Remembering Sunday

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Jack was moving to California. I couldn't wrap my head around the unescapable truth. My boyfriend of a year and a half was moving to the other side of the fucking country. We still had a little time with him, so my friends and I set up a surprise party for the Sunday before he left.

We were all hiding in his living room as his car rolled into the driveway. Save the occasional giggle, all was silent. Jack walked in and flipped a switch, illuminating the room as we all jumped up and yelled, "Surprise!"

"Oh my god!" Jack said, clearly startled. I smiled at his expression and walked up to him for a big hug.

"Don't think we were going to let you go without a proper party," I said as everyone else took the party things out of the closets and under the sofas. Soon, there was a snack table and a makeshift mini bar with a pulsating beat in the background.

Jack drifted off to different people to share memories and look at old pictures. I sat in one corner, drink in hand and a pleasant buzz about me. I watched Jack's lips curl into a smile as someone showed him a picture of him as a child. A pang of pain hit me as I realized I probably wouldn't see that smile again for a while. That thought lifted me to my feet and led me across the room to where my boyfriend was standing amid a gaggle of people.

"Jack, I have something to show you." I said quietly so only he could hear. "Meet me in your room."

I walked away without looking back but I heard Jack excuse himself. I hid my excitement as I strode into his room and took a bag out of a drawer next to his bed. I then turned the lights off and waited for Jack to enter.


"I'm over here, Jack."

"Can I-"

"No! Leave the light off." I said. He stood in front of the door as he let his eyes adjust. When they did, he made his way next to me on the edge of the bed.

I began the second he seated himself. "I know we won't be able to see each other much after today," I said. 

"Don't say that, I'll visit-"

"Just listen!" I cut him off. Taking a breath, I continued, "And I know you might find someone better. And I'm okay with that. I just want you to remember me." Jack lay his hand on mine and squeezed.

"I would never forget you, Lex," he said softly. I looked timidly into his eyes and saw the sadness, regret, and hunger in his. Without thinking, I closed the distance between us with a kiss.

"I love you Jay," I told him as we broke away, my voice heavy with emotion. Jack's hand found my cheek and he stroked it softly.

"I know you do." he leaned in again. Unlike the last one, which was soft and sweet, this kiss was deeper and more demanding. My heart rate quickened as my fingers curled around Jack's soft locks.

Jack's hand was roaming my back, passing over my ass and driving me crazy. Unable to take it anymore, I pinned Jack underneath me on the bed. With an impatient movement, I swiped my shirt off my chest and tugged at the hem of Jack's. He pulled his off too, and we continued.

Jack's lips were hot against mine and I could feel him growing hard beneath me. My hand mindlessly drifted to his member and began pawing at him through his jeans. I smiled a little when I heard his gasp. I had never been this intimate with him before.

His moans filled my mouth as I massaged him but I knew it wasn't enough for him. Breaking the kiss, I lowered myself so that my face was hovering over his pants. Tugging the belt through the loop, I slipped his pants off in one quick motion. Jack's eyes were wide as I lowered his boxers and proceeded to put him in between my ready lips.

Being bigger than I thought it would be, his member was difficult to fit in my mouth. Once I got all of it in, Jack's hands on the back of my head guided me. His moans filled the room and I didn't bother stopping to tease him because today was supposed to be all about him. I quickly pulled him out to lick the top before continuing again at a vigorous rate.

"Oh, fuck…" Jack moaned as I continued sucking. His legs were trembling and I could tell he was close. Not slowing my pace, I reached up and began touching him everywhere. On his chest, his thighs, his stomach. His hips bucked and I knew he was going to come so I redoubled my speed. Finally, I felt his warm seed fill my mouth. Swallowing it, I pulled him out of my mouth and lay on top of Jack for a while, breathing heavily.

"That was amazing," he panted finally. I giggled and reached up for a kiss.

"You're gonna have a hard time forgetting this Sunday." I warned him. 

He smiled and pulled me to him. "Good, because this is one I never wanna forget."

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