Richard? Oh My God!

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You couldn't help yourself. You had to call the number. What if it belonged to Richard? You were already so familiar with him in your head, that you even called him Richard. Of course not to his face, but you were working on it. You were stroking the book gently, after all it was the book he touched. You traced the ink with your hand and had a feeling that it was the time to call the number. Your hands were trembling as you were typing the number in. Ringing... Someone picked up the call.
-Hi, whose number is this?
-Hello, this is Clinton Richard Dawkins.
-Richard? OH MY GOD!!!!!
-May i ask who you are?
-My name is [Y/N]. Do you remember me from the sign event?
-Oh my, are you the girl in the [Color] hijab? Of course i remember you dear. I'm overjoyed that you actually called.
-Am i dreaming?
-Hahaha, of course not.

You both couldn't get a hold of yourselves and actually talked for hours. His phone ran out of battery so eventually you needed to hang up. "What. a. day." you said to yourself. "Richard is SO dreamy!"
And to your suprise, he actually invited you to a dinner! You knew you were going to spend the whole week preparing. You carefully started picking your hijab while you stared at the poster of an AI generated art you got by typing "Richard Dawkins hugging Charles Darwin" into the slot. Your fantasies were indeed wild sometimes.

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