Misplaced -Chapter 15

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"Really Levi?" Eren states covering his blush.
"What? Are you ashamed of me?" I say feigning hurt.
"No! Never!" He says scrambling up and jumping into my arms "Im not ashamed you're amazing and hot and really kind and you have great shit jokes, I couldn't be ashamed"
"Hey relax Bright eyes, I was kidding" I say rubbing his back
"I'm sorry" he says burying his face in my hair.
"No I'm sorry, I was kidding sorry for upsetting you, fuck off eyebrows" I say turning my head slightly to glare at Erwin who's trying to hide his smile behind his hand.
Eren lets go and sits back down.

"So Eren...are you a messy person?"
Shitty Brows says turning towards Eren.
"Uh not really I think"
"You're fucking messy, did you see the state of your apartment?" I question sitting down and taking a look around the table. Angel, Armin, Freckled devil. Well not too bad.

Eren looks confused as Erwin lets out a chuckle. "Oh Levi, look at his face, he doesn't know about it does he?"
"About what?" Eren say looking back and forth between us as I try to laser Erwin's face off with my eyes.
"See Levi here is a massive clean freak. Like insanely clean" Hanji butts in with a wide smile in their face.
"Oh...okay" Eren smiles in my direction.
Fuck my life he's so precious.
"Isn't this about a job internship NOT my fucking boyfriend" I snap at Erwin.
"Oh yeah of course" Erwin smiles at me.
"Fuck you Eyebrows, okay so obviously to be in m-our company you have to be pretty fricken decent at drawing and businessey stuff."
"Wait what is your company actually for?" Bright eyes pipes up.
I give him a flat look. "You don't know?"
"Yea I didn't sign up for the internship, Armin signed me up"
"Well...figure it out, I think it will be fun for all of us who do know"
"Leviii that's not fair!"
"OH that's a great idea Levi! Little Eren's gonna have no idea" Hanji pipes up.

"I don't need this bullshit," he says getting up with a frown "Sorry Armin but I'm fucking out, I'm not taking part in this game or this internship. Levi I will see you later and don't expect any ass soon" he grits out before leaving the building.

Well...bright eyes has a little temper doesn't he.
"Moving on" I say turning towards the group of applicants, "I want to hear what experience you have in the art of body modification"
"Levi...that doesn't have anything to do with the company" Erwin says looking at me strangely.
"Shhh I'm seeing what kind of people they are, and stop looking at me like that."

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