chapter 1

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I listen to the sound of the heels of my leather boots hit the ground of the cold marble tick tick tick. It's been stressful lately and I have a feeling it's not going to get much easier, but that it's going to get worse. I make my way out of the large building I call my home and to the little pond in the middle of the garden and sit down. I slip off my boots as well as my socks and put my feel on the soft grass. I lay in a starfish position by the pond. My thick curly black shoulder length hair spread out on the area I was laying on. "I could lay here forever" I thought to myself. I pull out my book on Greek mythology (bare with me I'm just starting on Greek mythology😭) and start to get lost in the pages. Luckily I started to notice the sun coming up, but realized just in time to give me the opportunity to sneak back to my room and switch back into my silk pajamas, mess my hair up, and slide back into bed making it look like I had been asleep the entire night.
"Estella! Wake up or you'll be late for breakfast! Your father has requested your presence this morning!" I heard my maid, Hannah, say from the entrance of my room. I look up at the familiar pale girl. The way her thick wavy brown hair fits so perfectly in a neat bun, the way her dress fits her so perfectly and the apron already tied neatly around her waist, the way she looks so effortlessly perfect. I admire her beauty and how she sees the best in everything despite the poor living conditions the maids have.
"Good morning Hannah." I responded quietly, faking a yawn. "You must bathe and dress yourself for the day. I have already drawn a bath for you before I woke you up!" She responds quickly walking towards my closet filled with pants, blouses, and all kinds of elegant dresses. I hope out of bed and walk towards my bathroom sluggishly. 'I guess the exhaustion from not sleeping very well the past two nights just hit me' I think as I slip off my slippers and feel the cold marble tiles against my feet. I hurriedly washed my black hair, scrubbing out the foamy shampoo. I rush to scrub the dirt off my dark green skin (no she's not sick it's just that she's an original character and their called forest entities) to keep myself from being late for breakfast. I call to Hannah to tell her I'm done with my bath and to bring me my clothes she chose for me to wear today. She walks in with a light green dress for me to wear and matching flats. ( you don't wear dresses every day. Just bear with me 😭💅)

I don't normally wear dresses because I find them uncomfortable but Hannah informed me my father required that I wear a dress. I slide on my green dress and sit down at the vanity on the other side of the bathroom while Hannah brushes through my hair and braids it into twin French braids. I slide on my flats and stand up. "You best be on your way now," Hannah mentions, "you don't want to be late!". I start to make my way out of my room while Hannah puts down my brush and we wave goodbye. I walk through the giant halls of the castle to go eat with my father.
"You requested me for breakfast?" I question my father, who was already sitting at his place at the head of the table. "Ah yes, estella, I've been waiting for your arrival! Come, sit!" My father responds in a more serious tone as I make my way to sit on the left side of him. As I sat, maids came scurrying out of the kitchen doors, carrying silver platters of food for breakfast. "We have important matters to discuss" my father says, pulling his silky Grey hair out of his face while a maid places his 2 plates of food infront of him, a smaller plate and a larger plate. Another maid came over and places a silver platter filled with food right infront of me. A stack of pancakes, buttered and syrup poured over the stack, decorated with blueberries and chopped up strawberries. Another small plate gets set before me with 4 pieces of bacon and scrambled eggs.
"What are the matters you called me for?" I say with words slightly shake. I held my breath as father sighs before beginning to talk. "I have acquainted with another kingdom not too far from here." My father begins.
I exhaled a breath I didn't realize I was holding when he finished his sentence. "Father, it's good that we have an acquaintance but why would you request me for breakfast when that's something we could discuss in today's meeting?" I question him with a worried chuckle. Somethings not right. I take a rather large bite of my pancakes, the flavors of the fluffy pancakes and berries mixing wonderfully, the warm syrup running down my throat.
"Well my dear," my father started, "Me and the king have both agreed to have an arranged marriage for you and his oldest son."

Holy crap this took forever! I have an entire document that I work on at school I just need to get the motivation to work on it. Eat something and sleep well you little rats<3(no I'm not calling you a rat in a bad way, it is now your nickname here. ⟊ am a rat too) eat and drink something
962 words

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