Tonight is the night!

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You looked into the mirror and liked what you saw. You were stunning, absolutely beautiful in every sense. You looked just like one of Richard's ex wives when she was young. Tonight was the night! Richard was going to pick you up with his car and you two would be going to have dinner. Just the two of you. Lost in dreams, you picked up your perfume. As you put it on, you felt very... evolutionary. Like you were using your female pheromones to attract a male. You sighed, hoping Richard is as wild as you are.

As you were all done, leaving your room you noticed something was missing... It was your hijab!!! You almost let go of your dignity for a man you weren't even married to... What a failure of an object you were! Your dress was a red mini dress, so you decided to wear a white hijab to look like the Turkish flag. And you indeed did so. At last though, you were in despair and hoped Richard would like the kebab look you got on.

You stood in front of your porch, mindlessly waiting for you soulmate to pick you up. And after 10 minutes he pulled up in a Duesenberg Model J. Classical, how very much like him indeed. As you were getting into the car you thought about how the car was only 20~ years younger than him. You were going to ride two fossils tonight.

"You look wonderful today, dear." his sweet words softened your heart.
"Where are we going for dinner today?" you asked in a cutely manner.
"Why, my place of course. Are you ready for the night?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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