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“who are you?!” you jolted hearing him raise his voice a little.

“i-” you're about to answer when Izana groaned feeling the deep shot of him.

“I-Izana.. got shot we're here in an abandoned house nearby the street. Please,help.. he's losing blood.” you said as you hung up the phone and helped him.

“j-just hold it..”



“thank you...” Kakucho said,but he paused like he was waiting for something.

“uh,y/n.. my name is y/n” you answered,a small smile tugged on your lips.

“thank you,y/n-san.” he said and bowed.

“ i-it's fine.. thank you” you said,he drove you home after bringing Izana to the hospital for treatment.

“then,I'll be going he said, turning his back to you.

“w-wait..”you muttered ,before he could take the steps.

Kakucho looks back at you waiting for a response.

“c-could you give this to Izana? I want to thank him when he saved me from the kidnapper.” you said, handing him the small box that you made Yuri buy and chose.

He scoffed followed by a small smile. “y'know..” he completely turned to face you. “ actually,you returned the favour..you saved his life.” he said that made you flushed.

Even though he had this scar that covered his forehead and left eye. He looks so fucking beautiful and handsome as hell. He's taller than Izana.

“ Besides,it's not a big thing for Izana to do that... He actually didn't save you but.. since he wants hanma that time..you just got your luck.” he said,you watched his lips how he spoke fluently.

“b-but.. I still want to thank him, j-just a favor..give it to him for me..” you insisted that made Kakucho scoffed.

“fine.” he took the box and just walked away and disappeared in the dark alley. You got taken aback.

“heh? Where did he go?”

“Sister!!” you turned to the right to find your brother,Takashi dashing towards you.

“Ta..kashi?” Suddenly,he hugged you so tight that it almost made you lose your breath.

“hey,Takashi what is it?”

“ what,what is it? I'm worried about you!” he said his face buried in the crock of your neck as you felt his voice vibrates against your skin.

“ sorry sister,I shouldn't have let you walk. I'm glad that you're fine.” his voice was muffled but you could still hear it.

You smiled and hugged him back. “ you still like a child,Takashi..my little brother.”


Izana's pov'

“ Izana.. ” I heard Kakucho called,I was currently taking a seat after the treatment,I got home immediately.

Kakucho placed a box on the mini table besides my bed.

“that woman wants me to give to you” he said that made me looked at the small box.

“what is that?” I asked focusing on my wound.

“Well, she wants to thank you for saving her life that time..”

“that time?”

“When you asked Shuji for a job” he replied,which made me recall that night. I just shrugged.

“ tsk,she's not my intention it was shuji.”

“but she insisted to me to give it to you”

I didn't answer. Why would a woman like her would give such a thankful gift? Tsk.

“whatever..agh” groaning I felt my wound hurts when I moved a little.

“Izana! Are you alright?” Kakucho asked as he approached and helped me settled down on my bed.

“ is those... hunters is Luthor's men?” Kakucho asked as he stood beside my bed.

“yeah,that fucker won't stop bothering me.” I said as I lit up a cigarette.

“ then..we should kill him first... You're nearly be killed.” he said.

“ they fucking ambushed me while heading to  Roponggi.” I blown out the smoke that disappeared in air.

“ but... who's that woman?” he asked.

Yeah,who's that?

“i don't know ” I answered nonchalantly.

“ I just saw her once in the shop when I bought some coffee and it happened that she was when I got ambushed.” I threw the cigarettes on the trash bin.

“ but she seems she knew you..”

“ I don't know..”

“is she who you went out for?” Kakucho teased.

“ idiot! Why would I date a woman? I fucking hate them.” I said a little irritated.

“hnmm.. watch your words,Izana. Maybe someday,you'll eat your words.” Kakucho said.

“ tsk,I don't freakin care about womans. Y'know I despise them.” I answered nonchalantly, Kakucho just hummed and sighed.


Izana's pov'

I opened the box which Kakucho has said from that woman named y/n,the woman who saved me.

Wrapping the box,I saw a necklace. A necklace which has some roses. My brow arched at what I saw,I took it and scanned the necklace.

“tsk,why would I do this?” I asked to no one particularly.

“what a goddammit gift.” I groaned before I put in back and just threw it somewhere my room,I lit a cigarette again huffing and blowing the smokes.

I recall from the event earlier,

I'm on my way to roponggi when I a group of men started to throw some explosions and gunshots to me. I got shot and I lost control of my car.  I tried to control it,I made it stop when it's so close that I'm going to hit a woman and it happened to be that woman.

When I got off all bloodied,she helped me and it where I remembered her when I saw her face. I didn't even know why I even grabbed her along with me. I just saved her from hunters,nuh.

When I was out of bullets,I started to feel dizzy and decided to walk away but she helped me I could even hear her calling and mumbling something. I could only just saw her lips moving,she's sure saying something but I'm all dizzy so I couldn't even understand it.


“don't die..” I scoffed after hearing it. My visions all blurred and my head hurts.

I just woke up that I'm in the hospital all treated and I asked Kakucho to go home already.

I don't even know that woman I just saw her I guess.. three times.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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