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Izana's smile disappeared as soon as he caught a glimpse of your teary eyes. He shifted his gaze on Hanma who's already staring back at him.

“let her go” he said calmly but he only received a mocking chuckle from Hanma which made Izana's eyebrow furrowed.

“ what if I don't?” he laughed gripping you tightly making you chokes.

“ you're no longer my boss, Kurokawa. That's why.. get lost!” he said firmly making Izana smirk as you standing still afraid for your life.

Instead of answering Izana went silent that made both you and Hanma confused. “ it was back then, Hanma come on.”Izana said,his voice was soft but firm he scoffed and returned the same stare of Hanma.

Hanma tilted his head and boredom glance of Izana who was having a mocking smirk. “so?” he raised his left  eyebrow as Izana chuckled.

“ come on,shuji.” he said calmly again.

“cut the crap,Izana! You're taking my time” he said and grabbed you towards him. “ let's go,huh. Ms. Mitsuya..” he whispered in your ear that made you shiver. You shook your head and tears in your eyes, fears could be read inside it asking for some help.

“ calm down,shuji.” Izana said gaining both of your attention. Hanma clicked his tongue as he glared at Izana. “damn” he pointed the gun to Izana before he could pull the trigger,Izana chuckled and made him stop.

Your eyes widened as you looked at him too. Damn how crazy is this guy? Even though he'll be killed he still has the guts to chuckle,how crazy. You thought confusedly. Soon you heard someone speak behind you.

“got yah!” you averted your eyes anywhere trying to see who it was but the voice is unfamiliar too. You could feel Hanma froze.

“bingo!” Izana said chuckling as he walked towards you. You could hear some noise from the gun clicking from behind, you can feel your blood ran out of your veins and you both Hanma went pale.

Izana caressed Hanma’s cheeks. “nah” you could feel Izana's hot breath as he leaned closer taking Hanma's gun.

“ calm down, shuji. if you don't..just one pull of the trigger you'll be dead.” he whispered soon he backed off and took a few steps away and turned back again. “i just want to talk to you,yah?” he scoffs a little.

Hanma gulped loudly,you can feel  loosening his grips from but you heard him chuckled not even in your shock as you catch a glimpse of the mysterious man behind he has black hair and scars from his head to the side of his eyes,it was beautiful somehow.

“What is it?” he asked calmly like he's not even bothered by the fact that in one click of the gun behind him he'll be dead.

How crazy are these people? Gosh I'll be dead and nervous if I'll be—  you were cut off your thoughts as the man behind spoke. “ job,come with us?” his voice was deep yet commanding. And you, don't know what to do now.

What If they kidnap me?

What if much worse?

What If.. they kill me?

You thought you're trembling as fuck right now,you wanted to run away but you can't what if they just shoot you if you do.

“ and what about the job I have now,hhnm?” Hanma said his grip is still on your arms— he didn't let you go yeah.

“hnm, Izana.. she's seen us,what now? I'll tak—”the mysterious man from behind was cut by Izana.

“just let her go” he said not turning his back to you. your eyes widen in shock your brain was empty right now,you're flustered and you don't know what now. Darn.

After He Goes | 𝒌.𝒊𝒛𝒂𝒏𝒂Where stories live. Discover now