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<3:00 P.M. Saturday>

When Jake gets home, he notices Finn venting to BMO. He's slightly confused, so he decides to ask about it.

" Bro, what's going on? " He asks.

Finn says, " Dude, when the Comic Owl is in your dream, it means either it is real, or has deep meaning. I was just taking a nap, and I had a dream that the IK became Simon, and the Cosmic Owl was there! "

Jake stares at him, still processing what he just said. Jake sits and thinks for a minute.

" Let's go talk to Prismo, " Jake suggests.

Finn nods. Jake grabs a note Prismo gave him and touches the -P on it. They're teleported to Prismo's cube.

" What's up? " Prismo asks them.

" Dude! Finn had a dream that Ice King became Simon again, plus the Cosmic Owl was there! " Jake explains.

Prismo looks slightly shocked. He then calls over the Cosmic Owl.

The Cosmic Owl flies in and asks, " What? "

While pointing at Finn, Prismo explains, " Dude, you were in his dream. "

" Shiiii....Your dream is coming true! " The Cosmic Owl says casually.

" WHAT!? BUT BUT... THE ICE KING?! HE WHAAAAAAT!? " Finn screams, confused.

" Dude, send up back. Finn needs therapy," Jake tells Prismo.

Prismo shrugs and sends them back. Finn is still very confused and wants to know the truth.

" I gotta go somewhere... " Finn says as he walks away.

Jake just shrugs.

Finn goes to Choose Goose's shop and buys a gallon of unknown, mysterious, magical chemical liquid.

" Weird. I'll take it, " *He says.*

<5:00 P.M. Saturday>

Someone knocks on the tree house door. Finn goes down and opens the door. It's the Ice King. Why?

He giggles and says, " HEHE, can I tell you about my silly crazy dream?? "

Finn looks around. " Uhh....Sure? "

" HEHE, I had a dream that I became a scrawny guy with black hair and a white strand of hair! Hehe!! "

Finn stares at him, blank faced.

" Come in, IK, " He says as he invites the Ice King in.

The IK walks in, giggling. Finn tried to move the big barrel of chemicals, but the Ice King decides to run and fly around. He then bumps into, making it fall down, and the lid pops off.

" IK NO! " Finn screams.

The chemicals spill onto the IK. There is so much you that can't even see him under it.

Then something happens....

FJAS (Adventure Time + Fionna And Cake)Where stories live. Discover now