chapter 4

293 14 26

Last time

Blake:let's...let's skip a few years when I'm 10 and Ruby's 6 I remember this one time....



*We see Blake walking to the orphanage, she had a basket filled with Ruby's favorite treats, cookies, tuna melts, tropical punch, that kind of thing. She opened the door to the orphanage, and smiled at the old lady receptionist*

Mari:oh, Blake dear hello. Coming to see ruby again I see

Blake:yes miss Mari. Can I head in now? This is very heavy

*Blake said, her arms trembling a little. Mari gave a soft chuckle and nodded her head, Blake walked passed her inside deeper to the orphanages, also knowed in Blake's personal opinion, the most depressing place in the island. As Blake walked to Ruby's room, she had to walk passed orphaned children, mutilated faunus, some missing tails, ears, eyes, a whole lower jaw, you name it. Blake made it to Ruby's room, seeing the little rose and cat drawing on the door, she opened it and saw ruby there on the floor, her fist holding a crayon while she drew on the paper. Her room was small compared to Blake's room, it was smaller then Blake's closet. But at least ruby didn't have to share it with anybody*

Blake:hey ruby


*ruby hummed to concentrate on her drawing to acknowledge Blake, ruby sniffed the air and stopped what she was doing, looking up with a bright smile*


Blake:heh, yes it me. Hi again

*Blake said with a crooked smile, finding it just adorable that Ruby's tail was wagging so fast seeing her. Ruby got up and. Started almost jumping up and down, seeing her friend again.*

Ruby;hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! I missed you! It's been soooooo long since you last visited!

Blake:ruby, I was here yesterday. Now stay....

*Blake said with a soft chuckle, seeing the ball of energy that was her friend, she petted the girl's hair, making ruby vibrate more, looking like she was gonna explode*

Ruby:i know, but yesterday was an eternity ago! So much can happen in a single day. Please....

Blake:not yet, stay...

*Blake said, finding enjoyment in teasing ruby, treating her a little bit like her own pet. Blake walked passed ruby, finding it adorable how ruby would whine. She placed the picnic basket on the nightstand, and sat down on the old uncomfortable bed, with opened arms, Ruby's tail looked as if it was gonna cause a small tornado, with how fast it was wagging*

Blake:ok, hug, uff!

*Blake said, as ruby crashed into her, with all her weight. Both of them fell on the bed, ruby was giggling, while Blake had a soft chuckle petting Ruby's head, as she rubbed it on Blake's chest*

Blake:god your so clingy

Ruby:I'm a canine, what do you expect?

*Ruby said, Blake blushed a little when Ruby's face pulled up, and started rubbing it on the crook of her neck.*

Blake as narrator

*Of course in hindsight I now understand that, that's when my feelings for ruby started to change, to a more...romantic feeling. But 9 year old me, didn't know the first thing about love, so I just ignored it, and gave a nervous smile at her*

Blake:o..ok, that's enough. T..the food is gonna get cold, and my mom made you some cookies


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