fire in my heart - part two

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"Wait baby, Cal will be here soon." In the past three months, Isra has become really attached to Cal. Every time he's not around, she cries and I can barely calm her down.

And every time he takes her in his hands she smiles and giggles like she was not crying minutes ago.

It must be because he spoils her a lot. He plays with her every time he's around, throwing her in the air which makes her laugh out loud and fill the room with her sweet giggles. Everything she wants, he does.

"Isra, baby, please. I know." Today we were going to visit Cal at his house. His work was finishing soon and he said that he was going to pick us up. I felt guilty that he had to drive here just so he could take us because I didn't have a car nor did I have a driver's license.

I took her in my arms and started walking around the apartment, I gave her toys in her hands but she dropped them and continued to sob. My heart was breaking.

The phone started to ring and I quickly went to grab it. Cal's name flashed and I let out a sigh.

Pressing on the green circle, I brought the device close to my ear.

"Hey, Elora." His strong voice echoed through the speaker. Before I could respond, he spoke again. "Is everything alright with Isra?" He sounded worried as he heard her soft cries.

"Yeah, I just feed her but she misses you. And I can't seem to calm her down." About ten minutes ago I breastfed her and she was quiet for about five minutes before she started to cry again.

"Oh, okay. I'll be there in..." He paused for a second and I heard ruffling noises, also some of his coworkers talking. "Probably ten to fifteen minutes. I'll try my best to be there as quickly as possible."

"I'm sorry Cal. Really." He shouldn't be in a hurry just because of us but I couldn't calm my Isra. Her tears soaked my sweater and she rested her head on my shoulder.

"It's fine Elora. Don't worry, I'm finishing with work." We said goodbye and I threw the phone on the couch. I walked towards my bedroom and took some newly washed clothes for Isra.

I placed her on the bed and started changing her diaper and then clothes. Her hair was starting to grow longer and I used that opportunity to tie a small ponytail on top of her head. Also, her hair was getting lighter, almost like mine.

Taking her hands, I lifted her on her legs. She was able to stand but only with my help. My baby was getting grown up and I felt a pain tug on my heart. It's like yesterday when I held her in my hands for the first time.

I was sad yet the happiest person in the world.

The next thing I did was prepare her bag. I put diapers and a few of the essentials that I needed. We'll be there for dinner but I don't know what Isra might do. She loved smearing her clothes with food.

The doorbell rang and I sat Isra on the couch and hurried to the door. I opened it and I was greeted by Cal.

My mouth stayed open as I roamed my eyes over him. He was still in his uniform. The jacket was open and revealed a tight black t-shirt that was stretched over his torso.

I felt my throat get dry at the sight in front of me. I have seen him in a uniform before but this time, it was more... casual.

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