Prologue: Hurt

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Location: Chopper Base, Atollon, Ghost Ship,

Kova 15 years old POV

I was in my room meditating in my room I have been training under Kanan a Jedi Knight along with my brother Ezra Bridger. But I soon realized that my brother have been getting more attention in training than me but I shrugged it off thinking that is nothing but I heard talking somewhere in the Ghost

[ ]=Thoughts

Me:[Mm that's strange everyone is usually a sleep during this time]

I opened the door and sneak quietly so nobody can hear me if their still sleeping and I saw my family along with my brother Ezra and my crush Sabine they were talking about me at first I thought they were talking good about how I became a good Padawan and a good Rebel fighter but instead I heard something else something that really
Hurt me

Hera: Yeah he is very bad a training am I right Kanan?

Kanan: Yes he is very weak at training that's why I gave more attention at training with Ezra

Zeb: Yeah and Don't forget that he is very annoying and pathetic

Sabine: Yeah is pretty pathetic and annoying

Ezra: Yes I had to agree with you

Kanan: Yes I wished I never trained him

Ezra: Yeah I wished that I never met him and never became my brother

Sabine: Yeah and is it true that he likes me?

Ezra: Yeah he does

Sabine: Ha I will never loved someone who is weak pathetic and annoying like him

I was heart broken I had to think that the their joking but I feel that their telling the truth. I went back into my room I sit down by the door and cried for at least for a few minutes

Me:[Why? Why do they hate me? Even from my brother Ezra and from Sabine my crush]

And that's when I decided

Me:[Well if they hate and I will leave them to do them a favor]

I started to pack my things and I left my lightsaber because I don't need it anymore but I only kept my blaster before I left I wrote a note to explain to them of how I feel and why I ran away so I secretly got off the ship and ran out of the base. When I was far away from the base I decided to sit down for awhile and that's when I sensed something I turned around to see one of those creatures that have been living on this planet too

 When I was far away from the base I decided to sit down for awhile and that's when I sensed something I turned around to see one of those creatures that have been living on this planet too

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I still have blaster pistol I pointed at it but it was bigger than me and I knew that my pistol will not do anything so that's when I accepted my fate so I close my eyes and that's when I feel the creature getting closer

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