Chapter fifty - two

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How to describe the days which followed the pretty hot and passionate revenge fuck with Draco. It's kinda funny how it all played out, I planned to keep it from him, but it looks like that was not what my fate had in plans for me and I'm kinda ok with it, it's better if he knows, it makes it all easier.
For example, that little fucker keeps a fucking Granger around when Theo comes, it's like he wants me to know, if I will cross the line he will as well. She was placed most of the time in the corner of the room with book in her hands, but that lasted only till Theo kept his distance, if he came closer, Draco would bring her closer to him as well. That was fun to watch, he clearly was not interested in her at all, the way he needed to force himself to bring that bitch closer was hilarious and I enjoyed every second of that. What comes around goes around huh?
What was even more hilarious was the fact, that Daph, Matty or Theo was unaware of the fact, that Draco knows and Blaise, Astoria and Pansy were completely unaware of anything. Matty was sending me warning looks when I overstepped any boundaries and was way too close to Theo, Daphne tried to do the same in very low manner, not like her husband. Theo didn't minded at all, acting like everything was completely find and he did not banged his best friend's wife. Draco tried to act like he was completely alright, even though he had murder written in his eyes every time I was way too close to Theo. Blaise, Astoria and Pansy were completely clueless, not finding anything weird or strange, which means that me and Theo must have been way too close even before and the only one who was clueless back then was me. It was like some telenovela, it all became more complicated but damn it was way more entertaining than ever before.
"Tell me Pansy, how close is your wedding again?" Draco asked Pansy, who was helping to baby proof the living room take in our manor.
We all were there, the whole group and Granger as always was placed happily in the corner, reading, ignored by everyone. It was one of these evenings where they help me complete the planner I set up, it came with less urgency from my side since I started to practice more relaxed lifestyle, which payed by with lack of bad days.
"Ah! Don't even make me started, it's in two weeks and this idiot did not even helped!" She whined while she was trying to lock the doors of cabinet full of artefacts I don't want around the baby but not that dangerous to keep in the attic.
"You don't even let me help you," Theo defended himself, rolling his eyes over shorting out any potential sharp objects and placing charm on it to keep the object in place.
"That doesn't matter," she said with irritation in her voice, making me laugh at theirs bickering and Draco's failed attempt to piss me off.
"Pansy, you would not even let him help you, if he would try to help, you would curse him, be for real," I laughed from my own place in comfortable armchair, taking full advantage of my sickness and ditching this chore completely. I will enjoy picking outfits way more than this. I don't understand why I was whining that I can't do the whole baby preparations by myself back then, probably forbidden fruit just calls the most right?
"True," she pointed at me, joining my laughter as well.
"Two weeks? Didn't knew it was this close," Draco replied with a surprised voice, really, this man is way too much sometimes. Like the fact this two will get married would change anything.
"Yes, I needed to push is before Blaise and Astoria because I will be spending next few months in France, gaining ideas and inspirations for planning another balls and galas," she happily replied, now in way better mood. What a surprise, very convenient I must say, next few months away, a lot of free space in Theo's manor.
"Really? I didn't knew about that," Draco looked truly baffled, he must have realised the same thing I did, because he asked right away. "Will be Theo coming with you?" So fucking obvious love, always so obvious. He got suspicious looks from Mattheo and Daphne.
"He will come and go, you know how he is, can't stand in one place for long," she explained, sending Theo a sly smile.
"Right," Draco nodded, giving me quite an unpleasant look, like I'm the one to blame for this.
"Nice, we can spend more time together Theo!" I clapped happily, laughing when almost everyone started to laugh, some uncomfortably trying to mask theirs shocked expression for my reaction, others honestly, thinking I want to just spend more time with my best friend and some ditched the laughter completely, like Draco, who only raised his eyebrows at me.
"Sure we can, if you need to catch a break from a fucking Granger, my manor is open," he smiled at me with a broad smile, winking.
"Yes! I can't imagine how it's like to have that things around nonstop, I heard Nott manor is doing wonders to you," Pansy nodded, fucking winking at me as well, smile on her lips. She surely knows, I can see it on her eyes. It looks like we both are even now as well.
"Yes, it does, thank you Pansy," I smiled at her with a thankful smile, happy she choose to take this with a light heart and don't cause a scene or hold it against me. I swear in this friend group can't be anything secret.
