An Odd Dream.

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<9:00 A.M. Saturday>

Finn rubbed his eyes, slowly waking up. He yawned and stretched as he got out of his sleeping bag. Jake woke up after him, also yawning.

Finn got up and changed into a blue T-shirt, blue shorts, and a bear hat. He went to go eat some breakfast.

After eating some pancakes with Jake, he grabbed his green backpack, then he went outside to adventure, like usual.

Jake laughed and said, " I bet the IK is out trying to find a princess. "

Finn nodded and replied, " Probably. "

They walk closer to the ice kingdom, and Jake gets an idea.

Jake suggests, " Let's go check. "

Finn shrugs and says, " Sure, bro. "

They walk closer and closer until their at the ice kingdom. They walk into the Ice King's castle sneakily.

" Huh, Günter, did you hear that? " They overhear Ice King talking to his penguin.

" Wenk, " Günter replies.

" You're right, Gunther, " He says.

Finn and Jake are confused. Is it Günter or Gunther? Maybe he doesn't know his own penguin's name.

They sneak to where he keeps princesses, just to see no princesses. Just a piano in the corner of the cell.

Jake whispered, " Maybe the princess escaped. Or maybe he just left his piano in there. "

Finn shrugs.

" Let's just leave, " Finn says as he walks to the open window.

Jake follows behind him, and they both jump out. Jake transforms into a parachute as they land, then back to normal.

They get home and play video games on BMO, their mini robot.

<12:00 P.M. Saturday>

Jake gets up and says, " I'm gonna go to Lady's house. "

" Alright, have fun! " Finn yells out as Jake walks away.

When Jake gets there, Lady waves and says, " 안녕, 제이크! "

Jake smiles and says, " Hey, Lady! "

" 오늘 기분이 어떠세요? " Lady asks Jake.

Jake replies, " Good, and you? "

Lady says, " 사실 난 잘 지내고 있어! "

" That's good! " Jake says.

<1:32 P.M. Saturday>

Finn is taking a nap...

His dream:

Princess Bubblegum says, " Ohh, Finn! Kiss me!! "

Finn's face heats up, and he says, " Uhh... Okay! "

He stands on his tip-toes, and when he is about to kiss PB, she disappears, and he appears in the forest.

" What the math? " *he questions.*

The Ice King runs up to him and starts speaking gibberish, " Ababa! Raaaik! Jjjjaanan! "

The Ice King slowly becomes Simon, but with a white streak in his hair. Finn turns around, confused, and sees a TV with the Cosmic Owl on it.

Then he wakes up.

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