Kill the Hardship

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After the formation of a small team built up from what's left of what Night Raid border team, Kraken, Chelsea and Lily work on their own together. They will only report to Najenda when she intend to meet with them. With Kraken lead the team, they are still in test of teamwork. Though Kraken is fine enough letting Lily kill her former band team, before they continue on their own work. However, during the event, another member of Night Raid has gone and descrease the team member once again.


While the forest appear to be calm and fine, it actually not

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While the forest appear to be calm and fine, it actually not. At the river, Chelsea and Lily are cleaning themselves with the water. There are some of the blood stuck at their skin so they wash the blood away.

Lily: Ugh... I can't believe that there's Danger Beast around here...

Chelsea: We had to take this route if we want to continue remain hidden.

Lily: But I really hate it when this blood splashed at me...!

Chelsea: I can say that same.

While cleaning themselves, Lily glance back at the brushes in annoyance.

Lily: Hey, you squid, you're not peeping on us, didn't you?!

Kraken: *in distance* Who do you call, squid, huh?! And I'm not peeping at all! I'm busy myself!

After done with their cleaning, Chelsea and Lily dress up into their clothes. They head toward the camp area they've set. When arrive there, the girls sees that Kraken have captured several animal including few Danger Beast, which most of them are edible.

Kraken: Oh, you girls are here.

Lily: What's up with all this prey? Did you catch them yourself?

Kraken: What else?

Chelsea: I don't know if I should be surprise or being calm.

Kraken: I'm not that good when it come to cooking, but what about you two cook? After all, you girls are better at it.

Chelsea: Well, when you put it that way...

Lily: Then we'll just fine doing this.

Kraken: Good girls.

Both of them take out their cooking tools before they start cooking. Kraken just have to wait and guard the two girls in case of any danger came.


(Night Raid Capital Base)

After the lose of Sheele, the team was trying to recover until they lose another precious member; Bulat. But before he died, Bulat entrust Incursio to Tatsumi and make him the next user. With another lose, that team has no time to just cope but they must act as the Empire seems to be getting stronger overtime as they gathering more people. Tatsumi also train so he can continue to use Incursio and become a better assasin, as he also retrieve three Teigu from the defeated Three Beasts. At the same time, Mine's injury has recovered.

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