Misplaced - Chapter 12

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The sunlight streaming onto my face was a great wake up. So was the throbbing in my hips.
Fucking. Sore.
The arm wrapped tightly around my stomach however was comforting.
"WE HAD SEX LAST NIGHT" I yell bolting upright. Hissing in pain from the sudden movement.
"Ugh bright eyes...why are you yelling the obvious?"
Wow his morning voice is hot.
"Heh sorry Levi...I just got surprised."
"Be surprised quietly"
I shut my mouth and start to think about last night. Boy was it great. I mean seriously amazing. But what were those four little bumps I felt when Levi was inside of me?
No way...he couldn't it's not possible.
"Do you have a dick piercing?!"
"Heh...Frenum is the correct term bright eyes and yea I have two of them. You only just noticed?" He turns to face me with his eyebrow cocked.
"Don't look at me like that! Last night I was too caught up in the pleasure!"
He smirks. "Glad to be of service"
"Shut up"

"Well shit I have to leave for work in an hour."
"Oh?" I mumble my head stuffed into the pillow. "Wait! What's the time?"
"Uh almost 9, why?"
"SHIT Armin's gonna come round and so is Mikasa" I say jumping up before wincing and flopping back onto the bed "shittt"
"Guess I'll go make breakfast.." Levi says shuffling towards the door.
"You don't even know where anything is"
"I'll find it"
Levi's ass looks really good. Especially when he's naked. Eren likey.

Levi comes back into my room a minute later. "Putting on some pants"
"Please don't"
"Sorry Princess but Coconut is downstairs and is probably bleaching his eyes. His words not mine. My cock is fucking great"
"It is"
"Get up Bright eyes I found bacon so that's what we're having"
I pull myself out of bed grabbing Levi's neck and stealing a kiss before letting go and slowly making my way to my set of drawers.
"Wear the red panties"
I quickly change and walk toward Levi who is waiting for me by the bedroom door.

Walking down stairs I see Armin on the couch with his hands covering his eyes.
"I have seen things that aren't meant for me to be seen"
"Armin...it's just a penis"
"Coconut it's my cock get over it"
Me and Levi say at the same time.
"Eren He's your boyfriend I shouldn't be seeing that"
"Well I'm making bacon" Levi waltzes into the kitchen leaving me and Armin alone.

"He doesn't even know where anything is," I grumble "But sorry about earlier, I was too caught up in looking at his fine ass to tell him to put pants on"
"...Forgiven but next time we go out, you're buying"
"Fine! But at least it was a nice looking cock"
"It was" he looks over at me with a grin.
"Thank you, foods ready"

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