"I would suggest jacuzzi at the north wing, very relaxing place," she wiggled with her fucking eyebrows at me again, making me laugh with my whole heart. She is fantastic after all, now I kinda can't hold anything against her and fuck what a posture she took to this news is amazing. It's true she is unfaithful as well, just like Theo, this two are two whores in one marriage, really, sometimes even I think if this world is alright, it's all just messed up, but damn it's fun.
"I will surely give it a try, thanks for advice," I nodded, giving Theo suggesting look to which he only winked back, it will be nice to fuck there.
I noticed Daphne and Mattheo coming closer to Pansy, like a pair of fucking imbeciles, look on theirs faces priceless.
"I might know something," Daphne whispered towards her, looking around if Draco is close to them.
"Do you know something?" Mattheo gave her important look, I was fighting so fucking hard to keep the laughter inside me.
"I might know something," Pansy raised her perfectly shaped eyebrows at them.
"Tell us what you know, if it's the same something as ours," Daphne had fucking flickers in her eyes as she kept whispering.
"How can I know you two mean the same something like I do?" She crossed her arms on her chest, sizing both of them with an unimpressed look.
"And how we can know if you mean the same something like we do?" Mattheo replied with the same attitude.
"You don't know anything," Daphne snickered at her, trying reverse psychology, but Pansy only raised her eyebrows at her unimpressed at all with her tries.
"You are unbelievable," Blaise shook his head, standing just a few steps away from them, his words made all three of them jump slightly.
"I swear this is just golden," I walked towards Draco, who could just as well have a stormy cloud above his head at this point.
"I must admit it's entertaining," he turned to face me, his eyes lightly covered in unwillingness to even let me go anywhere.
"Don't be gloomy, we have our deal," I reminded him, smiling gently at him.
"I know," he sighed, taking me into his arms, which I gladly accepted and buried my face into his chest. "But it does not make it any easier."
"Fuck Granger, you will feel better," I tried to joke around and it looks like I hit the right nerve, because he started to laugh a little.
"Like that would make anything better," he pressed kiss into my hair, keeping me close to him.
"You know, I should be the gloomy one there, you made another bitch pregnant," I remained him, really, men and theirs pride and ego.
"Point made there," he laughed, turning me around and walking me back to my armchair and sitting there, taking me on his lap.
"What about yours Blaise? How far away is the wedding?" Draco asked for a change Blaise, who was still making fun of the three little idiots gossiping around.
"Around a month or so," he replied, uncertain whether he got it right or not, it looks like he was not so interested into the wedding just like Theo.
"Month," Astoria nodded, smiling happily at him, in contrast, she was excited about her wedding, the most of all of us girls ever was, even me, I was looking at wedding like a necessity to finally be allowed to spend the rest of my life with Draco, but Astoria found the whole ordeal so exciting and romantic.
"That will be intense, two weddings in almost a month," Draco took a cup from the table behind my armchair and pressed it into my hands, to drink it. Even after everything what had happened, he never changed his caring nature about me, always making sure I was alright, I didn't needed something or felt alright.
"Plus Lory can't get wasted at all, it will be endless for you," Theo reminded me of this fucking fact, which I tried to don't think about. I always survive this kind of events under the influence of weed and alcohol, it makes it all more fun and the time flies by way faster, it makes it bearable, but now, since I can't do a single shit I would normally do to help me survive this ordeals, I will be exposed to everything in full force.
"I will show up, stay for the wedding and then leave, I don't plan to tease the curse that much," I smiled innocently, making escape doors for myself. If I play the cards right, I will both support my friends and be there for them in this crucial life moments and at the same time I will be able to spare myself from such a situation, where I will be needed to witness everyone getting drunk and having fun while I will be bored to death, sober as fuck.
"Sly bitch," Daphne erupted into laughter, completely seeing through me.
"What if I will have bad day when the wedding is taking place? That's what matters the most, because if that happens, I will miss even the ceremony, which will sucks greatly," I pouted, resting my head against Draco's shoulder behind me, he kissed my neck lightly, placing his hands over my stomach, sending shivers down my spine. It's nice that this time there is under palms of his hands little bean, this habit of his, placing hands over my stomach, it was always so sweet and now I cannot help but feel emotional about the fucking fact there was baby, our baby, he was protecting with his hands, not just an empty womb.
"Don't try to jinx it, you will rest and relax, that's an order not a question," Pansy pointed finger at me, giving me very important look. "I'm not having you missing this two weddings Mrs Malfoy, me and Astoria worked our asses off to make them perfect."
"Plus you are greatly important to us all, it won't be the same if you would not be there," Astoria made a sad face, making me smile like a idiot, it was nice to hear something like this.
