ZoroxReader "Drunk as Hell"

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The Strawhat Pirates were partying.


Luffy found a reason and now... let's just say it kinda escalated.

"Oh dear god..." You mumbled while standing a
little bit away from the others.

Sanji came over to you. You could already tell,
he was drunken.

"Hey Sanji! What's up?"

He smiled at you. It was his pervert smile, wich meant no good.

"Caaan I seee your woobs? Me and Moosshead
argued whoo you woullld showw zhem."

It took you a minute to realize what he said.

"Pwease (YYYY/NNN )-Chwann. Ony onse or Mosshead wiiillll winn this wet."

You cocked an eyebrow.
So Sanji and Zoro were best buddies when they were drunken?

You had to remember that when they would be fighting again.

But more importantly was the fact, that a man like Zoro was talking about a women. From what you knew him, his only interests were swords, sleeping, drinking and training. You never saw him as the type, who was interested in women, relationships or love in general.

"Okay Sanji let's go to bed."
"YOU WAN TO SEEP WI ME?! Zhis is zhe best day in my lifeee!"
Sanji eyes filled with hearts and the poor boy got a nosebleed, wich sent him flying.

You ran over to him checking if he was alright. Well... he was mumbling some perverted shit, but this was pretty normal.

You sighed and lifted the unconscious man up, carrying him to choppers doctor room, so the little reindeer could treat his blood loss.
Stepping out of the room you started to search for chopper to... well... tell him about Sanjis perverted condition.

"Oi (Y/N)!"

You froze.

The only one on the crew, who had such a deep and sexy voice was the crews beloved swordsman.

You turned around trying to smile, but the dark aura surrounding Zoro made it a little bit hard. He looked more sober than Sanji, but you still noticed the strong blush on his cheeks and nose.

Though the question was if he was blushing because of you or the many beer bottles he drank.

"Why were you carrying the Ero-Cook, huh? Is there something going on between you two?!"

Okay, at least he could speak clearly, unlike Sanji, who would only be understood when the
person, he was talking to, was also drunk.

"What?! No! He was drunken and then he wanted to see my boobs and..."
"Did you show him?"
"NOO!!! Why should I?!"

He looked away but then turned back to you. A rare smile grazing his lips. These lips that made your butterflies go crazy and your heart skip a beat.

No man made you feel the way he did. When you two were training, he treated you like an equal opponent and not a little girl like the boys in your hometown used to. When you needed company, he would just sit with you in the crow nest. You didn't have to explain yourself or talk much, for him to understand what the problem was.

He made you feel special and normal at the same time.
You snapped out of your thoughts when he cleared his throat.
"Would you show me?"
You were confused.
Show what?

He seemed to sense your confusion.
"I mean your boobs."

You were baffled. And then you turned into the brightest tomato.
Why was he asking such a question?!
"N-No you idiot! Why are you guys asking something so... so... so perverted?!"
Zoro chuckled and moved closer to you.

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