chapter 1

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Author note: before we begin 2 changes:

1. Ilia is yang's half sister instead of ruby. And she's the one with silver eyes, while ruby is a dog faunus

2. Beacon didn't fall, team CRME failed in the vytal festival

*we see members of team AWBY in there shared apartment, ilia was looking for new Jobs opportunities,  Weiss was on social media, yang was playing video games, and Blake was fixing her weapon, or trying to fix it anyways, it got damaged on there last mission and Blake's been trying to fix it ever since, Blake took a frustrating sigh when she couldn't do it. Weiss glanced at her*

Weiss:just pay someone to fix it, at this point I'll pay it for you

Blake:I'm telling you I can fix it myself. I just need....

*Blake said trying one final time and failing, almost stabbing herself wit the screwdriver. She gave a defeated sigh tossing the weapon on the table*

Weiss:you should take it to my weapon's smith, the rose shop

Blake:the rose shop?

*Blake asked with a raised eyebrow, before they could continue, yang jumped into the conversation.*

Yang:yeah, the rose shop, it's called that because it's obviously a flower shop. It's time to say goodbye to Gambol Shroud

*Yang said trying to be funny, as always no one laughed. And just ignored her, in the background Yang started growing a comically depressed cloud on top of her*

Weiss:it's a small weapon shop, my sister swears by it. I've been there a few times and don't let her age fool her, the owner knows about weapons.

Blake:you think that highly of her huh?

*Blake asked with a raised eyebrow, Weiss nodded and took out Myrtenaster from the side of the couch*

Weiss: absolutely, she's the one who was able to upgrade my weapon, now I'm able to use multiple elements in combat. Let me tell you I am thrilled of the results

Blake:really? She has to be good, if you let her touch your baby.

*Blake said, and bite down on her lip in thought, she glanced at her weapon, and then at illia who's gonna find a new mission soon, she really doesn't want to be left behind because she didn't have a weapon. She sighed*

Blake:Mhm..... Sigh, fine. Give me the location, I'll give her a shot

Weiss: terrific, glad you could see it my way, and you don't get to give it a shot just like that, she's a very busy person. You'll have to make an appointment, which I already did for you, you're expected on the 3rd of this month

*Weiss said with her usual arrogant attitude, Blake was about to complain but a small smoke came out of of her weapon. She sighed and sank down to her seat with a nod*

Blake:a warning would've been nice

Weiss:Blake I've been your friend for years, I know how long to wait till you eventually give up on something. Need I remind you that novel you've been meaning to make?

*Weiss asked with a raised eyebrow, the cat faunus blushed and looked another way mumbling something*

Weiss:what was that?

Blake:I said, I've just been having writers block...

Ilia:for 3 years and counting ?

*Ilia added to the conversation, Blake not needing to take this, grabbed her weapon and walked to her room*

Day's later

*Blake was in front of the building Weiss told her about, she looked at her scroll and then at the building, it had a small rose design, with bolts on the side of the rose, under it was the name of the establishment "the rose shop, the best weapon's Smith outside of atlas"*

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