The Disturbing Dream

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"I loooooove you Cricket, I aaaaaaaaalways have and I'm never ever ever gonna stooop because baby you are my suuunshine and my moonlight, you are my everything, FOOREEVEEEEER." Blue sang. He woke up from his dream, startled by how much he liked Cricket and maybe even loved her "AHHHHHHH" screamed Blue. Cricket woke up with a jolt. "Are you alright Blue?" she said in a romantic tone then leaned in to kiss him. Blue screamed and he woke up for real this time. "Blue, are you ok?" she said in a normal tone. "Are you hungry it is almost lunch time" "Yeah," Blue said and they got up and went to the kitchen.

Soon the two were in the kitchen making brownies and grilled sandwiches. While the grilled sandwiches were grilling, Blue and Cricket started making the brownie batter. The brownie batter turned out amazing and very chocolaty. They put the brownies in the oven and started preparing Bumblebee's peas and broccoli. Blue loved making everything neat and tidy so when he was putting the sandwiches on the plate, he made them look presentable. Both brownies and sandwiches were amazing. Cricket and Blue wanted to do something fun in her room but Malachite said they needed to help Bumblebee eat her broccoli.

"That was tiring," Blue said panting. "Yeah, my sister hates broccoli but she loves throwing food." Cricket said smiling. Blue thought deeply about his dream. When he woke up from it he felt a strong burst of love for Cricket. He hoped it was just friend love. He smiled at Cricket and she smiled back. Lightning crackled outside, Thunder roared and rain pattered on the roof. "Oh no," Cricket said. "Looks like it's going to be a stormy night." 

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