Chapter Six

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We got our bags from the strange revolving thing that spits out bags and, after Ian had to pull me away from the baggage claim due to my fascination with it, he continued in teasing me.

"You know, Nov, it's pretty obvious that you don't travel much, given your lack of social skills and your transfixation to the baggage claim"

"Ian" I said trying my best not to sound like a smartass, which ,I will admit I do often. "Transfixation? well it just isn't a word"

Ian hates being wrong so he quickly changed the subject.

"Nov, I'm gonna call that Benny guy and see about someplace to stay, while I do that can you make sure we didn't forget anything?"

I knew he was just trying to get me out of his hair but I went with it. Although he was playing it cool I knew he was freaking out internally, so I just pretended to be sorting through out stuff, but really I was trying to overhear the phone conversation, but due to Ian's habit of only talking on speakerphone I could hear the whole conversation. It basically went like this:

Ian: Hey, is this Benny? My name is Ian and I'm calling because me and my friend need a place to stay?

Benny: Did that bitch Shane give you my number? I thought I told him to stop fucking doing that. "We have to many of them already" I told him, but did he listen? NO!

Ian: Well I'm very sorry about this then, but I really need somewhere to stay. You see, my friend and I flew in from the United Sates and, well we can't go into details but.

Although at this point he paused and summoned me to come over there.

"I think something weird is going on. Nov, I think that man somehow new about our, um, abilities"

"You know when you have conversations you should really turn speakerphone off" Benny suddenly said through the phone.

Ian and I exchanged glances of horror. When I finally got over the initial shock I spoke softly into the phone incase anyone may have overheard.

"Do, do you? I mean... well, um... are there others  with abilities regarding...well the extraterrestrial?" I barely managed to stutter out.

"Kid, relax" Benny said while seemingly chuckling at our panicked states "Yes, there are others with your abilities here" He paused for a moment before continuing. "Let me see, we've got Amanda, Ben, Francis, Jennifer, Alexander, Erin, and Julia"

Ian and I just looked at each other in disbelief. I mean imagine being called an outcast for all your life. Knowing things nobody else would understand or even believe, only to discover that you aren't alone. To discover that you aren't insane or some freak of nature. Just take a moment to imagine it. My mind was racing and god knows Ian's was too. I barely remember anything else of the conversation except for the address.

We quickly gathered our stuff, got a cab and in what seemed like hours of crazy thoughts and small talk we arrived in front of a rather shabby, broken down white dual level house with goddamned bars on the window. I wasn't sure we had the right house so I checked the address, but it was definitely the house. Ian and I then quickly thanked the cabbie and started towards the house. With every step I started to feel strange. I felt as if we were being watched. I glanced up at the rusty barred windows complete with vines creeping up the sides and wondered what the hell this place was. I was kind of scared, but I got up my courage a knocked on the large oak doors.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2015 ⏰

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