His Eyes Were Shining So Bright

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You took the bus, since it was not halal for women to drive. You knew exactly where you were going, to meet the celebrity you've longed for so long. You thought about him every day, as if he was your Roman Empire. You clenched your fists as you were entering the hall for the signing event. And the first look you took at him, your heart started racing. It was none other than the famous Atheist Activist, Evolutionary Biologist, Writer, Public Figure Dr. Richard Dawkins. Your orbs absorbed all the light in the universe and shone so brightly.

You were truly and utterly captivated by him, his intellect, and his beauty. Though, no matter how you looked at it, he wasn't exactly your usual type. He didn't look like the sexiest man alive, Andrew Tate, at all. He wasn't completely bald(although in the process of balding), he wasn't exactly built like... y'know... a chad. He wasn't that muscular. All of those were okay, except the most important thing about Andrew Tate. Richard wasn't misogynistic! How could he? No matter how you looked at it, if you guys ever got married it'd never be halal because of that!

You were lost in these thoughts for too long it seems because it was your turn in line to get your book signed. You snapped out of it and gave Richard a modest smile. As you looked at his face, though, you realized you've never seen him look like that. His eyes were glowing, his face was brighter than the sun itself. It filled you with warmth to the brim.
"Welcome Mademoiselle, what brings you here?" said he.
-I'm your biggest fan, Mr. Dawkins !!!
-That's quite comforting to hear, my dear.
-Your book "The God Delusion" and "The Selfish Gene" are both masterpieces, can't even start with all of your other works!
-Thank you very much.

You spoke a few more words but you can't seem to recall them due to your excitement. He signed your book and you went home happily. This was the best of your life. And maybe his life too? You asked yourself this question as you stared at the phone number near the signature.

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