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“granny,where's Kashi? Isn't he home?” you shouted from your room as you put your light make up done.

“ maybe he's on the way home,y/n” your grandma replied. You sighed and took your bag as you shut your bedroom's door closed.

You walked downstairs to just meet up with your grandma who's sewing some clothes. “granny,I'll be going now!” you said and waved dismissively at her.

“wait,are you not going to wait for Takashi?” she asked stopping what she was doing to catch a glimpse of your disappearing figure.

You sighed and turned to the old woman “just tell me to pick me up after my job” you said and exited the door as you bumped into something — someone.

“ouch!” you groaned along with whom. You tilted your head just to meet your brother's eyes.

“sister?” he said

“ you're leaving already?” he asked about raising his eyebrows.

“ and where did you go,and it took you so long?” you asked about putting your hands on your hips staring up at him,hence he's a lil' bit taller than you.

He let out an awkwardly chuckled avoiding your death glare. “ oh, let's say..I got some gang meetings hehe,you're so early sis.” he chuckled softly. Here we go again Takashi thought.

“what do you mean early? Oi I'm almost late at my job!” you exclaimed making him flinch a little. “ hurry up I'll be late!” you said.

“ but I hadn't eaten—”

“ eat after you get home, let's go!” you interrupted making your lil' brother groan a bit,he has nothing to do with it since you have the power haha.

Since you two were little, Takashi always admired that side of you that you were like a beast when you're mad and as his big sister, you're his savior  that you never hesitate to take your back for him whenever some punks bullied him that they've no power against your beast mode,that Takashi could never resist you.

Growing up with your grandparents you have never complained about, because what you have right now is enough. At the very young age of losing both of your parents,because of a car accident he learned how to stand, fight,and live to keep on living for your brother's needs and support you worked multitasking ofc to help your grandparents tho.


“ there you go ” Takashi stopped the bike and you got off.

“ I'll pick you later,sis. Don't push yourself too much!” he said that made your heart warm and can't help but smile.

“ yes yes, get home safe and eat as long as you want I'd prepared something there! And don't leave granny,and grandpa there alone!” you reminded as you nodded “yes” and drove off.

You sigh after Takashi left,you looked at his disappearing figure,and smiled. “mama,papa.. I hope you can see how much Kashi has grown up now” you mumbled to yourself making yourself smile and your stretch your back before going to work.


It's 12 midnight,and you waited outside the building of where you are working at.

“y/n-chan, aren't you going for some taxi?” your co-worker Sakura asked.

“uhm, I'm actually waiting for my brother he's going to pick me here.” you said nodding assuring you're fine.

After He Goes | 𝒌.𝒊𝒛𝒂𝒏𝒂Where stories live. Discover now