"I will try to relax as much as I can," I promised, making sip of the calming tea, taking deep relaxing breath to show her I mean my words.
"Will you be taking that bitch with you Draco?" Blaise pointed with his head towards Granger, who was now watching me and Draco instead reading her book. I tracked her gaze and noticed she was watching Draco's hands on my lower stomach, his thumb gently brushing there. Ah, Miss Granger was jealous, I see, so Draco was telling the truth when he was talking about how messed her head was. Muggles have for this shit name, Stockholm Syndrome I think it's called and fucking hell it gives me a lot of room to play with her if it's really true.
"Nah, why would I?" He was obvious to the reasons behind this question just as much as I was, really, why would he?
"I don't know, she is there all the time with us, though you wanted to slowly incorporate her into our group," Blaise shrugged with his shoulders, he himself completely oblivious to the real reason why she is there.
"He is right, that bitch is with us all the time, it's irritating really," Astoria nodded, backing up her future husband, I love this about her, she would never allow for him to be alone in his statements, always behind him, having his back.
"Right," I covered my mouth, trying to contain myself at least a little bit. I swear this is so precious.
"Mr and Mrs Zabini, there is a whole big ass reason she is there with us," Draco replied with a laughter in his voice. "And it looks like only the two of us are completely unaware of it," he send Theo a look which made him raise his eyebrows and look at me, to which I only shrugged with my shoulders, pointing my head towards Pansy and giving him back the same look, to which he only shook his head, laughing over his realisation that Draco obviously knows.
"What?" Astoria asked, looking out of place, she praised herself for always knowing everything about everyone, it must be hard reality check missing something like this. Blaise on the other hand was watching us all in silence, thinking hard about something, if it was possible, there would be a smoke coming from his head how much he was forcing his brain into work.
"Oh!" It took him less than a minute, before his face brightened up, to which he gave me and Draco amused look.
"What!" Astoria turned to face Blaise, completely pissed off that now even he knows and she did not, folding her hands over her chest, displaying her displeasure with this situation.
"Remember when we made the bet when the two of them will fuck?" He gave her an amused look, Astoria thought for a moment and then her face turned into surprise.
"No fucking way!" She covered her face, her eyes almost popped out of theirs sockets.
"Care to share with us on what the two of you betted on?" I watched this two with a smile on my face, feeling behind me how Draco was trying to maintain his own amusement, laughter bubbling in his chest, shaking with us a little. I looked at Theo, who was resting against a cabinet, hands folded on his chest and very amused smile on his face present as well.
"It takes him to fuck a fucking Granger for you to bang Theo?" Astoria turned to me, her eyes jumping from me to Draco and back.
"Really Tory? It took you this long to realise this when you obviously knew all along that it will happen?" I returned her an unimpressed look, shaking my head. "From such a gossip girl I would expect way more," I smiled smugly, teasing the shit out of her.
"Sorry to be this late to realise! I thought Draco would kill Theo when that happens!" She tried to defend herself, making me only laugh way harder at the look on her face.
"Believe me Astoria, it takes a lot to don't do so," Draco gave Theo an murderous look, to which he responded with a cheeky smile, not even sorry for the things he did, not like there is any need to feel sorry for anything after all, Draco impregnated fucking Granger, he have no rights to do anything.
"And I was wondering why Lory takes this all so well," Blaise laughed, shaking his head over the realisation of what was happening, patting Theo's shoulder. "She made it fucking even," he got from himself through the laughter, not trying to contain himself at all.
"Well it took you quite a while," I rolled eyes on the two of them, who tried to process the news and looked at Pansy, who was trying to not be way too much obviously with her own amusement over the two of them, but smug smile was present on her with red painted lips.
"I swear they all can be so dumb sometimes," Draco whispered to me, making me turn my head and smile brightly at him.
"Yeah, did you noticed just now?" I wiggled with my eyebrows at him, letting my head fall on his shoulder once again and hiding my face in his neck.
This friend group is really something, intelligent yet sometimes demented as fuck, completely loyal to each other yet fuck around like it was completely normal, composed but having problems with alcohol and weed, perfect on the outside but completely fucked up inside. I think this is thanks to the fact we were raised up in the middle of a fucking war, where traumatic shits was waiting for us at every corner we crossed. It all fucked us quite well, gifted us with a good team of personal demons each of us have. But the good thing is, that we have each others to protect ourselves, to handle the mess our lives turned out to be and back up each others to never be alone, to never face the consequences of our uprisings by ourselves and I'm so fucking thankful for them.

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