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Cheren and I walk through Route 2 together after I gave Oshawott a berry. "So, you're pretty good at battling." He says.

"I guess. That was my first battle. I don't really like battles." He stops.

"What? Why don't you like Pokémon battles?"

"Pokémon hurt each other just to prove who's stronger. Then the Trainer of the victor receives money. I just don't agree with it," I say quietly.

"Battle me."

"What? No, I-"

"You're battling me," Cheren interrupts. "That's how other Trainers will treat you. It's the law of battles.  When two Trainers' eyes meet, a battle begins."

~Just go with it! I can take Glasses down anyday!~ Oshawott huffs. I look at him.

"Are you sure?"

~Stop it! Stop treating me like a baby! I'm strong enough to fight, and I will! Corona, please, have some faith in me.~

Was that what he saw my concern as? Was I overprotective? I can't believe I managed to question his capabilities like that without even thinking about it. I straighten my spine.

"Go, Oshawott!" I say clearly. Cheren throws out a pokéball.

Sni! She glances at Cheren. ~Finally! You haven't let me out in forever!~He points forward.

"Snivy! Use Vine Whip!"

"Dodge it, and use Tail Whip!" Long, green leaves surge forward, but Oshawott hit the ground and rolls before popping back up to shake his tail at Snivy.

"Now Tackle her!" I shout.

Oshawott flies forward and rams into the grass snake.

"Make a comeback! Vine Whip again!" Snivy's vines shot out from her sides, and smacked Oshawott before I can respond.

Oshawott gets right back up and snarls. ~That's. It. Snivy! You're going down!~

"You go, Oshawott! Tail Whip as you run, then Tackle again!"

~You got it!~he responds. Wagging his tail as he runs, then Oshawott launches himself at Snivy, and she goes down. As he lands on the ground, Oshawott bows to Snivy.

~Perhaps next time you'll win?~

"Good job Oshawott!"

~I told you I could do it!~ he yells triumphantly.

"I never said you couldn't." I give both Snivy and Oshawott a few Sitrus berries, and they both regain their full health.

~Thank you, Miss,~ Snivy says sincerely.

~Yes, thanks,~ Oshawott adds.

"You're very welcome," I say with a smile. No sooner than I say that, do I realize my mistake. I'm not alone. Cheren is still directly behind me,watching the whole exchange.

"What was that?"

"What was what?" I ask, trying to play dumb. He shakes his head.

"I saw that. They talked to you, and you talked back. Seriously, Corona, what is going on?"

Arceus, no one was supposed to find out, not this soon. But what should I do? For some reason, I want to trust Cheren, but what would that do to my task? I look to Oshawott for help.

~Just tell him you'll tell him some other time.~ I take a deep breath.

"Cheren, I'll tell you all about it some other time." He stiffens and turns away.

Fighting for the Truth {UNDER EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now