''I really appreciate them.'' Hyperlaser x Genderneutral!reader

569 16 3

Request made by I_am_Bean101

Romantic or platonic: Platonic

Reader's gender: Gender neutral

Genre: Fluff


Y/N would be sitting in the training room waiting for Hyperlaser to make his arrival, they were asked to meet him there but wasn't told what the reason was, seeing how they weren't a phighter and Hyperlaser was it was difficult to get into the training room without the security pulling them aside every 5 minutes.

"Where is he?..." They mumbled to themselves before hearing the doors to the training room open "I'm here! Sorry Sorry it took me a while" Hyperlaser walked over to Y/N who chuckled before calmly reassuring the Phighter that it was fine, They had only been friends for around 6 months so the two weren't completely buddy buddy but had you seen them without knowing that you would have thought they had been friends for years with how the two behaved around each other, The way Y/N would always tell Hyperlaser that he didn't have to explain the reason every time he was late or something went wrong or seeing them at the bar with katana after a long week.

"So? Why did you invite me to here out of all places?." Y/N turned their head to the mercenary who seemed to glance to the side, there was still some awkwardness between the two but they were slowly getting rid of it "I thought since you've been my friend for a while and you've seemingly gotten along with katana, I was thinking...What if i helped you practice your aim for when you become a phighter?" He calmly explained to Y/N who'd chuckle at first "No way! You're joking right? Me. as a phighter? Yea i don't think that's gonna happen!" They continued to giggle before it slowly died down as they realized Hyperlaser was being serious "Oh....You're being serious. My apologies!" as they apologized the room fell into a bit of awkward silence.

Hyperlaser sighed before pointing to a weapon's rack with all sorts of different guns, melee weapons and even some things you wouldn't think could be weapons examples being a skateboard, a boombox etc, Y/N would head over to the weapons picking out a simple handgun before returning to Hyperlaser who hummed seeing what they picked out "Interesting choice!" He exclaimed his tone seeming both genuine and slightly surprised.

The two would walk over to some of the dummies, Hyperlaser standing behind Y/N gently fixing their posture as Y/N would aim down the sights "Alright so first. Is your safety on?" He asked which Y/N would confidently shake their head to since they assumed that it was already off "Alright then. try aiming down the sights, use your iron sight to see where your bullet lands." He calmly explained not wanting Y/N to freak out seeing how nervous they already were.

Taking a deep breath Y/N would pull the trigger to hear a *click*  turns out the safety was on which confused them, looking over at hyperlaser hoping he could help them out which he did "Hand me the gun please." his tone sounded slightly annoyed but he was obviously not upset at Y/N who would hand him the gun, flicking the switch he turned off the gun's safety mode handing it back to Y/N who giggled nervously "Thank you...." They sheepishly added before taking aim down the sight again.

They'd shoot but the recoil of the firearm would almost make the gun fly out of Y/N's hands which made Hyperlaser chuckle "Alright. how about for the first shot I help you out?" standing behind Y/N now, he'd grab their hands gently before helping them aim down the sight this time Y/N would take another deep breath before shooting getting a headshot which made Y/N smile before looking over their shoulder at Hyperlaser "Alright then! now we're getting somewhere!" He'd help Y/N get another headshot on the dummy but the third time they'd hear another 
*click* confused Y/N would try to shoot again which only got them another *click*.

Hyperlaser would sigh before speaking "Stop firing the mag is empty. did you take some ammo with you?" He asked which got him a sheepish yet quick "No..." from Y/N, he'd start walking over to the weapon rack to get some ammunition for Y/N who would be standing there awkwardly waiting for Hyperlaser to come back which he did after a while "There. now let me teach you how to reload." gently taking the gun out of Y/N's hands, He'd show them how to reload slowly showing it step by step before unloading the gun and handing it and the new mag to Y/N "Now you do it." he spoke his tone being calm as Y/N would attempt to reload the gun which took them a while since they still had no idea what they were doing.

