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That night, I sleep on the ground instead of in my tree. Something nudges me gently while I sleep. I groan.

~Corona, it's time,~ Virizion said softly. I open my eyes and stand. Keldeo and Terrakion are a little behind her, but Cobalion is nowhere in sight. I grab the basket Virizion gave me earlier, only to find it filled with all kinds of berries, with the money now tucked inside of an additional pocket on the side; newly sewn on. Beside it was a leather sheath for my sword that I could slip over my shoulder. I pick up the basket.

~Some leavanny and sewaddle heard you were leaving, and wanted to help,~ Keldeo told me. I finger the pocket. It was carefully woven. I'm touched. They'd used their own silk to make this. I sling the basket over my shoulder and make my way to Terrakion. He nuzzles me with his blocky head.

~I'm going to miss you, kid. I remember when we all first saw you. You were so small in that blanket; dangling from Keldeo's muzzle.~ The Cavern Pokémon chuckles. ~Now look at you. You're more than any of us could've ever hoped for when we made the joint decision making rasise you that day.~ I throw my arms around his neck.

"Thank you. Don't worry about me; I'll be careful. I'll be back before you know it!"

I release Terrakion and turn back to Virizion. Cobalion now stands beside her, and they are speaking quietly between themselves. I approach the pair. "I'm ready." The deep blue pokémon steps towards me.

~Trust in yourself and the pokémon around you, and you won't go wrong, Corona. Keep your mind and body fit. I believe you can do this. Now just believe in yourself.~ Cobalion's eyes shift to my shoulder. ~Do you have your sword?~

I nodded. I'd put the rapier in the sheath so that I could carry it discretely with slicing myself.

~Good. I want you to practice what we worked on. You never know when you'll need to fight.~ He paused before adding, ~We're all going to be proud of you no matter what happens on your journey. All four of us. You're always going to be welcome with us.~

I smile, and the two of us nodded to the other. Even with silence, the meaning of his words were easily understood.

~Cobalion!~ Virizion shouts. ~Stop holding Corona up! She needs to go!~ Virizion playfully headbutted Cobalion. A warm smile curled at the end of his muzzle.

~Then I'll hold her up no more. He looked to me. ~Stay smart. Now go.~

Virizion lay on the lush grass so that I could mount her back. I got on and put my sandalled feet behind the tufts of pink hair on her sides.

~Are you comfortable? ~ Virizion asked me. ~I don't want to start until you're comfortable. We're not stopping.~

"Yes," I replied. Virizion stood on her green haunches. She took a few steps; balancing so I wouldn't fall.

Cobalion stood between Keldeo and Terrakion.

~Bye, Corona! Have fun!~ Keldeo shouted.

~Be careful! We'll all be waiting for you!~ the rock type called out.

I looked to Cobalion. He said nothing, only giving me a curt jerk of his head and his signature emotionless glance. I hold eye contact, and Cobalion's eyes soften.

~Remember who you are, where you come from, and what you stand for. Remember that always,~ he murmurs.

I grab the pink spikes behind Virizion's neck as she takes off.

Virizion is quite serious when she said she was quick. All the scenery beside me blurs together from her speed. Yet her stride is smooth and graceful. I do notice though, that we stick to forest paths. Good. The last thing we need is for some hunter or fanatic to see us, and attempt to capture Virizion. She slows before coming to a complete halt. I can see the faint outline of a town from the shadows of the trees. I slide off Virizion's back, and she nuzzles me.

Fighting for the Truth {UNDER EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now