Meeting the Hale

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I do not own any of teen wolf or its characters... I however do own Blair and her eyes. I hope you guys liked the last chapter I really don't know how or what I am going to make Blair. She showed some more of her power with throwing Scott into the bathroom. She is also going to meet Derek in this chapter.


Blair's Pov:

I got of the car and walked to Lydia and the first thing I said to her was.

"I so need a party and retail therapy" I say to Lydia as we walk into school.

"I think both of those can be arranged" Lydia says with a huge smile on her face.

We both get our schedules and find out we have AP math, AP bio, normal history, and AP English. As Lydia and I walk into our first class together we see Scott, Stiles, Jackson, and Danny we all sit together with a seat open behind Scott.

Scott's Pov:

"Mom I'm fine, but I can't find a pen, please tell me that I didn't forget a pen, Yes mom I love I have to go" the stranger on the phone said.

I looked around the class room to see who was talking on their phone but saw no one, so I looked out the window and saw a girl with long hair talking on the phone looking for something in her bag. She then shuts bag and follows the principal inside then walk into history and he introduces her to us "Okay everyone this is a new student as of today her name is Alison Argent" the principal say then walks out of the class. Alison then sets behind me and I turn around and hand her a pencil she says thank you. I then turn around and ask Blair who is sitting in front of me if she has a extra which she always does. She says yes, and as she gives me the pencil she rolls her eyes. Once the bell rings Stiles and me meet at my locker and I'm looking at the new girl and see that Lydia, Jackson, and Blair are walking over to her. Some girl walks up to Stiles and me and starts talking about something then notice the new girls and says something I didn't quite hear it but what Stiles said made me laugh "Beautiful people tend to group together".

Then I shut my locker door and started walking to the boys locker room. Soon I hear Stiles, Jackson, Danny and Blair also. They all enter the locker room behind of me including Blair. We all get ready to go to the field for lacrosse try outs. In Beacon Hills lacrosse = football. Coach starts yelling about something as we are walking out onto the field once we get to the field he tells me that I will be playing goalie. Both Stiles and Blair dropped their mouth and yelled what at the same time. So I walked over and got in the goal, and I caught every ball that was thrown at me, then it was Jackson's turn I caught the ball he threw. When tryouts were over I walked over to Stiles and Blair and told them that we had to go back into the woods to find my inhaler.

Stiles was lagging behind of Blair and me. So I thought that this was the perfect time to talk about things. "So about what happened last night" I said. She stopped in her tracks for little bit the started walking again, I don't think I ever seen her walk so fast before.

Blair's Pov:

"So about what happened last night" Scott asked me.

I stopped in my tracks. I though about what I was going to say, but ended up not saying anything, and zooming past him so fast.

"Hey you can't avoid it for ever" Scott Shouted back and started walking after.

"Will I can try can't I" I said and started running. He laughed and stared running after me and Stiles yelled "Hey" and started running after us. I suddenly stopped in my tracks and felt this wave of rear and sadness wash over and then only anger and there was so much anger that grabbed my stomach.

"Blair oh my god Blair are you okay" Stiles and Scott shouted at the same time,

"So much anger and sadness it hurts, Scott it hurts, Stiles make it stop" I said with tears starting to fall down my face. I could feel my eyes turning white. They both ran over I could feel their worry and it was just making everything worse.

"Get way from me you are just making it worse" I shouted.

The person that was radiating off all the anger and sadness steps forward from around this old burnt down house that I didn't even notice was there. I knew that Scott hearing was getting super human so he could hear me if I whispered.

"Scott my eyes" I whispered.

He nodded his head and stepped side ways that he was standing in front but I then felt confusion from the stranger he looked as if had heard me. But soon the confusion is gone and is replaced with rage. The pain in my gut returned. Stiles bent down to make sure I was okay but his worry and fear were so strong, that I pushed him away. The stranger walked forward and the pain in my gut got worse.

"Oh my god, will he just please stop moving, and why is he so mad and in so much pain" I said in a shaky breath.

Once again the pain was gone and replaced with confusion. The stranger stopped walking and looked at Scoot.

"You are trespassing" the stranger said.

"Yeah sorry about that I'm just looking for something I dropped" Scott said.

"I figured as much" the stranger said and then tossed the inhaler at Scott he caught it then the stranger walked away. I could still feel his pain and anger as he walked away. I couldn't take it any longer I got up and turned around and just started running. I heard someone behind me but I didn't stop I just keep running until I was pinned against a tree. I didn't open my eyes I knew my eyes were still white.

"What are you" this unknown person asked.

"I don't know, but I could ask you the same thing, because most humans can't keep up with me" I replied.

"Open you eyes" the unknown person said. I shook my head no.

"Open you eyes" the unknown person demanded.

Against my better judgment I did. I saw the strange man from that burnt down house standing in front of me and he had theses glowing blue eyes.

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