Chapter 34-Audrey

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"I'd recommend a full refit for this place," Jim, the electrician, reports. He's an older man, roughly in his sixties, with greying hair and a rotund abdomen that speaks of regular visits to the local pub. He's just completed his inspection of the building. Another man with a clipboard, and a crucial player in our project.

I let out a sigh; while not unexpected, it wasn't the outcome I was hoping for. However, Jake had warned me about this during budget planning.

"When do you think you'll have the quote ready?" I asked, eager to move the project forward.

"Probably by tomorrow afternoon," replied Jim. "I'll have my wife email it to you."

He also mentions that the timeline for completion will depend on the plumber's schedule, as both contractors will work simultaneously. After Jim's left, Jake and I regroup.

We stand together in the foyer, surrounded by furniture that's seen better days. Jake pulls me into his embrace. He always knows exactly what I need, whether it's physical or emotional. Perhaps it's something he picked up from his mother, but I don't ask. It's clear that her memory is still painful for him, and I don't want to add to his burden.

We stay in the hug for a few moments before naturally parting. I can tell Jake is about to say something profound, as he takes in a deep breath. "Well, that takes care of the major tasks. Maybe now you and Aislinn can start thinking about paint colours."

I raise an eyebrow at his suggestion. "Don't you think we're getting ahead of ourselves?"

Jake shakes his head with certainty. "No, on the contrary. If you plan the design now, you'll have plenty of time to explore all your options."

"You mean like making a vision board?" I ask.

He shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly. "I suppose so. You just gather samples of all the things you like, compare them, and then make your decision."

"You make it sound so easy, Jake." I chuckle.

He checks the time on his watch. "Honey, I must go to work. But I'll see you at home later?"

"Yeah, sure," I reply. "Be safe."

We exchange a quick kiss before he hurries off. Despite his unwavering support, the guilt is weighing on me. I know I need to ease up a bit; after all, he has his own job to focus on, regardless of my presence in his life.

As I climb the grand staircase to the first floor, I call out for Ais. Maybe she's in her room? I search the corridor, but she doesn't seem to be there. Frustrated, I return to the staircase and make my way up to the second floor. Following the hallway, I call out her name again. "Ais-linn?"

"I'm up here, Mum," she responds.

I can hear her above me, but I can't pinpoint where it's coming from. Puzzled, I call out once more. "Ais?"

"Over here," she replies, her words ringing behind me. I turn around and find Aislinn's face peering down at me upside down from a utility hole in the ceiling. "I found the attic."

I tilt my head back and look at her more closely. "How did you even get up there?" I ask incredulously.

"There's a door up there," she points out with a mischievous smile.

I snap back, "That's a wall." I wonder if she's lacking oxygen in the tiny room.

Aislinn chuckles. "Just come over here, and I'll show you." She points to a specific spot on the hallway. "Right there."

I spin around, trying to see what she's talking about, but all I see is a hallway.

"No," she stresses, "that space between those two doors."

Audrey & Aislinn: Reset [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now