Chapter 1: The Mistake we made

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Location: Chopper Base, Atollon, Ghost,

The next morning

Ezra POV

I got up from bed and I went over to the table I see Chopper, Zeb, Sabine, waiting for breakfast so I sit down

Me: Goodmorning guy's

Sabine: Goodmorning Ezra

Zeb: Goodmorning Kid

Chopper: Beep boop beep

I sit down and I waited for my brother to come out for breakfast but he didn't came

Me: Hey have you guys Kova?

Sabine: No

Zeb: No I haven't seen him since we got up

Chopper: Beep

I sigh and I stand up

Me: I will wake up

I went over to his room and I knock in his door

Me: Kova it's time to wake up it's breakfast time

No response

Me: Hey can you hear me in there?

No response

I started to get worryed and I saw Sabine Hera and Kanan walking towards me

Kanan: What's going here Ezra?

Me: I don't think Kova is hearing me and is not responding

They were shocked then I decided to open the door and I saw not in there

Me: Kova Kova are you in here?

No response

We are getting worried so we enter his room and I saw his lightsaber and a note on his bed it reads

Dear "family"

If you are reading this that means that I ran away why? Because I heard what you said about me last night of how I was "weak" "pathetic" "I wish he is not my brother" and " I wished I have not trained him" I thought you guys cared about even you Ezra you are like a brother to me. But I guess I was wrong so I ran away from the base and I left my lightsaber because I don't need because I am not a Jedi or Rebel anymore I ran away from the base I might get eating by a one of those big spiders creatures or whatever but I don't care if I die but if I survive them and escaped of the planet I don't want you to look or find me because if you do I will kill you myself

From your former friend Kova

We started to feel bad of what we said to him Sabine, Hera, started to cry we told Zeb and Chopper and they were shock and started to feel bad especially me I was his older brother and yet I failed to be a good brother
We decided to head to the control room and we met Sato, Ahsoka, and Rex

Sato: Oh Ghost crew what is that do you need?

Me: Well.......

we started to explain what happened last night and what we did
They were shock and decided to search for him we look around the base until we found some footprints that might belong to him. So we decided to the tracks hopefully to find him we also have to be careful because of the creatures too we followed the tracks and we saw a dead Krykna and we saw his blaster on the ground

Sabine: No he can't be dead I didn't mean of what I said about him

She started to cry so I hug her to calm her down

Hera: Hey come and take a look at this!

We went over to the dead Krykna and we saw Lightsaber marks

Me: Wait are those Lightsaber slash marks?

Ahsoka: Yes they are

Sabine: But who or what could it cost it? We know that Kova left his Jedi Lightsaber back to the ship

Kanan: But who else could have cost it?

Zeb: Could it be another Inquisitor?

Kanan: Not likely if it was an Inquisitor then the Empire would have attacked the base while we were a sleep

We decided to head back to the base but I got my brothers blaster and we back into the base

Me:[Kova I hope that you are okay I am very sorry for what I said about you we all are sorry]

Location: The Solar System near Earth

Kovas POV

I was with my father in the cockpit waiting for us to arrive to my moms home planet. The planets name is called Earth and I heard that mother was a part a secret organization called The Enclave we then arrived to the planet and what I saw shocked me

 The planets name is called Earth and I heard that mother was a part a secret organization called The Enclave we then arrived to the planet and what I saw shocked me

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The planet destroyed in some kind of global world war or something like that so I decided to ask dad of what happened

Me: Um dad what happened to Earth

My father sighed and said

Darth Maul: Earth in was in a global war with used of Nuclear Weapons it had destroyed the planet and it created the Wasteland. People from the Wasteland who heard or know of the Nuclear War called it the Great War

I was shocked of how Earth became like this

Me: So where are we going now?

Darth Maul: You mother gave me the location of a secret Enclave base out in the Wasteland so we will be there soon and once we get there we will begin your training

Me: Okay dad

We headed to planets surface I hope I am prepared on what's going to be on the planet Earth

To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2023 ⏰

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