Chapter 4 - Lakeview Hollow (2nd ed)

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My stomach twists and heart races as we inch closer to Lakeview Hollow. A sign stands on the main street, announcing that it was founded in 1865, with a current population of 1273. I glance over at Aislinn. She yawns as she rouses from a nap before twisting upright. From the corner of my eye, I observe her as she takes in the small town.

"This is what I'm missing the party for?" she mutters under her breath.

Keeping my hands on the wheel, I remain focussed on the road ahead. I know better than to poke the bear. She's been arguing with me about this weekend for a few weeks now. I knew there was some party, and any other weekend I'd be more than happy to let her go. But this was the only weekend I didn't have a shift at work. I thought she would understand. Still, we're here now so we both need to make the most of it.

As I follow the GPS directions to our accommodation I take in the surroundings. This place seems both quaint and elegant with its historical beauty. The gravel road crunches as we slow down meeting the speed limit. Large trees that appear to be almost as old as the town line the street throwing filtered light through its branches onto the road. Wooden benches and lamp posts dot the spaces in between.

My thoughts return to Aislinn. We're here for a weekend to bond, but up until now I hadn't thought any further on it. I need to figure out how we're going to make this work. Scanning the buildings as we pass, I search for inspiration, but the robotic GPS voice interrupts my pursuit, telling me we're almost there.

Following the directions, we pull up outside a well-preserved Victorian home. At first glance, it appears inviting with a beautiful porch at the front, and gabled roof. When I booked our stay and read about the place, I'd assumed it was a majestic manor of sorts, but this house is quaint and unassuming. Despite it being vastly different from my imagination, it isn't disappointing. In fact, I rather prefer this more homely feel. At least the entrance appears that way. I wonder what it looks like inside.

Unlike hotels in the city, there's no flashy lights or excessive commercialism. Nor does it have the boring concrete facades of high-end hotels. There's just a simple, small wooden sign that bears the words 'Lakeview B&B'. It's the only thing distinguishing it from a private residence. Other than its elegance, this place was also quite affordable. That was the silver lining in choosing it.

"Are you coming?" I say to Aislinn from the footpath.

I wait impatiently, eager to see what this place has to offer, as she exits the car before slumping against it. It's not lost on me that she's still feeling dejected, forced to be here with me. I'm optimistic though, so I don't want to say or do anything that might ruin the vibe. Moving towards her, I stuff the keys in my pocket before wrapping an encouraging arm around her.

"Come on, Ais," I say gently. "It's going to be great. I promise."

"Fine," she replies, crossing her arms and shrugging out of my hold.

We navigate the flagstone pathway from the sidewalk to the porch. Twirling green vines twist around the balustrades, with the scent of honeysuckle drifting on the breeze. From the steps, I note a set of cast iron filigree table and chairs with a small pot plant resting on the tabletop. On the other side of the porch is a creaky swing hanging from the rafters. The intricate hand-crafted cushions and small throw make me want to try it out, but that'll have to wait.

I look back at Aislinn, who's a few steps behind me. A blue-winged butterfly rests on the back of her hand. Amazed, I watch on as she raises it closer to her face. This might be the first time in a very long while, that I've seen her truly happy. Something so simple, so small. I wish there was something I could say or do to bring that smile to her face.

Aislinn spins towards the front door as it opens. An older woman, I'd guess in her seventies greets us. She has chestnut brown hair, but the wrinkles at the corner of her eyes and mouth tell me that's not her natural colour. Her clothing would be more suited to someone younger too, but she seems to pull it off well. This lady has a quirky edge to her I believe.

"Welcome to Lakeview Hollow, ladies. I'm Maggie. The owner of this little haven. Come on in. Let's get you two settled."

If I wasn't set on this place already, I would have been after that meeting. Maggie exudes warmth and kindness, and I have a gut feeling our stay is only going to get better from here. There's something about her that reminds me of my grandmother, although Gran never died her hair like Maggie. It's her eccentricity, most likely.

We shuffle into the foyer, following closely behind. Setting my bags down in the hallway, I take a moment to gaze around at the ornate chandelier lighting the area, and the floral plaster ceiling surrounding it. It's even nicer than I thought. Someone has taken great care and pride in restoring this home. There are velvet drapes framing the windows too, with tassels at the centre, pulling them to the sides.

Maggie hurries us through the foyer, and down the hallway lined with pictures and photos. I catch a glimpse of a grandfather clock sitting in a corner, the ticking of the pendulum following us around. I'm drawn to the bay window. Just imagine being huddled up in that nook with a good book and a glass of wine on a rainy day, with the fireplace going just a short distance away. From the window, I can see the forested mountain, and I'm almost certain that's where the lake is.

The hallway opens to a wooden staircase with iron railings. The steps have been polished, but the grooves and scratches from decades of use still peek through the varnish to tell their story. They creak and groan under our feet as we ascend to the top of the stairs where a casual living room awaits. Bookshelves line the walls, and a sofa and two armchairs sit before another fireplace. I'm keen to check out that huge collection of books, so I make a mental note to return to it later.

Our room is one of three guest rooms on this floor, Maggie explains as she opens the door for us. And while the room is quite large, I hadn't realised we'd be sharing a bed. Luckily though, Aislinn doesn't voice her complaint in front of Maggie and I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who saw the ire on her face. But the bed is large. Large enough that we can take a side each and have space between us. It'll be fine. The other rooms are already booked out, so we don't have any other option. I know already that neither of us are willing to, or need to, sleep on the floor.

Centred in the room, the four-poster bed is the main attraction. There's sheer white fabric cascading in elegant layers down the posts, and a luxurious comforter is laid out on the bed. Side tables flank the headboard, each with a lamp and a stack of brochures. On the other side of the room is an antique mirrored dresser, while an armoire and tallboy stand either side.

Aislinn inspects the room as I continue watching from the doorway. My fingers are crossed that her curiosity will bring some enjoyment for her. I want her to discover the magic of this place, and precious moments we can share. She picks up a brochure, her eyes narrowing to inspect it. As she reads her brows furrow.

"Well, I'll leave to settle in," Maggie says. "I'll be right downstairs if you need anything, or if you have any questions about those brochures." She nods towards Aislinn with a smirk, then winks as me like we're sharing a secret of some sort.

"Bonfires at the lake?" Aislinn asks, her voice louder than usual. This event has caught her eye, and I know why. Well, I think I do. It's something she's never experienced before. It's not something that we could ever do in the city. I imagine she's seen it on television before, in a movie or TV show. Either way, I'm ecstatic she's finally got a reason she wants to be here. Maggie nods, waiting for Aislinn to continue. "Is that on this weekend?"

Maggie puts a finger to her mouth. "You know, I'm not too sure about that, but there's someone I can ask. He's always in the know. I'll find out and get back to you." She closes the door behind her, but not before she flashes me another quick wink. I'm starting to this is woman is reading my mind.

With just the two of us in the room, Aislinn collapses onto the bed, arms and legs outstretched. I sit quietly at the mirror, watching as she falls asleep.

Desperate hope beats in my chest, but beneath that, my fear still lingers. 

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