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Hi, welocome to a Rindo ft. Izana fanfic X Female reader (y/n)
“After He Goes”

Story ideas and suggestions by @𝔸𝕝𝕖𝔹𝕣𝕒𝕤𝕚𝕝01

Story contents by

Have fun reading y'all!!!

Y/n is a 25 year old  woman who works as a Barista it's her job during the daytime but in the evening she's in the office managing some paperwork since it's her schedule.

She lives with her grandparents along with his younger brother, Mitsuya.


Managing and serving some customers is something hard but this is life.

As the door rings and swung open  that someone just entered the coffee shop and footsteps could be heard.

“ good morning sir!” you greet after a white-haired man enters the coffee shop,you were carrying some boxes of coffee beans so you put it aside to serve the newly-arrived customer.

“what can we have for you sir?” you smiled as you faced the man straight. He was a bit taller than you, a light brown complex of skin color,purple big eyes and a white hair and he's wearing a black polo and a pair of (..) earrings.

“ Caramel coffee,please.” The white-haired man spoke as his eyes travelled down to your shoulder that was exposed to your soft skin as you wear the upper half-shoulder along with your apron. You felt an intense and awkward atmosphere and you realized that he was staring at your exposed skin eyes going down on your neck to shoulder.

You slowly lift your hands and run it to your blouse and lift it up a little,as you say “right away sir.” you immediately nodded and turned around heading inside to serve his coffee.

As you close the door you put your hands on your faces covering your red faces, reddened as tomato. “ that's so embarrassing!” you mumbled to yourself “ I didn't notice,so stupid y/n!” you cup your cheeks and sigh after you start to make the man's coffee.


As you go back to the counter with the coffee you make you see him patiently waiting on the seat near the counter,you sigh and walk to him.

“ sorry for waiting, here's your order sir.” you smiled brightly to him like your smile can light up the whole dark street,nah.

The man stared at you softened. You remained there and your smile turned into an awkward one as he kept staring at you you inverted your eyes anywhere except his purple eyes,soon he finally broke his eyes off you as he noticed you feeling uncomfortable.

“how much?” he leaned his chin on his palm while leaning his elbows on the table,which made you snap back to reality.

“a-ah!”  you fake cough and spoke as you felt your throat dried.

“ it's XXXX sir.” you smiled and took out his thick wallet,whoa! His wallet - it's so thick as hell, he's a rich man huh? Who knows?

You swallowed your thoughts and smiled as he handed you the money as you took it. He stood up and took the coffee “keep the change. Thank you,Ms. y/n”
“s-sir thi—” you  tried to protest but he smiled and left you flustered.

You shook your head as he walked over to you leaving the coffee shop “t-thank you..” you tried to catch up your words to him as one more customer entered the shop.

“w-wait! Did he just...y/n? Wait! How did he know my name?” you thought to yourself as you widened your eyes in shock and looked at the man who just disappeared in your sight right after he left. “where the hell did he...go?” you try to look for him but your co-worker called you.

“y/n,could you help me here please?” a voice of your co-worker,Yuri sung.

“y-yes!” as you're still flustered you shook your head and ran to Yuri.


After He Goes | 𝒌.𝒊𝒛𝒂𝒏𝒂Where stories live. Discover now