Chapter 4

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Willow Rhett Dawson watched as a stressed out looking Draco Malfoy ran out of the Astronomy tower, like a bat outta hell. She had greatly enjoyed his presence, even if it was only for a small moment. It was the first time that she had ever spent time with the Slytherin boy, despite knowing of him for two years. There was something about his presence that drew her in, despite the broody mood that he seemed to be in all the time. Was it his darkness that seemed to wrap around his heart like ivy? Did Willow want to try and fix that darkness inside of him? Or was it, that he seemed to bring out the old her without even trying. Being in his presence, let her be able to breathe fully again for the first time in years. 

Now, alone once again, Willow continued to watch the sun fully rise up from the horizon. It gave the country girl a sense of home. It reminded her of sitting on the beach in Texas, right before going to take on a swell. 

The rising sun reminded her of home. 


A place Willow would never get to fully experience again. Her home now resided in a small one bedroom apartment in the smoggy streets of downtown London. Oh, how she missed Texas so dearly. Not knowing if she would ever be able to go back or not, destroyed the Hufflepuff. The fear of never stepping a foot on her farm again, was a constant thought in her mind. Willow loved England, it was a new adventure, and she loved the friends she made in Hogwarts. But it wasn't home. Willow would never again feel the wind rushing through her hair as she was riding Spirit. She never would experience the noise of a house full of love. One day, Willow would have to come to term with all of that. That day was far away though. Instead, Willow closed her eyes in peace, letting the sun rays warm her tan skin. 

Two children's voices were easily drowned out over the crashing waves of the sea. The sky was full of pinks and purples, the sun barely beginning to wake up, and the beach was almost completely empty. There was a slight chill to the early May day, but that didn't stop the two siblings from paddling out past the reef. 

Wyatt and Willow Dawson were three years apart, but they were as thick as thieves. Most people treated them as twins. The siblings loved each other fiercely, Wyatt promising Willow when she was born, that he would protect her till his last breath. Wyatt also had curly blond hair, but not nearly as wild as his sisters. He always had a smile on his face, dimples on clear display. He might have been only a few years older, but he took the rule of big brother very seriously. He didn't like when people looked at Willow too long, or made fun of her. The two practically did everything together, but that also meant they were competitive. Anything they did, always quickly turned into a fun little game. 

Today was no different. Both had boards in their hands, itching to race to the shore and get a wave in. The smell of sea salt was heavy in the air. The beach was probably the siblings favorite place to be, besides the pasture on their farm. They counted down from five, before they raced each other, kicking up a bunch of sand in the process. Once they got deep enough in the water, the race truly began. Whoever got the first wave, and actually stayed up, would be the winner of the day. 

There was something so freeing about dipping under the waves, and coming up to take a single breath. Only to turn without a moment of hesitation, and ride like you were on top of the world. The adrenaline that coursed through a surfers veins, was better than any high you could ever achieve. 

"You ain't getting this one, Dreamer Girl." Wyatt teased, after coming up from a duck dive. 

"That's real cute you think you'll get it instead, Wy." Willow responded. Surfing was one of her passions since she could walk. Surfing and the ocean was in her veins. 

Willow turned her board quickly, definitely spraying her brother in the face with sea water, and got the wave right out from under him. The siblings grew up both on and, and in the sea. Their mother had taught them house to surf early on, and they fell in love with it instantly. Willow had told her parents so many times, that she would become a professional surfer one day. And as long as she was happy, they would support her in that dream. So, her parents got her the best lessons, and the best boards. Anything for their children. It was why they all called her 'Dreamer Girl'. Willow Rhett Dawson had much she wanted to achieve in her life, and at the time, nothing was going to stop her. 

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