''Our special memories'' Banhammer X reader

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Requested by:  @haha_shipsgobrr

Reader's gender: Male

Genre: Romantic

Word count: 1627

F/F = favourite flower


Banhammer would be planning something big for the upcoming day, What is that day you might ask? Your anniversary with the warden of Ban lands!, He had the idea of making this day romantic.

"What does he like?....It's been a year....." he scratched his chin while staring into the mirror Infront of him before squinting his eyes, he snapped his fingers as he knew what he should do for their anniversary but the question was if it would be easy for him to set it up


you would be in the middle of patching up some poor civilian who was caught up in one of the many many many phights that would happen in playground, a place can't be too wild and not have anyone get injured "Your fourth time here....I again advise you to stop going out to every party you see." you spoke softly with a tint of worry in your voice before sending the civilian off "Remember to pay at the front desk please!" you hastily added on before being alone once more.

Looking up at the clock you'd notice your shift would soon be over "Atleast something good's gonna happen soon...." a soft smile would appear on the your face as you reached for your nearby phone seeing a new notification it was a message, your heart beat quickly as you expected banhammer to have booked a place for you two at one of those expensive restaurants you always wanted to go to but sadly the message wasn't from banhammer.

                                            ❤️ Subshit. (Remember to block) ❤️

  [Hey, Banhammer told me to tell you to go to the iron cafe at 6.]

                                                                                                             [Okay?.....thank you...i guess?.]

  [No problem.]


Y/N now confused as all hell would place his phone down wondering what his boyfriend was up to and why he had subspace from all people tell him to go to the iron Café, But nonetheless as his shift was now over standing up to get his coat and clock out, as he left the hospital building he was still confused on what banhammer's plan was but he decided to go along with it for now.

Getting on the bus you started to make your way to the iron café as you sent a text to banhammer


                                                                     💜  My beloved 💜

                                                                                                        [ Heyyyyy! Do you know what today isssss? :)]


Awaiting a response from him you shrugged, deciding to listen to some spotiphigh choosing a random song on your playlist as a familiar song started to play one which you listened to before banhammer confessed his feelings for you, the soft voice of the female singer you knew what song it was, gently humming along to it you loved the song for the memories it brought you as gentle shaking of the bus was the only thing you felt, you slowly started to day dream as the music kept going on, it was the 2 of you fighting along side each other, slowly smiling at the memory after you both won that match, the way he picked you up and spun you around while laughing but before you knew it the bus came to a halting stop as you made it to your destination.

You decided to check your phone once more, opening your messages to see he still left you on read which slightly bummed you out before you made your way into the café where you were met by Hyperlaser confused you decided to go over to him "Oh, hey do you know when banhammer's coming here?" you asked confused before getting a response from the mercenary "Go to slingshot's café." before you could ask him why, he had stood up and left leaving you there confused before you decided to go back outside to catch the next bus to crossroads


When the bus arrived you still were confused as you boarded on it, checking your phone you decided to send a message to banhammer again

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