Chapter fourty - one

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The evening of mission was getting close and I was getting more and more nervous, I don't know why, everything was planned to perfect details, dad was happy with the ways we decided to handle this, the details we planned out, but I couldn't help myself and feel like something was about to be wrong.
I know I have my boys there, they will have my back if anything fuck up, but still, it was the grand finale of my plan, everything I worked on for these long months will escalate tonight. There will be no need for me to care about resistance no more, I will be able to close the chapter and finally move on without any demons to follow me around.
Plus I felt like a shit, I don't know what was happening to me, but all I could do lately was sit and don't do much of anything since it was tiring me as fuck. But this is not time for giving to feelings like this, I have so much to do and can't just call it a day and stay in the bed all day. I need to make sure, the escalation of this whole fucking play will work out and I won't fuck it up.
"Mrs Malfoy must listen to Moppy, the intruder is making too much sound and scare creatures in the forest," Moppy once again came and decided to bother me with such a nonsense at time like this.
"I don't care Moppy, can't you just use silencing charm on the stables? I would think that this will be clear solution to which you don't need me," I turned from my book and faced her with little to non interest into this theme.
"But the intrudes is pregnant, we can't let her freeze to death, she is begging for a warming charm, should Moppy give her that as well?" She continued, this elf and her good heart.
"No, just the silencing charm, I don't want to interrupt the disciplinary process now," I turned back to face my book, not having the whining of redhead at all.
"As Mrs Malfoy wish," she bowed her head and went to proceed with her task. I knew I can trust her with keeping eye on redhead, but I did not knew I will be facing her begging for better treatment of her, redhead must have some good ways how to manipulate people and creatures to her side.
She was in the stables for few days now and I refused any coming ideas from Moppy to be more nicer to her. She was there by her own mistakes and I would not let anything to disturb the process she is in. It's harsh, yes, but it's effective. If it would be on me, I would let her there the whole nine fucking moths and once the child is born, I would get rid of her. Before I discovered what she was doing to Mattheo, to what she was pushing him into, I would close my eyes on theirs relationship, fuck I might even close my eyes on him helping her to escape, but that was over, any tolerance was blown away by discovery of what kind of manipulative bitch she is.
She was a fucking war prison, she was blood traitor and was siding still with resistance, openly. She greatly forgot what place she holds in this society and she needs to be remembered of it, or she won't behave properly. If she would not be pregnant, I would just crucio the shit out of her, he can fuck her and have children with her even if she is mentally disabled, raising them was not her place, she does not need to be mentally present, that was Daph's place.
Yet now she is with a child, I can't use crucio on her, since I promised Matty to don't do such a thing, so I was forced into taking actions this way, which might seems harsh, but fuck they work.
One can't imagine what she is shielded from when she does not know how it feels to be treated the way she should have been treated the whole time. She was lucky to have Mattheo, to have past with him, or else she wouldn't live that comfortably as she did till now.
Thankfully I won't need to stop the treatment today, since Draco will take over her discipline from there, leaving me to have my own fun with the fuckers from resistance.
That reminds me, I have date later today, Freddie will be dressed like a Vampire and I will be sexy bunny but little more covered, to keep my mysterious identity. Our side knows that they can't attack me and thanks to this brilliant idea they will spot me easily in the crowd, but it's two sided knife, since just as easily I will be recognised by my side, the resistance will spot me just as easily and if they take any doubts in my actions, I will be target number one.
Which leaves me feel nervous all over again, this time tomorrow everything will be over and I will don't have any worry in the whole world. I will play with my newly captured play toys and then attend my two best friends weddings and from there, maybe I will finally fall pregnant and will enjoy the whole experience properly this time. The whole length of it, all nine months filled with love and pride.
We were at dad's manor and I getting ready, the people he trusted with this mission was all already granted with permission to entry, which made it all more easier to organise, they were currently getting theirs head filled from Draco, who is explaining to them all once again the importance of tonight's mission and how he expect it to go.
"I don't want to do it!" Mattheo whined when he was holding the cup of potion, which will transform him into one and only Granger.
"Imagine what fun you can have! We will visit original Granger while you look like her and let her know about the tonight's fall of resistance!" I danced around him, impatient for him to finally down that shit so we can get everything done in time.
"Yeah mate, just down with it," Theo encouraged him as well, just as impatient as I was to finally go tease golden girl with our games. "It's not that difficult, just swallow," he wiggled with his eyebrows, making me laugh at his stupid double sides jokes.
"Fine!" Matty once again made disgust face and clipped his nose with his fingers to don't smell the potion, kicking it down with closed yes.
"Good boy!" I clapped with my hands, giving him applause for such a performance.
"It's fucking disgusting!" Mattheo tried to keep that shit down, fighting the position which was kicking him inside to go out, it was side effect which you just need to survive for few second, which he did and in no time, he started to change.
