Chapter Five: Invitation

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Follow me on TikTok guys! I make edits:) the account is Called "NatsPxrker" :)

Not proof read

                              Taylor's pov

I breathed in and out nervously as I waited for the call. Travis and I decided that we were gonna FaceTime for the first time later.

I donned a white knit sweater with some basic blue jeans. I put on a little bit of makeup because I wanted to look pretty but I didn't want to put on too much 'cause I didn't want him to think I was trying too hard.

He said he would call me after his football practice which would be over at around 5:30. Olivia had made her way into my lap and was cuddling into me while Meredith laid on a chair in the corner lazily while looking at us with a somewhat scowl, and Benjamin was around here somewhere. He's been acting sad and lazy since Joe am I broke up since he was like the cats dad. But we did decide on joint custody so Joe will be shipped off to London in a couple days to spend a month with Joe and we'll switch back and forth.

I got lost in my thoughts until the ringing of my cell phone snapped me out of it. I grabbed my phone quickly. I felt that he was now worthy enough to be in my phone as Travis🏈🥰 but if he asks, I only put the football emoji, not the heart face.

I waited a few seconds so I didn't seem like I waited by the phone, even though I did. I breathed in and out and clicked accept. Travis' cute face appeared on the screen. "Hi." I said with a smile.

"Hey, darling. What are you doing?" He asked and I tried to look like I wasn't affected by the pet name, although I was. "Oh, uh, nothing much. Just lounging on my bed with Olivia while Meredith scowls at us from the corner." I chuckled, showing him the cats.

"Awe, they're adorable." I smile softly as I turn the camera back to face me. We sit in silence for a few seconds, both smiling, as I speak back up. "Uh, sorry I don't look all pretty. It's been a quiet day." I say shyly.

"Huh? I don't know how you're talking about because the girl that I see on my phone screen is looking absolutely gorgeous." He replies and my face blushes red. "Uh, thanks. The guy on my phone screen looks pretty handsome too." I say, now feeling a little bit more confident.

"Why, thank you, darling." He smiles softly and I felt the butterflies returning to my stomach.

"So, uh, I wanted to ask you a question... if you didn't mind?" He asks, now getting kind of shy, which I thought was adorable.

"Sure." I smiled softly. "Uh, so I have a game coming up on Sunday, and I know that you're a really busy person and probably don't have time... but if you did... I was wondering if, maybe, you'd want to... come?" I found it very adorable how he stuttered the whole way through his question.

"Hm, where is this game?" I replied.

"Kansas City, it's a home game." I thought about it for a few seconds. "What time?"

"It starts at 4:25 but there's a pregame kinda party play my house before hand if you want go to that too."


"Okay... what?"

"Okay, I'll go."




I chuckled at his enthusiasm. "I would love to go. I think it'd be cool and I'd love to see your handsome face on more then just a screen." I see him blush a dark shade of red which was a nice change from him always making me blush.

"That's amazing! I'd love to see your gorgeous face up close and off of a screen, I would also like to have one of your life changing hugs." He smiles.

"Life changing? Is that what people are saying?"

"It's what I've heard! I've also heard you smell amazing, but that doesn't come as a surprise to me."

"Well, sir, my secret is Wonderstruck by Taylor Swift!" I reply.

"You have your own perfume line?"

"Yes sir."

"Hm, well I can't wait to smell it to see- wait, that sounded wrong! I just meant that I can't wait to see you- and it's not like I'm just gonna smell you randomly- but like I'll probably be able to smell you anyway since- well he hugging- uh..."

I laughed at his awkwardness. "Hey, Trav, Trav, I understand what you mean, baby." I saw his cheeks flush red as he looked down, probably because of the pet name that I called him, but now he knows how it feels to get called a pet name, which isn't bad, I mean it in a good way. I'm a sucker for pet names so I hope that he is too.

Suddenly, a phone call from my mom over Travis'  face. "Hey, you disappeared." Travis says and I can tell he's pouting. "Sorry. My mom's calling me. If I don't answer she'll probably call the police out of worry so I should go. But we'll figure out all the details about the trip tomorrow, 'kay?"

"Yeah, night doll."

"Good night!"

I ended the call and picked up the FaceTime call from my mom. Her slightly worried face showed on my screen. "Hey, honey! Why'd you take forever to answer? I was getting worried?"

I chuckled. "Sorry, mom, I was talking to Travis."

"Oh! Sorry. I didn't mean to disrupt y'all."

"It's fine, mom, no worries, we weren't talking about much."

"Okay... so. What were you talking about then?" She asked.

"Uh, he invited me to his game on Sunday, actually!" I say excitedly.

"Really? Where's it at?" She asks.

"Kansas City." I reply.

"You're going all the way to Kansas City?"

"Yeah! I really want to meet him." I pause for a few seconds before continuing. "I know I didn't get out of my relationship with Joe too long ago, but I really like Travis, it's very weird. I've never met him but I've probably laughed more since I've been texting him then in the last ten months."

"Well, I'm happy that you're happy. Just take it slow okay. You shouldn't be rushing into anything right now."

"I will mom, I promise."

"Okay, well, I should go. I love you darling. Call me tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay, mom. Love you too!"

We hang up and I set my phone down on the nightstand before smiling giddily and shaking around in the bed. I'm so happy right now!

My dad was being sexist about Taylor and Travis on the way home from my soccer practice so I blasted The Man and yelled the lyrics.

He's also been walking around the house, getting ready for work the next day and singing Mean but changing the lyrics to "someday... I'll be... living with Travis Kelce." And it gets annoying after a while😭😭

You Belong With Me~Taylor Swift x Travis KelceWhere stories live. Discover now