Part. 5

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Dinah's P.O.V

Oliver stopped speaking. You could practically see the anger boiling up inside of Ayden. Then he flew away not looking back. 

"Hey. That's not cool man. Don't go after his wife and kid-" Renee started.

"Renee be quiet."

"No he has a point." Curtis intervened.

"Stop! He will come back."

I shook my head at Oliver's stupidity.

⬙ • ⬙ • ⬙

We returned to the bunker and I began to start an argument. 

"What was that?!" 

"He needed to be pushed." 

"No he didn't! He will come back with more power than ever!" 

Oliver looked away as if he knew this all along. 

"There's nothing he can do!" He yelled back. 

"I'm out." 

"What?" John asked. 

"If this is what you're going to do then I'm out." 

"Don't. Think okay." John persuaded me. 

"Fine" I left. 

I decided I neeed to knwo more aboit Ayden. I headed to the one palce I knew would work. Florence Sobel. 

I knocked on the door of a small house on the corner of 12th street and Richmond. A young man in his twenties answered. 

"Hi. Hw can I help?" He asked.

"I'm here to see Florence Sobel." I aid and held up my SCPD badge.

"Alright give me a sec." He said before leaving.

He returned with Florence. 

"Dinah!" Florecne cried letting me in before higging me.

"This is Adam." She introduced the tall hunk who had answered the door.

"We need to talk about Ayden." 

She nodded and sighed. 

"What's wrong?"

"He's not in a great state."

"I've noticed."

We took a seat on the couch and Adam fetched me a glass of water.

"Is this personal or-" 

"Both'' I replied. 

"I guess I'll start from the beginning. When Ayden was 4 he developed Pyrokinesis. At 6 he was sent to live with Dad. A few years after Vincent went undercover, so did he. He went to an island under the protection of the British."

"Speacil ops?"


"ut I thought he was an infantry man?"

"He's both. He's very talented."

I nodded. "Please continue."

"On the island he met a woman named Olivia. They had a daughter. Her name was Alex. Olivia got sick along with Ayden so he killed Kwan Park the man he was sent to kill. He sent for a boat but was Olivia was to sick to go. She killed herself to make sure he could leave with Alex. Alex was ill. She died on the boat ride back to London."

"When you say not the same what does that mean?"

"He was bland and quiet. He cried a lot and he didn't like to talk."


"He blamed himself for her death. When he came home from the island. He was very different. He was quiet and bland. He never talked about it. Dad died from a drug dealer named the count a few years prior. Vincent had already died and that made it worse. He began to beat up drug dealers." She finished looking sad. 

"I'm sorry to hear that. When was the last time you saw him?" 

"Yesterday night. He came home muttering like a robot. He kept taking long pauses between his sentences then he left." 

"Thank you for your help. I will find him" I said getting up to leave. 

She led me to the door and gave me a peice of advice.

"Try not to act like he's Vince. It will make it worse. Also check his apartment and you might find a clue there." She told me.

"Thanks" I said leaving. 

The door closed behind me.

⬙ • ⬙ • ⬙

I walked towards Ayden's apartment. I unlocked the door with the spare key he gave me. I walked inside. The balcony doors were open and the curtains were flying in the wind. 

On the wall were blood stains and glass was on the floor next to two shattered picture frames. I walked over to the sink to grab a cloth and clean up the mess when I saw the sink filled with bloody water. 

My stomach began to feel sick. I went to the balcony and looked out. No one was there. The sun had set and the stars were showing up. I fast red figure darted through the sky. Fire jetting through his hands. I leant over the edge to get a better look and saw nothing but a red hood flying in the wind. 

I rushed to the stairs. I opened the door and was on the rooftop. Standing near the edge was him. He wore a suit of ball fabric with red armor plates on his shins, shoulders, forearms, chest, back, and the rest. His face was covered by a red metal mask with slots for eyes. In his head was a red hood. 

The armor had scratches and bullet holes meaning he had been in a fight recently. I walked closer with caution, keeping my hand near my gun. He turned to face me. 

"Please. Forgive. Sorry." The voice said. 

It sounded familiar but it was croaky and raspy so I couldn't tell. It immediately changed to a more robotic voice. 

"Programming complete. Self preservation systems shutting down. Life support systems slowing. Heart rate unstable" 

He tilted his head and stared at me. 

"Who are you? What do you want?" I asked. 

I was 70% sure it was Ayden but I couldn't be sure.

"I am the Titan. I am here to find the Green Ar-" he stopped and his voice changed back again. 

"Find. Dinah. Forgiveness. Sorry. Pain. Blood. Terror." The voice stopped and went robotic again. 

I walked closer wondering. Once I got a foot away he spoke.

"Heart rate unstable. Body functionality slowing" He shot up into the sky and flew away. I stood there staring. Hoping to learn who was under that mask.

In The End - TitanWhere stories live. Discover now