Chapter 15-Audrey

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Saturday rolls around. With luck on my side, I score a sleep in this morning. Although now, time reminds me of my looming date with Max.

I spend the morning getting ready, making sure every single detail is perfect. I settle on a simple outfit that shows off my curves - black leggings, tank top and hoodie wrapped around my waist, in case it's cooler in the mountains. My new sneakers are the icing on the cake, and I pray blisters won't find their way today.

Once ready, I eye the clock sitting on the wall above the television. It seems to tick slower with every second. The steady rise of my heart rate begins, anxiety and overthinking now taking it's turn. As my stomach churns, my head finally has a say, and prompts me to take a deep breath.

Following my routine, I close my eyes and breath until my pulse returns to a regular rhythm. It's just a date, Audrey; you've got this, I remind myself.

The chime of the doorbell shocks me from my calm reverie. I pull the curtain aside and peek curiously, to see if Max looks like his Tinder profile. To my relief, he does.

With false confidence and a smile, I open the door. "Hi, you must be Max," I say, greeting him.

Max stands tall in the doorway, broad shoulders, tan skin that tells of an active lifestyle, and a wry smile. His eyes hide behind dark glasses. "That's me," he says. He raises his sunglasses, sitting them amongst his golden-brown waves of hair, before placing his hand out to shake my own. "And you must be Audrey."

I glance at his hand, pausing for a moment to consider the formality of it all. I widen my smile and lean in to shake his hand. As our fingers touch, though, he pulls me into a warm embrace, as if we are old friends.

"So, Audrey. Are you ready for an experience you'll never forget?"

I'm momentarily speechless. Oh, Lord! Please don't tell me this is another arrogant one! I took a deep breath. "Ready as I'll ever be, I suppose."

I glance over to the couch where Aislinn is eating Fruit Loops. Her eyes are practically laughing at me, and she winks. Her unspoken sarcasm floats thickly in the air, and I'm surprised she doesn't choke on it. Oh well, worst-case scenario, I won't see him again. Best case, well, let's not get ahead of ourselves!

Max's truck has an obvious new car smell, matching the glossy paint and shiny silver rims. The carpet lacks any dirt, sand, or evidence of prior human use. It's quite the opposite to my car, which even after vacuuming always feels gritty, and the only scent my car emits is whatever fast food we last purchased. I buckle my seatbelt yet remain mystified.

"New car?" I query. He nods, reaching over to turn on the radio.

"I needed a new truck," he says. "You should've seen my old girl. Had her since I was eighteen." He pauses momentarily, grieving for the familiar old truck. "I'm still getting used to all the features on this one. What do you think of it?"

Well, at least that makes sense. The thought of him being some sort of serial killer briefly crossed my mind. Thankful now for putting my mind at ease, I reply, "Yeah, it's nice. Very fancy."

Fancy? I reconsider my words. What? Am I seventy-five now? I roll my eyes at my stupidity and clear my throat. With a hint of sarcasm and my best attempt at flirting, I continue, "I bet you say that to all your dates!"

Oh, my goodness! That's not any better, Audrey!

Max lets out a guffaw, and I wonder if he's laughing with me or at me. Either way, he's laughing. I chalk it up to a positive and carry on as usual.

Originally, Max and I agreed to meet at the trailhead, but after quite a few messages attempting to explain the location to me, he offered to pick me up instead. Other than the potential for him to be a serial killer, it worked out well. And in all honesty, the chances of me getting lost on my own were high.

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