Bio of Lily

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Here's the detail about Lily...

Lily (character)

Lily (character)

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Alias: The Fantasia, Song of Hope

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Height: 169 cm

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Blonde

Blood Type: O

Personal Information

Family: Unnamed mother (deceased)

Status: Alive

Faction: The Empire (formerly), Revolutionary Army, Night Raid

Teigu: Crystal Empress - Gaius


Lily is a beautiful young woman with long blonde hair and blue eyes, having lean and slight curvy figure.

She wears quite revealing outfit which consist black top with front iron armor with shoulder sleeves that have cloth tied around her left arm, a pair of black-yellow fingerless gloves, white-yellow miniskirt with large black belt, and a pair of black-yellow high heel boots. She also wears a black choker at her neck, and a head accessory.


Lily is polite, respectful and generous young woman, been known for her cheerful side. And as a singer, Lily known to be famous around people, she always being kind and friendly toward her fans.

However, Lily's true personality are completely different. In truth, Lily is tomboyish, somewhat rude and a heavy drinker, showing she is much more bad girl personality. This was caused by the betrayal of the people she trusted, feeling that trust wasn't for everyone, but for those she truly have faith and believe at. She become a heavy drinker so she can use booze to forget about things she dislike.

Despite that, Lily is nice toward people she familiar with and befriend with. She cares and generous toward them, even would break into silent tears if they loses a friend because she hardly can overcome the death of someone close to her. Because she constantly being called as "young miss" by many, she started to hate it and view the call as very annoying.


Lily was born in a wealthy family in the Empire, and even her father is a relative to one of the nobles in the Empire. She was mostly raised by her mother because her father was a womaniser. After her mother died due to illness, Lily decide to leave and chase her dream to become a singer. While she was moving around the Capital, she was invited into the group of singers known as Fantasy.

She went through many concert with them, even having fun and meet with people she can trust. However, she met with a betrayal when her so called friends abandoned her at a forest full with Danger Beasts out of jealousy because she was viewed better than them. Before she was killed, she was saved by a group of Revolutionary Army soldiers.

After she was saved, Lily joined the Revolutionary Army. Through training and experiencing multiple things, Lily later become a much more talented and famous singer, gaining the title "The Fantasia" and capture the hearts of many more than when she used in the Fantasy band. Using her singer career as a cover, Lily perform assassination in and out of the Capital around the Empire without no one suspecting it.

Equipment & Skill

Lily is a talented singer and rise to the top in her career, and even a talented assassin. Because of her talent, she is one of the key informant for the rebels, she even talented and strong enough to wield a Teigu.

Crystal Empress: Gaius - At some point, Lily was given a spear Teigu called Gaius by the Revolutionary Army. The spear capable of manipulating and producing dirt or earth which transformed into crystal at will. She also can create crystal out of nothing with the spear, creating multiple projectiles that can be use as short, mid and long range weapons. Her skill with spears also allow her to use this Teigu excellently.

Expert Singer - Being naturally talented, Lily is a natural born singer. Her voice and tone perfectly sync with any kind of music, allowing her to sing any of kind of song without any problem.

Expert Spear Fighter - After some training, Lily is a very skillful in spear fighting.

Achohol Tolerance - Lily is highly alcohol tolerance, rarely getting drunk. She like to drink different kind of booze whenever she get the chance.

Flexibility - Lily's body is high flexible, making her move around easily and she can even turn her joints without any problem or even feel pain.


• Lily's situation are similar with Kraken; both of them were betrayed by the people they trust. However, unlike Kraken, Lily was properly saved and have only desire for change and stand on the top, while Kraken somewhat forgotten, abandoned and he wish for revenge.

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