The Bite part 2

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I do not own any of teen wolf or its characters... I however do own Blair and her eyes. I hope you guys liked the first chapter I really don't know how or what I am going to make Blair. How to example her eyes but she will be showing signs of her abilities growing and she will start to see things about her parents. ____________________________________________________________

Blair's Pov:

Oh Crap I said in my mind not only did my eyes turn white as I was running towards Scott and then just now as I was sitting on his bed why are they so out of control, why am I so out of control . Oh great I think he saw my eyes once again in my head. Next thing I know he is sitting on the bed and has this serious look on his face and then one of my worst fears came true.

He sat down and asked the "Am I crazy or did your eyes just turn white". I looked at him I saw fear in his eyes and saddens in his eyes.

"Yes my eyes were just white" I wanted to be a simple as possible when answering question about my eyes.

Scott looked away then back me and asked another question I really didn't know to answer "Why?" I looked at him then out his window then I got up and started pacing.

I looked back at him and said "I really don't know why they turn white or what it means, when it usually happens it's because my emotion ot on overdrive."

He looked at me a little confused and then nodded his head like was understanding he then proceeded to ask me if I could anything else. I simply looked at and shook my head now. I then went back over to the bed and sat down.We both just sat there looking at each other for a few minutes, until my phone started to ring. It was Stiles most likely freaking about leaving me and Scott in the woods. I picked up the phone to him freaking out.

"Where are you" he yelled

"I'm with Scott at his house" I answered back

"Well hurry up and come home" he said.

I was about to answer when I felt pain and I looked at Scott who was on his bed in rolled up position feeling pain.

So I might have lied to Scott a few seconds ago. "No I think I'm going to stay at Scott's tonight he doesn't look to well" then I hung up. When I walked back over to Scott he tried to act like nothing was wrong but we both knew different. I sat down on the bed he looked at confused.

"Was that Stiles" he asked

"Yes he called and wanted to know if I was coming home tonight" I answered.

"Well are you going home?" he asked, and the way that he went about saying gave me a shiver up my spine, and the smile that he had on his face didn't help it.

"No, I didn't think that you should be alone right now, I felt your pain a few minutes ago" I said.

Next thing I know I am lying on the bed and he is hovering over me. Then I hit me everything he is felling, from the pain in his side to the lust in his eyes. I could feel my eyes changing, so I shut them and keep them shut, I could feel his confusion. I keep my eyes shut till I felt something...

Scott's Pov:

Oh my god what am I doing. I screamed at myself inside my own head. Before I knew what I was doing I was pushing Blair making her fall against the bed and was hovering over her. She looks up at me then shuts her eyes. I looked at her with confusion and then it hit me her fear and it also realized that she closed her eyes because they were changing. I leaned down and I was going to tell her that it was okay that she didn't have to hide from me, but that is not what happened.

Instead I was kissing her. I really didn't mind it but I could feel her confusion. When I broke this kiss she was looking up at me. Her eyes were as white as snow and they kind of looked like a full moon. She shut them again. I leaned down and this time successfully told her "you do not need to hide from me now or ever". I whispered this in her ear letting my lips graze her ear and neck as I said it. I then kissed her neck, then her check then I kissed her lips again. Why am I doing this all of sudden. I screamed in my head, but that thought didn't stop me. I kissed her harder , and to my surprise she kissed me back, We sat/lied there doing that for sometime until we had to come up for air. Next thing I know I'm now on my back , and she is hovering over me. I could feel her lust and by the look in her beautiful white eyes I could tell that she could feel my lust for her. I sat up with her on my lap and we started making out again. I stood up and pinned up against the wall . Her legs wrapped around my waist and her arms wrapped around my neck one hand on my neck and the other in my hair. I heard the front door slam shut and someone walking up the stairs and put her down.

Next thing I know she is across the room. I could tell she was having a problem getting her eyes back to normal so I walk over and hug her. As I was hugging her I thought to myself where is my inhaler. Stiles burst through the door with a surprised and hurt look on his face and I could feel Blair tense up as if she could feel what he was feeling.

Stiles Pov:

I couldn't believe my eyes as I walk into Scott's room to see him hugging Blair. When she turned to look at me her eyes were white which made me mad and by the look on her face she looked like she could feel my anger, surprise, and pain. So me being me walk/storm over to where they are STILL hugging. I push them apart and I look at Scott and I give him the look that means I am going to kill him.

"WHY WERE YOU HUGGING" I shout at him.

"He saw my eyes and told me that I didn't have to hid it from him" Blair answered.

"Was that all" I said with a raised eyebrow.

Both her and Scott looked at each other, and at the same time they both said yes. Then I saw pain in her eyes as Scott falls to the floor in pain. We both run over to him. I so did not like the way that he was looking at her or the way she was looking at him.

"Scott are you okay" I asked concerned.

"My side it hurts" he said with tears in his eyes.

So I look over to see Blair lifting up the side of his shirt to see a huge bite mark on his side. The look on Blair's face was horor. She runs out of the room and I can hear her running down the stairs. I look back over to Scott and help him get up and into the bathroom. Soon Blair is back in the bathroom and is glaring at Scott and he a apologetic look on his face. She pushes me out of the way and starts to clean and wrap his wound. She then starts yelling at Scott. When she is done we walk him over to his bed and as soon as his head hits the pillow he is asleep I get the pillow and blanket I always use when I spend the night and lay down on the floor and Blair walks out and goes into the guest room where she always sleeps when we spend the night. What were they doing before I walked in. I asked myself.

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