A new place to play

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Mari had taken Kel, and sunny to the park. Mostly so her and hero could hang out. Yknow, there's.. nothing going on. Just two friends.

As they arrive, mari sits down at the bench, and hero joins.

"Mari! Hero! Me and sunny wanna go in an adventure. Wanna join??" Kel says, he's snapping a lot. He seems not to notice,

"Sorry Kel! Doctor said I need to rest for a while to get my knee better."mari replies, with a sad smile on her face.

"Yeah, sorry bro. Someone's gotta keep mari company." Hero adds. Kel sighs, and grabs Sunny's hand. They run off into the trees. When they stumble upon and old area, that seems like it has been close off since the 70's. It has moss covering what looks like a statue, over top of a small pond.

"What is this place?" Sunny Asks, still holding hands with Kel. He holds on a little tighter. Sunny has never been a tough boy. Kel dosnt notice. He seems intrigued by the new place, and pulls sunny to the pond.

Kel puts his hand in the pool, bringing out dead grass and insects. Sunny closes his eyes in fear..

"How are you not terrified of those?!" Sunny's asks, his hands still covering his eyes.

"I have a pet beetle! Her name is sally.. she's the daughter of my old beetle, Samantha! Who was the daughter of my other beetle.. sally senior. I love bugs!" Kel replies in a happy tone. Sunny just a giggles, and wonders how he can have something like a beetle just hanging out in his room. But Kel is a pretty weird kid. He's still fishing out grass from the pond.  He slaps it onto the ground beside him. The sounf makes sunny shiver.

Kel finishes fishing the dead plabts out, he feels very accomplished. Sunny looks at him in awe.

"Sunny? Your staring at me."

Sunny shakes his head, getting out of his state. He smiles nervously, but Kel just jumps up in happyness.

"Wanna go shiw the others the spot???" Kel asks, still snapping.

"Sure." Sunny replies, and without thinking, they grab each others hand again and run off to the bench where the two older children are sitting.

"Mari! Hero! We found a new place to play!!" Kel speaks, almost levitating.

"Oh is that so? Well, take us!" Mari replies, as the four go to the hangout spot,

Hero looks very cautious at the "do not enter" signs, but dosnt want to ruin anyone's fun, so he clears it out of his mind.

"Well isn't this a cool place? I think we outa hang out here everyday, should we?" Mari says, in her motherly tone. Hero nods. And Kel yells "yeah! Yeahh!!" And jumps up and down. Sunny just chews his fingernails. What do you expect, he's six.

Ahh!! Haii!  Short chapter, I know. But you guys are gonna get ALOT more chapters soon. Since I deleted c.ai and now I am not addicted. And I take the bus so.. that's a place to write. I got a lot of motivation from a message I got that said some rlly nice things, so if the person who sent that is reading, thank you so much your too nice 😭 anyyways!!

From the amazing author.. bai!!

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