Chapter 4

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September 8th

So after pondering and binge eating ice cream all day I've decided that I might have a possibility with J. But my problem was my clothes. I didn't have the best outfits, usually was plaid , jeans with any hold and barely put together (holes basically). Before I even thought about my clothes I had completely forgot that I had even had his number before we left school. I was suppose to call him before we met up so we can sorta out the details, but I'm just sitting here. Writing in you while my phone is sitting in front of me. Ready to hit the call button. UGH why must I be so damn awkward at these things. Ugh I'll report to you later when I come up with a solution.

Maybe an hour later?

WOOO I FINALLY CAME UP WITH A SOLUTION. I'll call him and just be calm about it. Yeah yeah yeah I know I should have thought about it sooner.( -_-)
I called him and I was a complete fool. I was so nervous, if he didn't know I was gay, I'm pretty sure he did after that. Heres how it was

*phone rings*
"Hello?" His voice hit me like a bus. AGAIN. Umph. "J-John?" Damn stuttering again. Ugh. "Ryan? Is that you?" I never picture such a perfect person to be in my phone or even on the phone with me. "U-uh. Yeah you said to call about the details where to hang today.." I sighed deeply into the phone. Which was loud "oh yeah!" That was his reply ? He forgot? Typical blonde. No judge heh. "Where do you want to meet up at..?" I've never been so lost before ugh. "Where do you live? I can just pick you up". Of course I responded. Heh. "127 Brandy rd."
"Ill be there shortly"

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