Hyperlaser sighed as took a seat nearby watching Y/N fumble for a bit until they finally reloaded the gun now taking aim down the sights Hyperlaser tilted his head before asking "You need my help?." which Y/N hesitantly shook their head to, taking another deep breath they'd fire the gun hitting the dummy on the shoulder which got them a nod of approval from the mercenary, after a while they'd put the gun down as Hyperlaser stood up and stretched "For our next lesson i want you to take a rifle. I want to see how good your aim can through a scope" he calmly explained as Y/N would nod going over to grab one of the rifles and some ammunition not realizing they grabbed the wrong.

Heading back over to Hyperlaser they'd do the same posture they had when they were aiming down the sights with a pistol which made the mercenary chuckle "That's cute but the wrong pose Y/N." he walked over to them before helping them get the right posture "Wait....can you show me how you do it?." Y/N asked which made Hyperlaser go silent for a bit before shrugging "Sure why not?" walking over to grab his own gear he watched as Y/N would take a seat watching him.

He'd aim down his sights before looking over at Y/N looking if they were taking notes from his posture and pose which they were, aiming down the scope he'd go silent before he'd take the shot which ended up disintegrating the dummy "Shit." he had forgotten that his rifle was on it's most powerful settings quickly editing it as Y/N giggled "So does every rifle do that or only yours?." Hyperlaser chuckled as he went over to get another dummy for Y/N to practice on.

He placed the dummy at the same spot the previous one was at "Alright. Your turn." he exclaimed as Y/N stood up grabbing the rifle and aiming down the sight before remembering to load the gun "alright so....how do i reload this?" they looked over at Hyperlaser who went over to them grabbing the rifle and some of the ammo Y/N had taken, as Hyperlaser started to reload he would realize Y/N grabbed the wrong ammunition.

"Hey you took the wrong ammo type. these are for pistols." he explained to Y/N who nervously giggled "I thought they went by the same ones..." they sheepishly explained before seeing Hyperlaser head over to the weapons rack and take some ammo that was meant for the rifle heading back over to Y/N now showing them how to load the rifle but this time he didn't unload it, handing it over to Y/N who would aim down it's scope slowly settling their scope at the dummy's head before taking their shot, forgetting that the recoil would be strong they'd accidentally break their aim which made them shoot the dummy's leg instead of their head.

Taking aim down the sights again Hyperlaser stopped them "You have to reload after every shot." which made Y/N groan "But that's gonna take too long!...Can't we just go to the bar already?." they whined which got them a gentle smack over their head by Hyperlaser "How about this. if you can get 2 headshots in a row we can go to the bar. I'll even check in with katana to see if he would wanna join us" Hyperlaser offered which Y/N would glare at him for before sighing "Fine. Deal." reloading the rifle they'd take aim again this time taking a deep breath and strengthening their grip before firing the weapon getting their first headshot on the dummy "That's 1!" they exclaimed with a slight bit of cockiness in their tone.

"Let's see if you can get 2 then." Hyperlaser replied with a snarky tone which made Y/N dramatically yet jokingly laugh "If i get a headshot then when we go to the bar i dare you to take 2 shots of their strongest drink." they looked over at hyperlaser who chuckled "Bet i'll do it!." taking aim down their sights they'd aim at the dummy's head again but forgetting to strengthen their grip the recoil would screw them over as the bullet was now recoiling around the room.

As the two panicked and got on the ground the bullet miraculously landed right in the dummy's head "So....that's two!" Y/N looked up at hyperlaser who stood up "Fine. let me go call katana then."


After a while they had packed up all the equipment and cleaned the place a bit before heading out doing a bit of small talk as the two walked out of the premises "So....I was just curious about you and that medkit guy" Y/N asked making sure their tone was respectful since they didn't know the history between the two "It's nothing. just some drama between him and my boss which i want no part of." his tone sounded tired since the match before today he had been in the same team as subspace and medkit and was obviously tired over their bickering.