It took the potion one of my blinking and suddenly there stand in front of me Granger in her whole glory, dressed in now way too large men clothes. I couldn't help but laugh my ass off when Mattheo made offended expression of disappointment after he squeezed his newly gained boobs out of old habits.
"Fuck, though they were bigger," he said with a female voice, making both of us who was watching this strange scene erupt into another laughing attack, almost pissing our pants on the sigh in front of us.
"I can't! I will choke!" I wheezed out of me, bended over with the force of my laughter.
"This will kill me!" Theo wheezed out, he himself did not was in better state than me.
"Alright, now you had your laugh, care to give me the fucking clothes so I can change and we can proceed with the plan?" Mattheo sounded greatly bored, the cursing was so entertaining to hear from the golden girl, who I never heard curse in her whole life, if we don't count the day she found out I played her, but that was understandable reaction after all.
"Sure mate, there, change in the bathroom," Theo pointed towards the bathroom of my room where we were hidden, looking at me with the most amused look I ever saw on his face.
"And to imagine that this is just the start!" I threw myself on him, hugging him from pure excitement, when Mattheo disappeared into the bathroom, this will be fucking amazing!
"Did you seen how hilarious he looked when he made that his face!" Theo was leading against me, finding his own support to don't collapse.
"I bet he is looking at her pussy right now!" I almost choked on air as I tried to stay standing, but my knees were becoming weak from the lack of oxygen.
"Fucking hell you are right!" He fell to the ground like a girl, taking me with him down, both of us landed on our knees laughing our asses off at the mere idea.
When he finally came out and helped both of us up, which only made us laugh way harder considering his looks, really, one need to see it or they can't understand how freaking hilarious this was. We decided to suck it up and proceed to visit Granger at her cell, the time was slowly approaching for me to leave and I needed to change quickly before we will go to her.
I was changed in no time, there was not much to put on honestly, just a short pink dress, tights and rabbit mask, it looked creepy as fuck, but was so unique that nobody could mistake me for who I was, only the ones who will knows who I'm will know and well, that's both sides after all. Confusing I know, the whole costume was just to make it all more funny at this point really.
Blaise was sadly dragged with Draco to help him make the bunch of death eaters behave, so he will miss the whole ordeal, I can imagine how pissed he will be after we tell him every detail. We made photos for them though, to don't make them miss the whole thing completely, they will need to see the two of us changed to being unrecognised by anyone and grinning Theo in the middle, his arms around both of us. It was nice picture and I will surely copy it to place it into my diary to remember this amazing moments.
"Wakey wakey!" Theo shouted into the cell when he was opening the doors, making original Granger to raise her head, which had newly formed bruises around it and crusted blood around her mouth. Someone had fun with her.
"We have surprise for you!" I exclaimed, stepping away to show Mattheo who was purposely hiding behind the two of us.
"Hello twin!" Mattheo waved at her and made sexy pose her way. "How do I look?"
"What are you planning?" Granger said with low voice, which sounded raspy.
"Tonight, my dear, is the night to remember," I said with excited voice, smacking Mattheo's ass as he made yet another pose, making both of us once again giggle and original Granger look with horror at us. "Your friends are going to rescue your ass and I will have them all served like on silver tray outside the base, all what will be needed is to collect them, all thanks to you, which reminds me, I wanted to thank you for being stubborn piece of shit and let yourself get pick up," I winked at her, enjoying each second when realisation hit her face, the realisation that the order will end tonight, there won't be any place for her to return to, leaving her live the nightmare without any dust of hope left.
"They won't go down without a fight," she tried to argue with me, but I could see the last pieces of hope leaving her eyes, which seemed to be turning red from tears she tried to hide from the three of us.
"We count on that," Theo ensured her, he was excited for a little drama, for a good old action and fighting.
"You can crash the order, but there will still be hope left for others to believe in," she whispered, hanging her head down.
"No honey, there is non," Mattheo beamed at her, smiling with a devilish smile on his new face, what a contrast between the same looking persons. One devastated and other in ecstasy of upcoming victory.
"Would love to stay longer and enjoy the defeat in your face, but I have upcoming date with the order and I don't want to miss it right?" I winked at her and turned to leave, but then remembered one little detail that I want her to remember.
"Theo, do you remember how we were talking about the glamour charm we will use at the fake Granger? I think the real one should see how would her friends see her in theirs last moments of theirs lives," I said with a way too sweet voice, nodding towards Mattheo, who shake his head in agreement, liking the idea.
"You're such a bad bitch," Theo laughed, turning towards Mattheo to use the glamour charm on, it was quick, the guy saw such a gore that to charm some wounds and bruises all over the fake Granger was no task for him.
In no time, Mattheo in his new looks was looking like he was just taken from torture chambers, pretty fucking gory.
