Woods & ASL

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Lara's little mumbles of thanks were adorable. Her words slurred, becoming the soft snores of sleep. Smiling down at her face, softened by the relaxation of unconsciousness. patting Hannibal as I stand, moving as silent as death to sit in the chair by the window. The two of them needed a rest, I would keep watch so that they could sleep in peace. Staring out the window I begin the long wait until morning sun rises.

Lara made little noises in her sleep, talking here and there. Random little things. The only thing I could make out was a name, Ryan. She just kept saying Ryan. He must be really important to her. Earlier when she had talked about him her eyes had lit up. She cared for him.

I find myself switching between watching her sleep and looking outside. It was a bit creepy, stalkerish but I couldn't help it. She looked so peaceful. So real, she was alive. Just a few feet from me, I was still in shock.

Hours pass, dragging on. I start to dread the dawn. When the sun rises then so will we. The others... we are going back for them. I will have to face him. This fear inside had lived there for so long it had seeped into my bones, infecting every part of me. I should have done something about all this sooner. If I had just done something back then... the others wouldn't be facing him. The thoughts are useless, what was done was done. Nothing left now but to look forwards. If you had gone after him then all you would have done is die and you know it.

Every second that passed set me more on edge. Deep breathes Annabelle, let their peace seep into you. I watched the two of them, so peaceful. Filled with the wonderful bliss of slumber.

My hands itched to capture the image. My two favorite people curled up, safe and sound. First I should make sure that everything is locked up tight. I walk around the cabin, shoving pieces into the window sills to keep them from opening. No more unexpected guests coming in through here. The front door is locked but... just to be safe, I push one of the armchairs from the fireplace and shove it up against the door. Lastly I make sure all the blinds are shut tight, going so far as to duct tape the edges. Every window has a little spot where I could move the curtain to see outside.

I grab my notebook and move over by the fire, the flames dance across the stark white paper. My rifle is propped up against my chair, easy to reach. With all that done I settled in. A little drawing will help to calm my nerves and get my mind in the right headspace for what was to come.

The soft scratch of pencil on paper. The crackle of the fire. Hannibal's paw twitching in wolfy dreams. Lara's soft snores. I let every sound, every sensation permeate into my skin. Rooting myself in this moment, in the here and now.

The image slowly takes shape on the paper. The curve of Lara's cheek, that adorable fluff sticking up around Hannibal's collar. I let my mind empty, nothing but the next line needs to be thought about.

The sun crawled up the horizon, the light bleeding through the curtains. Warming the space. Casting its soft glow around the room. Lara stirred, shifting in the bed. Her movements are jerky. She sits up quickly, eyes darting around the room. Taking it all in. Her eyes linger on Hannibal. The furry thing seems to calm her. She rubs the tiredness from her eyes.

"Annabelle?" Her voice is shaking, fear bleeding through. I stand immediately from my little chair in the corner. My hands find her shoulders as I try to push her back down. She needs her rest. Both of us needed to be in top shape if we expected to get her friends back. Lara struggled against me, apparently she had other ideas.

"Sorry I'm not a good patient," She says while rubbing her face some more, I give up on trying to get her back to sleep. The stubborn woman would do what she wanted and listen to no one. Her stomach growls, loudly. "I need food, and water. And i need to go to the crash....see if those rippers left anything behind," what she needed was to rest. Food and water would be good but running back out into the fray in her condition was unwise. She was going to be stubborn about it, I could tell. there would be no talking her out of going. I sigh and pull out my metal water bottle. I pass it to her followed by a big piece of jerky and a protein bar. I could at least make sure she ate before we set out.

Lara gulped down water, I could hear her swallowing. I wasn't surprised, she had lost a fair amount of blood and had been running a lot the day before. She was ravenous as she tore into the food I had given her. I give a little space so she can eat. Going into the bathroom and closing the door. My clothes hanging hapazardly around the room were dry. I quickly dressed in them, tucking the others into my pack. We had a long journey ahead of us.

When I came out of the bathroom Lara was dressed in her clothes from before. they were gross but at least they fit her. Less chance of her getting snagged on anything. Lara was throwing her hair up into a ponytail,

"Which way to the road?" I smile, Lara was quick to get to the point. Hannibal was off the bed, sitting over by the door. He was ready to get out of this place too. The fluffy boy did not like being cooped up this long. He wanted to be out in the woods where he belonged. I move the wagon, Should I put him in it? It would be slower but his wound wasn't totally healed yet. I don't want his stitches to open back up. I sigh, He has her people. The longer we took the worse it would be for them. I would just have to keep an eye on him. Keep an eye on the both of them. Looked like I would be playing nurse until they healed.

Pulling on my bag and strapping Hannibal's to him. Knife, bow and rifle. A quick look at Lara before handing her my rifle. I was a better shot with that thing but she needed something to defend herself with. She could hold on to it until we found her something better. I also hand her one of my knives.

I take a deep, bracing breath before shoving the furniture out of the way and opening the door. Lara and Hannibal follow silently as I lead the way through the forest back to the town. We could trace the road from there to find the car wreck and see if there was anything salvageable.


I followed after her and watched Hannibal. There was something about the way he moved. The bandages wrapped around his middle gave a hint to it. He was hurt. I had the overwhelming urge to push forward as quickly as possible but that could hurt him.

Ryan's words repeat in my head, 'Slow and steady. Until you get caught, then run like hell' I smiled slightly at it.

"Hey since we're walking you can show me some more words in sign language?" I ask Belle, now was a good time to learn how to communicate with her again. The paper was fine but if we got into a situation it would be nice to be able to understand her. It was another kind of survival skill out here in the apocalypse and I was eager to learn.

Belle smiles and does something with her hands. I watch every move carefully so I can replicate it later. She writes something on her notebook.


Names in sign can be a little funny. They don't have actual names per say. You have to make up your own signs for them. This one is made up of the letter L and the sign for trust.

I read her words, she does the sign again, slower this time. Trust. So I'll have to figure out a sign for her. Maybe after I know a bit more signs. I smile.

Belle continues on like that, showing me words with her hands then writing their meanings down. Belle, ever the planner, starts with the most useful ones. Signs for things like walkers, go left, circle back. Anything and everything we need to communicate quickly in case of an emergency. Plan ambushes and kill walkers and rippers.

I pick up the words quickly, almost like a kid eager to show everyone something new I learned. I want Belle to know that communicating with her is important to me. That no matter how much time passes or what has changed in the world we will always be family.

Belle keeps looking around. Every part of her is on high alert. Cautious to every sight and sound. Did she even sleep last night? Belle closes her notebook and puts it away before signing.

'Silence, we are close'

Stage One: Hope in DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now