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From the bushes, Dewott and I watch a trio of grunts scampering around. One of them was carrying a large Dragon Skull. We listen as they whisper loudly.

"We got it!"

"It's the legendary dragon's Skull!"

"Our King can use it to revive the Dragon!" I shake my head, and hold back a laugh. These grunts are so stupid. Anyone with half a brain should be able to tell that that Skull was part of a Dragonite at some point. Yeah. And they think it belonged to a legendary Pokémon.

~What's the plan, Corona?~ Dewott asks.

"Try fighting off any pokémon, but take out the grunts first. No Trainer, no battle," I whisper. He nods.

~Got it.~ Virizion had suggested that I take my staff for less intense fighting, so we did.
We charge out of the bushes, scaring the shinx out of the grunts.

Before they can call out an attack, Dewott slashes at them with dual scalchops. Then he sprays them with water. Meanwhile, I swipe at a grunt with the staff. He smirks.

"Aren't you a little bit young to be playing games like these with us? Do you honestly think you can take three of us out the just yourself, a stick, and a mangled ball of blue fur?" I don't even flinch.

"Shut up." Next thing he knows, the end of my staff collides with side of his head. The man's eyes roll back, and he crumples to the ground. The other two grunts stare at me with horror. Actually, only one. The other grunt passed out, and Dewott stood over him triumphantly. The last grunt clutches the Skull and backs up against a tree.

"D-don't hurt me, p-please. I didn't want to steal it..." She stutters.

"So why did you?"

"Master Ghetsis told us we were to break in, to retrieve the Dragon Skull for our King. To aid him in the revival of the legendary Dragon of Unova, to enforce Pokémon Liberation."

I sigh. This again? I knew something was wrong with Ghetsis though. "Who is your King?" I ask. She shakes her head.

"I can't say." She turns and runs back to the main road. Dewott starts to chase her, but I stop him when I gesture to the unconscious grunts.

"We need to do something about them." Grass rustles behind us.

~Perhaps... We can help?" A duo of leavanny scuttle forward. That's it! They have silk, and its strong too.

"Yes. Leavanny, please wrap these two up very tightly so they can't escape, but don't strangle them. I don't want to hurt them worse than I already have."

~Ok Corona.~ Their white silk flows out and around the pair of male grunts, and binds them together.

"One more favor," I say. "Can you help me get them onto the main road?" They nod, and the pair of them simply lift up the silk wrapped crooks and follow Dewott and I back to the main road. I run into a tall guy with red hair.

"I'm sorry, Miss!" He sees my grunts. "You caught the two of them?"

"Yes." He looks at the leavanny.

"And are those your leavanny?" I shake my head.

"No, they saw me and wanted to help." The man surprises me by throwing out a pokéball, releasing his own leavanny. The two behind me gasp.

~Sister!~ They run forward it embrace their sibling.

~We haven't seen you since we were sewaddle!~ one gasps. The man's leavanny shakes her head.
~I was captured. But don't worry! Burgh is one of the best people! He may be a Gym Leader to the public, but he really loves all of his pokémon.~ I look at her Trainer. This is Burgh, Castelia City bug-type Gym Leader? I didn't expect that. This guy wore a lime green sweater, a red scarf, and red pinstriped pants.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2019 ⏰

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