Chapter 6

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(Hey guys! I finally updated, right? Haha this is long, it's continuing from 5 into 6
Soooo ENJOY!!!)

Ryan's POV:
"I have to move out of my parents house...They don't approve that I am gay... I thought they could handle it but apparently not....". I heard him sigh and drag himself to the couch to sit down and collect himself.
"er...My mom isn't here yet so uh I guess I should ask you before I ask her... Soo... John.. Please move in with me, yes I know you don't want to be a trouble but I don't care". I blushed, looking away to prevent myself from looking at him with me being semi red, I was sort of scared of his reaction, I soon heard him speak, I continued to look away. " Ryan.. I would love to but it's up to your mom, so if she says yes I will most definitely love to move in with you ". I peeked to him and smiled slightly, soon getting and excited expression on my face I soon jumped to him and smiled. " I'm sorry your parents are major homophobic assholes, I really wish they weren't". I pouted.

John's POV:

I saw his expression and I knew he felt bad for me but I didn't want him to worry so bad..."Ryan...I'll be Okay I promise, I can't help my parents choices...But I'm not going to trouble them by being at that house." I hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek. "But. On the other hand, I got my boyfriend that happens to be in front of me." I smiled and hugged him closely letting him know I was okay.

Ryan's POV:

I finally got to have him as my partner, I'm so happy about that but I still need to know that he's okay even if he has told me he's 'okay'. "John...?" I looked at him dearly studying his face for his expression. "Hm?" He replied, I looked down a bit and bit me lip slightly. "Are you sure your going to be okay?...". He smiled at me and started to laugh lightly, it wasn't even a chuckle. "Your to cute -". I blushed more and buried my face in his chest, Not fair! He makes me feel as ~squishy inside.

3 Hours later

The front door was opened and came in my mom looking frustrated as ever, I questioned her look but she just kept going by towards her room. "Mom! I have a question though!." She looked back and raised her brow. I looked at John and he nodded. "Um... Johnathan's parents kicked him out for being gay so um I wanted to know if he cou-..." She cute me off. "Yes he can stay but you have to clean the spare room upstairs. No being loud please, don't need to hear my son." Once she finished her sentence she went on back to going g to her room, I looked at John and smiled widely. I was super excited about this , getting to see him everyday and waking up with him in the same house and hopefully the same bed cauussee if he is going to be here I will forever cuddle him.

A Few weeks later..

Today we have school sadly, but atleast I get to wake up to John's face every day, I have to help him get the rest of his stuff today, for a single people in a single room he has alot of stuff. But for now I have class, we literally are not doing anything but watching the Hunger Games. Which reminds me. IM HUNGRY . Stupid class interrupting my food time. I have to wait an entire. Hour. To. Eat. Anything. How do I survive here..


Finally lunch time but I have to wait, John wanted to talk before I ate I guess. I JUST WANT MY FOOD UGH- "Hey Ryan". I looked back and I see this girl with blondish hair and green eyes. I raised my eyebrow. "Ummm yeah? That's me". She came up closer to me and kissed my cheek. "I like you..." I sighed, I don't even know who she is and she kissed my cheek which was GROSS. "I'm sorry whoever you are.. I really am but I'm Ga-". Quickly I got cut off by a pair of lips pushed on mine. I soo realized it was John's. "Sorry Ally but he's mine". I was confused and flustered. What did I miss. "Who was that? " I questioned quickly. "That was one of my friends that liked me a week or so after I met her and she tried to hook up with me but I told her I liked someone.. aka you." I chuckled. "What did you want to meet up for ?". I'm sorry I ruin moments but I'm hungry. Like really hungry. "Oh!". Oh? Huh.. did he forget his reason or?."I have something for you." He reached in his pocket to pull out a bracelet box." I know it may seem girlyish of me to get you a male a bracelet but it has meaning to it.. I promise." He opened the box and held out the bracelet were I can see the whole thing. It was beautiful or cute. Whatever. "I thought since we are well gay and stuff a bracelet like this would match kind off ". He smiled and had hope in his eyes, hoping I liked it. Which I did. I loved it. "Thank you John it means a lot to me." I kissed his cheek and poked him. "Now, I'm hungry so can I please go eat I only have 30 minutes left of lunch." He nodded and kissed me, soon leaving for his class, I walked into the cafeteria and I quickly spotted my closest friend since Dave left. He's name is Jeremy. He's gay too haha. "So where have you been ?" He asked. " I was meeting up with John he gave me this bracelet, isn't it great!?". I smiled with joy.
It had the words 'His only' on it with a small rainbow on it. It was so cute. "It is, does he have one?". I blinked.. how could I not have asked... Hm. Hopefully he has one. " Ryan your so lucky.." I looked at him with a questionable look. "How..?" He sighed deeply "For one you have a boyfriend who's super hot. Second you have him living in your house. ". I blinked. "Oh I guess I am , Jer you'll meet someone I promise, your really adorable~". He rolled his eyes." If you say so ." I jabbed his side, soo after lunch was over and I returned to class. Not much happened after that I went through my classes and walked home with Johnathan holding his hand. I finally got to ask if he had his bracelet to match mine and he does thankfully. But um yeah, after school we sat back and cuddle until dinner.

(I know it's not long but it's not short either (;; )

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