🎴 07

35 24 3

Days had passed and you went to your usual routine.






There's still no sign of Izana,the guy that you've been looking for almost a week. He just disappeared like a bubble who popped out of nowhere.

Leaning on your palm you sigh as you watch and serve the customers, come and leave. Getting bored of waiting for a certain someone — white hair dude.

You don't know why you're doing this,too. But you just got off guard at what your grandma has said. That it really bothers you and you come up with this, waiting for a stranger to show and pop up in front of you. How stupid.



“Y/n hey!” You snapped back to reality when Lev slammed the counter,not that too hard but to only snap you back from your thoughts.

“heh! W-what is it? Don't sca— Lev!” you glared at him,your heart is pounding so fast that it made your breath hitched.

He rolled his eyes and went to clean up the remaining tables.

“You've been spacing out,are you okay?” he asked,you just frowned and yawned.

“yeah..” you softly said that it made him raise his eyebrows.

“I see..” he mumbled as he proceeded to clean up the tables.

“hey,you two!” Yuri calls out that it gained both of your attention.

“Hey guys! Why don't we go out later,it's a weekend anyways?” she asked,as she walked towards both of you excitedly.

“heh.. why?” you boredly asked.

“what,why?” Yuri's eyebrows arched.

“of course,let's have some fun and a break tho? I guess.”

“I'm in,then.” Lev said, wiping the tables.

“hmm,how about you  y/n?” she looked at you trying to read your unreadable face.

“heh? Me?” you pointed out to yourself.

“no,it's me! I'm asking myself!” Yuri rolled her eyes in annoyance.

“oh,come on. Sorry” you chuckled at her annoyance as you watched her pouting.

“ it would be nice if you come along,y/n. I guess you don't have your office night, right?”

“uh,yeah..” you nodded slowly giving a thought of it.

“so..let's go?” he asked,he crossed his arms waiting for your response.

“come on,y/n” Yuri added.

You could only sigh and nod. “okay okay,fine.” answering hesitantly.

“your face says,you were reluctant.” Yuri pointed out.


“it said”

“how can a face say it?" You asked confusedly.


“ your expressions show it.”

“ehh,you guys can see it?”

Lev and Yuri looked at each other like a dumb idiots staring at each other and then back to you.

“of course,we have eyes!” Yuri demanded.

“oh,I see.”

“of course you see,you have yours too.”

“ohh.. I see.”

“Y/N!!” she groaned in annoyance,about to tear up the cleaning towel she's holding.

“Yuri you're loud!”

Immediately she sighed and looked at you with unreadable reaction.

“my oh my, she lost her temper y/n..” Lev muttered with a low tone confusing y/n.

“hey, y/n... What's gotten into you? You are like this dumb idiot spacing out all day,is something wrong?” he asked,a surp8and worried look plastered on his face.

“uh? I don't know...”

“ehh” Lev stared at you in awe.

My oh my


After the shop had closed. You,Lev and Yuri go to town together, walking,exploring and talking silly pictures.

“hey,let's try there! It looks fun!” Yuri said excitedly pointing out to the arcade.

“oya oya,come on..”


You went to played to the arcade like those children. Well,there's nothing with it, right? We can be a child like we used to be when we were young.

Instead of having some taxi,you guys decide to take a walk going home. It was peaceful night and quiet.

“ha.. I had so much fun!” Yuri said as she stretch her back.

“hmm,this taste good huh” Lev said as he devoured the ice cream.

“I much like this one... chocolate grr” Yuri said.

“no,this one taste better, strawberry.” Lev said,both referring of an ice cream. Yeah,even it's so late at night and a little cold you guys bought an ice cream. Well,ice cream is a therapy.

“how about you,y/n? Which flavor do you like?” Yuri asked,you looked at her confusedly.


“yeah,who's other y/n here?”

“ strawberry taste delicious, right? Y/n?”Lev asked.

“no,it was the chocolate!” Yuri demanded glaring at Lev.



“i don't know..I guess both tastes good.” you said and shrugged.

“nuh..” Yuri stared at you confusedly.

“she's spacing out again..” Lev whispered to Yuri.

“yeah,I wonder what's going on with her?”

“who knows?”

They both stared at each other wondering confusedly.

Walking home until the two of them had gone their different ways.

“then I'm off,take care you two!” Yuri said waving her hands.

“bye,y/n take care..I'll be heading this way.” Lev said,waving good bye and so you are.

You are all alone now walking,Takashi didn't took you because you texted him that youre going home late with Yuri and Lev so he don't have to be worried.

Growing anxious the same feeling of the cold atmosphere and lonely road hunting her again like the time she's about to be kidnapped.

Biting your lower lip,you brushed your shoulder to warm up yourself but it couldn't help as you felt more nervous. It's true that it's so peaceful at night but walking all alone is this kind of road is very dangerous for a woman like you.

As you couldn't shake the feeling off,you picked your phone from your pocket and scrolled down to find the contact of Takashi,but before you could press the button call you heard a loud bang of gunshots.

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