her.
- A ball in honor of the end of this war. - She replied casually. - I mean, here I am, a tool of Collen's policy. The war continues, and has been going on for centuries. Both witches and vampires turn a blind eye to this, while secretly feuding. To celebrate the end of the escalation of the conflict, which could flare up again at any moment, while I'm running around the world as a hired killer with a list of objectionable. - She grinned, blowing smoke into the air again.
- Oh wow. - I exhaled, not knowing what to say to her.
- Well, - she patted me lightly on the shoulder, - I think I'll go find someone here to hook up with.
- By the way, do you want to? - She looked me up and down.
- No, - I chuckled, - but I promise I'll think about this conversation tonight.
- Perfect. - Marisol leaned over and whispered it in my ear, and then stubbed out her cigarette, threw the butt into the garden and left, winking goodbye to me.
I was left alone and, without knowing why, drained a whole glass in one gulp.
A little later I found James and he told me that the part of the family that I like is going to the living room to drink a little blood and chat in a relaxed atmosphere. I promised him I'd join them soon after I took a little walk. However, I wasn't going for a walk...
I went out on the terrace again, wrapping myself in James's jacket, which he gave me like a gentleman. I needed Collen, who was now sitting on a stone fence, smoking a cigar and drinking, I think, whiskey from a glass.
- Oh, Emma. - The vampire smiled and stood up when he saw me. - How did you like the ball?
- Fine, thanks. I smiled back, coming closer to him. - I wanted to discuss something with you.
- What is it? - He looked into my eyes with interest, which made me feel uncomfortable again.
- Um, anyway, - I hesitated, but then pulled myself together, - what if James decides to turn me into a vampire?
- Is he going to? - Collen raised one dark eyebrow.
- I don't know yet. - I shook my head. - But I wanted to ask you about it first.
- What if James doesn't want it? - The vampire continued.
- Then I will personally apologize to you for the time and effort you spent answering this question. - I replied.
- I like you, Emma. - He grinned. - You know exactly how to communicate with whom, you know how to stand up for yourself and have proven your loyalty. These are good qualities for members of the Hart family. - He hesitated for a moment. - However, I cannot allow you to become a vampire. Unfortunately, for us, a witch who can manage time is valued much more than an ordinary vampire. Sorry, nothing personal.
- I see. - I shook my head, trying not to look at him. - Well, thanks for the answer and sorry for the bother.
I turned around and walked briskly away from the terrace and the ballroom. As I walked through the corridors to the living room, a few tears fell on my cheeks.

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