"You should act like you are in pain mate, that would make it all more believable," Theo advised the obvious, which Mattheo just rolled his eyes on.
"I wanted to wait till I go outside to don't tire myself, but one little performance for the main start of this evening will do," he started to lean forward, holding his stomach, looking half mad from pain. He himself went through some pretty rough shit, so it was no task for him as well to pretend to be in pain.
"This is amazing!" I clapped once again to applause for theirs fabulous work, turning to look at Granger, who was looking at it will with tears in her eyes.
"Alright, let's go!" Mattheo turned to leave and both of us decided to follow the lead, it was getting late.
"It's freaking eight in the evening Malfoy! Where do you think you were?!" Weasley shouted at me once I showed up at the meeting spot.
"I can't just disappear whenever I want! I needed to deal with my husband and then I needed to give Granger the pepper up potion you idiots wanted me to give her, it's not that easy to enter her cell you know, especially at the day of her transport," I bite right back, laughing at the oh faces from them. "You did though I backed out didn't you?" I gave them all amused look and folded arms on my exposed chest, shaking my head in disbelief.
"You did showed up two hours late Mrs Malfoy," Kingsley said with a relief all over his face, yes, it took me two hours to finally manage to get myself together and come, frankly, I find it more better spend two hours by side of my friends who were joking around and almost fainting from the jokes Mattheo was serving us in his new body, serving a good idea to dad, thinking it would be good, once Granger is dealt with, to once again take her face and made public statement, where she display her support to our system and disagree with beliefs of resistance, she was after all public figure for the whole resistance, face of the opposition, the golden girl and her backing off will surely step on the moral of remaining rebels and make them question everything they believed in. I found it absolutely genius idea just like the rest of my friends and dad liked it a lot! It was way better spend two hours than to rot there with them.
"Yeah, but I think the potion was worth the trouble, she did stand up by herself for the first time in a week," I winked at them, turning to face fucking Tonks for the first time. So close to kill that bitch yet so far. "She was not happy with the news though, she whined about how she pressed on you to move on and don't risk anything," I added, grinning her way, I wanted to rip her beating heart of her chest and step on it.
"I got an idea," Weasley started, to which I only closed my eyes, leaning against my trusted tree.
"Merlin have mercy on us," I said, not ready for what this idiot was about to share with us and I think I got few laughs out of that always fucking depressed resistance and order. Good, enjoy yourselves till you can.
"Do you know where is Ginny? We could try to get her as well, the most of best fighters dark side have will be busy with Hermione, so Ginny won't be protected that well," he was speaking very quickly and I can not help but laugh at his words, earning myself few nasty looks.
"Something funny?" Tonks titled her head to the side, while she was watching me carefully. I think she is being careful around me, smelling the hate I had for her.
"Yes, quite yes. You see, your sister does not know how to behave, she was send to disciplinary camp to learn how to behave," I locked my eyes with Weasley, giving him daring look. "But don't worry, if you won't fuck up this mission, you will have Granger back tonight," I winked at him, knowing even if he would gain Granger back tonight, he would be tormented by ideas of his sister suffering somewhere.
"But she is pregnant," he looked at me all confused, oh so he thinks being pregnant means she is safe there?
"And? I mean, if the bitch is wrongly behaved, she can pass it on the bastard inside her and let me tell you, Daph doesn't want any wrongly behaved child running around," I gave him bright smile, making him feel uneasy was my best pass time there, he is such an easy target.
"What is happening at the disciplinary camp you mentioned," Tonks asked with brows pushed together, looking not happy with the news.
"I don't know the whole extend, but I heard they are treated like animals, you know, kept in stables, fed like animals, beaten if behaving badly, they want to dehumanise them and make them thankful for any shown kindness," I spilled the tea, not bothering to even pretend I feel bad about her.
"Fed like animals? Stables? Beaten? That's not place for pregnant woman," Lupin joined our conversation, looking greatly concerned with the news.
"You at resistance would know everything about that right?" I bite back, sending Tonks very nasty gaze. "How to treat pregnant woman the right way, I think father let himself be inspired by yours ways," I was not lying though, something like these camps were set up in hopes to keep the prisoners of the war in one place with some use to them, the fact even pregnant women were treated badly was result of theirs actions towards me.
"To be precise, we treat our pregnant women very well," Lovegood stepped into our conversation as well, smiling at me with her half lucid smile.
"Right, your, not yours prisoners huh?" I rolled my eyes, trying my best to keep my cool. This was test of my patience, I can't offer to do any scene there, not now, I'm way too close to reaching the main goal. "It doesn't matter, it's in the past, let's move on, it's about the fucking time they will be moving her right?" I turned to face Moody with Kingsley, who nodded to my words, probably thankful I did not caused any scene. Just wait, you will see.

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