Y/N gently placed their hand on Hyperlaser's shoulder "Well how about when we get to the bar we drink till we forget those two huh, what do ya say?" Y/N smiled as hyperlaser couldn't help but chuckle "Fine fine. You've convinced me." it felt nice for the two to be able to have this kind of conversation since they usually had quick and short ones but this was one of those times where they were talking like friends, in what felt like forever the awkwardness between them had faded as the bar came up in the two's line of sight.

Seeing katana wait for the two it would be nice to see katana and Hyperlaser greet Each other by hugging something which the two only did with each other, Katana looked over at Y/N giving them a nod which Y/N returned the two wasn't as close either so it was what they usually did, Heading inside the bar they'd start the night off strong.

Looking over at hyperlaser Y/N smirked "Hey hyper. don't forget our bet!." they chuckled as hyperlaser looked over at Y/N slightly annoyed "Yea yea! I didn't forget!" ordering two of the strongest shots the people of the bar would cheer Hyperlaser on as he prepared himself to drink the two shots, downing the two shots Hyperlaser felt a sort of confidence rise in him as the people cheered ordering some more shots which Y/N and katana would seemingly get worried about.

Downing the shots again Hyperlaser continued to order more shots which made Y/N and katana step in "Alright maybe you should calm down?." Y/N asked their tone filled with worry as katana nodded in agreement "Don't overdo yourself." Katana spoke with a strict yet caring tone which hyperlaser ignored as he continued to ask for more shots.

Having enough Y/N would stop the bartender from giving anymore drinks to hyperlaser who was seemingly wasted by the 9 shots he had taken "Why are you being like this Y/N....I'm fine!" Hyperlaser exclaimed his words almost being slurred together "You clearly are not. You're going home." Y/N looked over at katana who nodded and picked Hyperlaser up as the two went to Y/N's car.

As hyperlaser was placed in the backseat katana would sit in the passenger seat next to Y/N who was driving starting the car they'd look over at katana in a calm glance before looking back on the road "Want to listen to some music?" katana nodded as Y/N turned the radio on, One of the flipside brother's songs would play as the car fell into silence as no one was talking.

After a while they'd gotten themselves to theives's den letting katana off before promising they'd make sure hyperlaser was taken home safely, as they watched katana get to their house safely they'd start driving again looking back at Hyperlaser through the rear-view mirror before mumbling to themself "I need to talk to his shitty boss." they'd sigh as they realized the song had changed to one which was familiar to them "Fly me to the moon." they sung in a whispery tone as they remembered their first night at the bar with hyperlaser, the two seemingly got so drunk that they sung the song in a duet as the patrons of the bar cheered them on.

Continuing to sing along to the song they had made it to hyperlaser's home sighing as they saw hyperlaser fast asleep, stopping the car they'd get out to pick up the passed out mercenary struggling a bit to get into his house as they had to find the house keys in hyperlaser's pockets before unlocking the door and calmly looking around for the mercenary's bedroom.

Finally finding it they gently placed hyperlaser down before writing him a note which they placed next to the bed side table before taking their leave and heading back to their car, sadly the song had ended when they got back to the car but they decided to start reminiscing about the times they had fun with hyperlaser, realizing how over the time they spent together Hyperlaser had slowly softened up to them.

Finally making it back home they'd unlock the front door making sure to lock it behind them as they started to take their shoes off and head to their bedroom plopping down on the bed as they started to charge their phone, covering their face with the pillow as they thought to themselves how tiring that day was.

Waking up the next morning they'd see a text from Hyperlaser thanking them for taking him home, as they smiled slightly they'd take their phone off of charging and ready themselves for the day


Hyperlaser felt his phone buzz to see Y/N sent them a heart emoji as a reply knowing they meant it in a platonic way he couldn't help but smile under his helmet "I really appreciate them." putting his phone down he prepared himself for another tiring day with subspace hoping that when it was all over he could pay a visit to his new friend. 

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