''Do i truly belong here?'' Genderneutral!reader x The Phighters

786 19 4

Requests made by i_am_bean101

Genre: Fluff 2 angst


Smiling as they'd gotten a spot in Valk and Dom's Games, They'd heard alot of good things about it from boombox, skateboard and slingshot watching the view from the truck window they were lucky to see as they were being taken to their first ever match.

They had heard about what the winning team had gotten from the recent Phestival it didn't bother them too much since it was before the opening to become a Phighter but they couldn't help but imagine how phestivals were like in the matches until they felt the truck come to it's stop.

"Thank you for the ride!" Y/N gently spoke out waving to Zuka who nodded back at them getting off the truck now looking around as this was a very new place to them, Last thing they would have expected is to be greeted by Valk who approached them "Hey there new phighter! today's gonna be a bit different than it usually is gonna be!" wrapping his arm around Y/N smiling widely as Dom approached the two "Since you sadly missed the recent phestival we thought that for your first day you get to hang out with the two of us so we can get to know you!" the taller idol spoke a smile shown by his singular eye which made Y/N giggle nervously.

"So is this a thing you both do to all the phighters when they join the games or...?" They looked over at Valk who nervously chuckled "Ofcourse!....this wasn't because we felt bad that you missed the phestival!" Dom gently smacked valk on the back of his head since Valk had admitted to why they were gonna hang out with Y/N who didn't mind that being the reason since they not only got to become a phighter but they also got to hang out with the biggest idols of their time.

"So what should we do first, newbie?" Valk tilted his head looking over at Y/N who chuckled before gently taking his arm off of them "I don't mind anything but where is everyone else?" they looked around curiously as the place almost seemed empty "Well, they have the day off since we'll be spending the rest of the day with you!" Dom explained to Y/N who was still nervous about all of this "Hey don't act differently cause you're around us, we're just here to have fun with you!" Valk exclaimed before smiling widely almost melting Y/N's worry away since he seemed genuine that they just wanted to have fun with Y/N.

"Why don't we start by going to the....Mall! wouldn't that be fun?" they glanced at Valk for a second before glancing over at Dom to see if the two were up for it which they were "Then what are we waiting for?!" Valk asked with excitement as a limo would drive up to the three of them which Valk quickly entered "I guess i'll just be driving with Zuka to the mall?" Y/N asked before feeling Dom gently push them to the limo "Nonsense! you're driving with us!" before Y/N could say anything they felt themself get pushed into the limo before sitting beside valk shortly after being accompanied by dom who sat beside them making Y/N sit between the idols.


As the limo would make it's stop the three would have made it to the mall Y/N getting out first as Dom and Valk would exit the limo after them which made the civilians go wild crowding the limo as they would ask for autographs while others screamed that they loved them, before they'd even notice Y/N would have been pushed away from them due to the wave of people who were standing around fangirling over Flipside.

Y/N would walk into the mall before finding a seat and sitting down waiting for valk and dom to find them, to pass the time they'd scroll through their phone seeing old memories they took with their friends and family making them reminiscence about a much simpler times before this, Y/N felt an arm around their shoulder "Finally!....got away from them" valk tiredly exclaimed making Y/N look up from their phone, they couldn't help but laugh since the idols seemed like they had seen better days they weren't too different but they weren't as clean as they were when the three were in the limo.

"So.... what do you guys want to do first?" Y/N asked which valk tiredly replied with "Coffee..." since it took a bit of energy to out run their fans "Agreed..." Dom seemed like he was about to pass out, Y/N stood up before chuckling "alright let's get going before you two decide to take a nap here" starting their journey to the closest Starbux in the mall.

After walking for a bit the three had made it without the idols passing out then and there which made Y/N giggle as they made their way to the cash register "What can i get for youuu....uuu.." the barista's jaw dropped as they saw dom and valk which almost made them faint out of pure love for the duo, as the café was filled with silence all they could hear was one of the flipside brothers' songs playing over the speaker "Alright....may we please get a (Fav-drink) and for you two?...." they looked over their shoulders at dom and valk who made their orders, A caramel frappe chino for Valk and a simple latte for Dom.

"Alright....and what may your name be?" the barista looked over at Y/N who answered calmly "Y/N." which got them an "alright" from the barista "Please pay." Y/N nodded as they went for the money they got from boombox that morning before being stopped by valk "What do you think you're doing?, we'll pay for the orders" the shorter idol spoke before making Y/N giggle "No no, please allow me!" but before Y/N could get their money valk would have already swiped his card paying for the order before Y/N could having a snarky smirk plastered on his face as he did.

Y/N would dramatically gasp playing along as dom went to look for seats as the two were alone valk looked up at Y/N before asking "Sooo I'm the favorite right?" smiling widely as he waited for Y/N's response "I don't know, are you?" they replied to valk who would dramatically gasped this time punching their arm gently making Y/N giggle a bit in response.

After waiting for a small bit their drinks would have been made Y/N grabbed not only theirs but also dom's so they could take it over to him which Valk didn't mind since he was already drinking his caramel frappe chino, as the two walked over to the seats dom found for them Y/N handed the taller idol's latte to him before sitting down besides Valk waiting for one of the two idols to start talking "So! we recently had a sick halloween phestival!!" valk looked over at Y/N hoping they'd be impressed "You mean the one that was 6 months ago?. Yea i really appreciated when you and the deities made your grand entrances that blinded me!" Y/N jokingly told valk and dom who couldn't help but laugh.

After a few minutes the three would have finished their drinks making their way over to a close food court so they could get something to eat "Geez i'm starving! how about burgers?" Valk asked looking up at Y/N and Dom "Don't you think it's kind of early for food?" Dom asked pointing over at the clock which said 14:45 "Nonsense i bet Y/N was thinking the same thing! isn't that right Y/N?" he nudged Y/N who shrugged "I mean there is no reason not to get some food after some drinks so why not?" Y/N looked over at Dom giving him a slight smirk which made the taller idol sigh "Fine if you two say so." Dom started to walk past Y/N gently nudging Valk who nudged him back.

Y/N couldn't help but chuckle a bit it brought back memories of how they used to act like with their friends

"C'mon Y/N move faster!" They yelled out as they ran to the food court which made Y/N chuckle "I could make it there if you didn't block my fucking way!" Y/N joked back as they ran past their friend nudging into them as the two would crash into one of the food chains in the food court which made them both chuckle "God you're so stupid sometimes Y/N" their friend chuckled out as Y/N replied "I may be a dumbass but hey atleast we're being dumbasses together!"

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