Prologue 2: Monster

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When Kaya arrived home that day, she was met with the concerned look of her parents, who were both sitting at the table waiting for her. Newly filled with worry, confusion and a hint of curiosity, Kaya went to sit at the table as well, but on the other side so she was facing her parents. They gave her a serious expression.

"Kaya sweetie, we were told something concerning by someone at the market today." Her mother started, and Kaya's worry increased. "We were told you were hanging out with that Uzumaki boy." She continued slowly, and Kaya's worry started to shift toward confusion, though a part of her started to understand.

"Kaya, is he the friend you've been talking about?" Her father asked, just as concerned and serious as her mother, and talking just as slowly. Kaya nodded to her parents.

"Naruto is my friend from the academy." She told them, and they exchanged brief looks of worry with each other before turning back to Kaya.

"I know this may be difficult to hear, but you shouldn't hang around that boy anymore, Kaya." Her mother said, adding a hint of strictness to her tone, and Kaya's eyes widened in shock and confusion and even a bit of anger. She didn't like where this conversation had gone, or where it was going.

"Why not? He's really nice! I won't get into any trouble, so..." She started trying to defend, not wanting to be forced to stay away from her friend.

Her mother took a deep breath before answering. "Kaya, he's a monster. You shouldn't be around people like him." She said, and Kaya's anger grew. She couldn't contain it, though she had tried.

"He is not! He is Uzumaki Naruto, and he's really nice! He's not a monster!" Kaya raised her voice in defense of her friend, and this shocked her parents. They weren't used to seeing Kaya so upset. But they knew that their message wasn't getting through to her. They would have to tell her. It's for her own safety after all. If they don't tell her, then she won't distance herself from that boy.

Kaya's parents exchanged uncertain looks for a moment before Kaya's mother took a deep breath to brace herself for what she was about to say. It was against the rules, but it had to be done. It's the only way they can convince her... "Kaya, I need you to listen carefully okay? Mommy is about to tell you something very serious, but it's important that you don't tell anyone that you know. Okay?" Her mother started. Kaya nodded, not really wanting to listen but wanting to know what it is her parents had to say that was so serious.

Exchanging one last look with her father, Kaya's mother continued with what she was going to say. "Six years ago, the Kyuubi no Kitsune came to Konoha and started destroying the place. It killed a lot of people and took away a lot of people's homes. The Kyuubi is sealed within that boy, Kaya. He has a demon sealed inside of him." She explained, and Kaya became furious.

"You guys are horrible." She said as she angrily got down from her chair and stormed off to her room, closing her door behind her as she went to sit in a ball on her bed. She was infuriated.

Kaya's parents looked at each other, wondering why their daughter had stormed off like that. Why was she so mad? Did she think they were making it all up to try to keep her away from the demon boy? They both stood up and went to Kaya's door. "Kaya, sweetie. Are you okay? Why are you angry?" Her mother asked gently, though loud enough to be heard. They knew this would be difficult for her, but they didn't think Kaya would react like this. They've never seen her react like this. But her answer wasn't what they had been expecting to hear.

"Naruto isn't a monster, he just has one sealed inside of him. They are two different things! The fact you can't separate Naruto from the Kyuubi in your minds is horrible! Naruto is Naruto, not the Kyuubi! And the only reason Konoha is safe from it right now is because Naruto is holding on to that burden for us! He's protecting us from it, and all he gets in return is hate from all of you!" Kaya called through the door, her anger still showing.

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